Any 'Secrets'?

I've been working out for a week (30 mins of treadmill 7x a week) and I've been closely watching my calorie intake. Does anyone have any tips though on how to boost weight loss? I heard cheat days once a week will make your metabolism freak out and burn more weight? Anything else?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Cheat days won't "trick" you body into burning more. Simple carbs/sugar are evil and eating them will cause you to crave more (yes, even sugar from fruit). Eat vegetables and get enough protein. Add some sort of weight training into your current exercise program. Cardio is good for your heart and burns a few calories, but it won't do much as far as creating a nice shape for your body. Oh, and lifting heavy won't make you bulky.
  • jl_munoz
    jl_munoz Posts: 3 Member
    Build muscle. Burns fat alot quicker than just cardio... Also, check your body fat percentage and track that, more than your actual weight on the scale.
  • k8ecakes
    lift weights. or you can add ankle weights/arm weights to your cardio work out.
  • Arwaxx
    Arwaxx Posts: 113 Member
    lift weights. or you can add ankle weights/arm weights to your cardio work out.

    i should do that hmm! good idea