Why am I not losing weight? :(



  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    READ AND GO BY THAT POST! You are not eating enough!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    p.s be patient toooo
  • Sweetpickles99
    You need more calories.
  • raynavee
    You are correct. As long as you consume 500 calories a day under your BMR, you will lose 1 lb per week. What's more than likely happening, is that you're eating too few calories, which is putting your body into "starvation mode". Try increasing your calorie intake slowly until you start losing weight again. Remember, if you do exercise, you need to consume the amount of calories you burnt so that you don't go too far under your TDEE.

    You mean 500 calories under TDEE, not BMR.

    Yes I did. Thanks for correcting it.
  • MLibby84

    ya I agree with the others. eat ,more, and make sure you are eating snacks in between meals. I find measuring my food helps me out a lot to. I have also found when eating a snack in between meals( something small) has helped w/ bigger meals, I dont eat as much.

    Good luck and hang in there..
  • smoyakno128
    smoyakno128 Posts: 6 Member
    It is great to see a fellow skater on this site!! I think you need some encouragement to push past this plateau... Are you eating all of your calories? Make sure you don't go under 1200 so you body isn't "starving". Also, eat carbs before you skate, you will need them for energy, and you will burn them off. My coach won't let us skate without eating carbs before we show up for practice. Maybe you need to try a different exercise for a while, muscle confusion... Hope this helps! Good luck!!!! :smile:
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    MFP told my wife to eat like 1280 calories which doesn't seem right at all to me. She started at 165 and has lost about 8 lbs but the loosing has stop for about a week. Its MFO correct in telling a woman with a sedentary life style to eat that few calories to loose 2 lbs a week? she was trying to get down to 140 lbs. Her height is 5'7".
  • HailyP
    HailyP Posts: 16

    Try reducing carbs, especially bread (even 100% whole wheat), eliminate soda, and reduce red meats/processed meats. I did two weeks of no processed foods and lost 11lbs. Good luck!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    you're not eating enough.

    My guess would be that this is true - have ou calculated your BMR and TDEE?
  • ShimmyMeli
    Don't eat more calories, you are probably just at a plateau, keep at it and it will come off, maybe add some Cardio into your routine?
  • rockymtnlove
    I am 5'4" and 180, and I was barely losing at 1200. upped it to 1500, and have been losing wonderfully!
  • Toddmiam
    I've read that anything under 1400 calories per day will put your body into "starvation mode" and your metabolism will effectively shut down as a survival method.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    My guess is you are not eating enough. Once you get that in check, maybe try adding in some more exercise.
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    You need to eat more. I eat anywhere from 1550-1800 a day and I'm losing.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Are you eating clean? Looks like you need more protein. You can get lattes with sugar free chocolate syrup.
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    Feed your body. Up your calorie intake. Instead of doing 2lbs/week, do 1lb/week (which is the recommended setting) and you'll see the weight come off. It seems completely crazy, but its true. Try it for two weeks, if it doesn't work, then change it again.

    Are you eating the calories that you burn after exercise? You should, MFP already takes a deficit from your calorie intake, so you need to eat those calories back. This is a topic that people do not agree on but I have found that it has worked for me, personally.

    Everyone is different, so you need to figure out your numbers and see what works for you and your body. I do not recommend eating 1200 calories though.

    Good luck!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Figure out your TDEE - 20% for your daily calories.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    "Eating more" isn't always the solution. 1200 calories isn't that low. She's not stalling because she's not eating enough.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    As far as I understand it, although working out helps move everything along, as long as you are ingesting less calories than you are burning, you should be losing weight. Correct?

    Yes, but how do you know exactly what you are ingesting and burning? Calculators are always guesstimates often based on average bodyfat percentages and so average lean mass. If someone consistently undereats the human body is more than capable of saving calories, it thinks there is a famine so will prioritise essential bodily processes. Many people also incorrectly estimate their activity level, sedentary does not mean doing absolutely nothing that is BMR it means less than about 6000 steps a day. Other people are not properly tracking their food, they guess or use cups instead of weighing. Then of course there is the complicating factor of water weight at different times of the month.
  • aebkahle
    aebkahle Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I can feel your frustration through your post and I just hate to see that. I see some very good ideas and suggestions on here but the very best things that I see (and agree with) are:
    Get that heart rate monitor but really research them and decide which one does what you need it to do. For me, if it didn't track calories accurately using my heart rate rather than a pedometer, I wasn't interested. I have the Polar (I can't remember the model) and it's helped me to really see what I'm doing. Before I had my Polar, I was guestimating what I was burning with my Insanity workouts based on what others at my height and weight were burning (Approximately 350 calories per video). I found that I was really burning 400-500 calories per work out! I also learned after wearing it an entire day and night and monitoring the calories burned at work and while I was sleeping that my body burnes about 1 calorie per minute during no activity or very light ativity (my job is super sedentary). So my point is that step one is really learning where and when you are burning those calories.

    Also, I agree that the scale doesn't tell the whole story but it certainly helps. I wouldn't stop tracking that because it also helps you learn how your body reacts to your activities.

    I noticed little or no change when I did Insanity the first time because I didn't change the quality of food I ate. I would eat 1200 cal. per day but it was not good quality (As many others have mentioned here). Beachbody (the folks who make my beloved Insanity) has a ton of free coaches who are all about helping and educating. Mine (Amanda Jones) gave me the recipe to what she calls her "Big as a head salad". And my friend, it really is huge. I am not a salad girl but knew that I needed to get my calories in a way that would make the exercise worth it. So I tried the salad and dressing and I'll be darned if I'm not hooked on it! I've had it for lunch for about two weeks now and have noticed that I feel better, sleep better, and work out more effectively. So what I'm saying here is that the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym" is so very true.

    Please don't give up trying, just take a step back and use this as an opportunity to learn about your body and how it works. I will freely admit to eating nothing but three slices of Papa John's pizza all day because that was my calorie cap and thinking I had done well. I now cringe that I used to do that and know for sure why I was not successful my first round of Insanity! I started Insanity up again December 27th and (with the exeption of one week when the family had the flu..yeay), I've followed the regimine and have been smart about giving my body what it needed and hey, I've lost a few pounds.

    Don't be discouraged, friend, you are among friends who have been there!
    Here's the link to that salad and the dressing, just in case you are interested. That dressing is kind of like...heaven. Seriously.
