I totally see how this get addictive...

So I downloaded this ap yonks ago, thought 'That's a cute idea', and never looked at it again. However in an effort to tone up for my engagement party (read, lose the 5kg that has crept on over the course of my Masters), I opened it up a week ago and started logging. And I love it. It's gratifying to know exactly what I'm eating, and it's making me think twice about what I eat, knowing I have to log it. It's making me aware of just how far I have to walk to burn off that row of chocolate, and making me aware of how calorie-rich some of my choices are.

Is this similar to other peoples reactions when they first started using it? Does that novelty wear off? Most significantly, has it helped you reach your goals? Would love to hear from others :)


  • weemocky1mags
    weemocky1mags Posts: 9 Member
    Yes the novelty does wear off lol but I find I keep going back to it which is fab :) it really does open your eyes to your daily intake. I tell everyone about this app. I am sure people think I am nuts. But it's just so easy. Just wish I could stick to it permanently. It gets easier as you go on, as remembers your foods. Which makes the app easier, plus I find you also start to know your portion sizes etc

    Goodluck on your journey
  • krazykat3000
    Hi! I only joined a few days ago but I am finding it quite addictive too! I never really managed to count calories before, and because I am enjoying working out I find it so interesting how many more calories I am 'aloud' after exercising! I try and keep within my recommended calorie intake.
    I have a 'snow day' today where I cant get to work, so I am going to the gym again!
    I hope you get to your goal weight, how much do you want to loose? How long have you got to lose it by your engagement party?
    I want to lose a little over a stone, ideally by the summer.
    Good luck!
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    It is addictive but in a good way. I think actually looking at what you are doing daily basis is the begining of learning how to keep it off. I have always done well writing my food down but when i stop, I find that the weight creeps back on. I call it mindful eating.

    To me whats more addicting is the people. You find yourself wanting to see what everyone else is up to and are they having a good day
  • Msdirection
    Msdirection Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys! Yes, I noticed there was a forum so thought I'd stick my head in and see if it was active - it certainly is!

    So HI! I'm Dani :smile:

    I'm not looking to lose heaps - I well within the a healthy weight range - but ideally about 5kg by the 10th March. I know it doesn't seem a lot, but given I'm already relatively slim it may be a challenge! I can def see me sticking with using this though. More than anything, it is making me consider what I eat in a way I didn't previously. It's easy to gobble down half a block of chocolate when you can put the wrapper int he bin and pretend it didn't happen! But by making myself log things like that, it makes me less likely to do it. So we will see if it helps I suppose!
  • rmgatch
    rmgatch Posts: 38
    Hello. I also find this app very addictive. I too had downloaded a while back and forgot about it. Then end of November I was watching the Biggest Loser and they were discussing keeping up with a food diary. Calories in and calories out was the mindset. Since then I have been logging in to help me keep in check along with the motivation if I want to eat more I would have to exercise more. I do enjoy reading others stories and all the positive feedback.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I've been on here for just over a year now and I am still addicted! It has definitely helped with my weightloss and getting fit. Being able to add exercise calories so I can eat more has helped motivate me to work out more often. Having MFP pals on here for mutual support has helped a lot too. =)