Help! Weight not coming off.

I'm a 27 year old, 6'3, 377 lbs guy who has been following a strict diet of no more than 1800 calories. My diet consist of lean grilled meats, plenty of steamed veggies, complex carbs, and fruits. My exercise regimen consists of Power 90 every morning before work, for the past 2 weeks. I only weigh on Mondays. When I stepped on the scales this morning they said I gained 2 lbs. I've not lost any weight in the past 3 weeks. Can anyone offer any insight because it seems discouraging?


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm a 27 year old, 6'3, 377 lbs guy who has been following a strict diet of no more than 1800 calories. My diet consist of lean grilled meats, plenty of steamed veggies, complex carbs, and fruits. My exercise regimen consists of Power 90 every morning before work, for the past 2 weeks. I only weigh on Mondays. When I stepped on the scales this morning they said I gained 2 lbs. I've not lost any weight in the past 3 weeks. Can anyone offer any insight because it seems discouraging?
    At 377 lbs, 1800 calories is rather low. Especially if you're doing Power 90 everyday.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If your exercise regimen is new you are likely retaining water for muscle repair.

    Are you eating back the calories burned in exercise? 1800 calories doesn't seem like enough to fuel a heavy workout.

    Oh, and most importantly be patient. It's been 2 weeks. Sometimes it takes longer. Just make sure you're accurately logging (weighing, measuring, entering your own recipes).
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Throw the scale away and go off the mirror and how loose your clothes fit.

    Set small PR records or fitness goals then hit those every week or month - you will stay motivated. Also, where did you get 1800 cals from?

    I did your stats in a calorie calculator and this is what i got for weight/fat loss:

    1st number= Maintenance second=Fat Loss third=Extreme Fat Loss
    Monday 4058 3246 3016
    Tuesday 3246 3016 3016
    Wednesday 4869 3896 3620
    Thursday 4058 3246 3016
    Friday 3652 3016 3016
    Saturday 4464 3571 3318
    Sunday 4058 3246 3016

    SO maybe fuel yourself to at least 3k a day for a bit especially if you do high intensity everyday
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    My first thought was that the 1800 calories per day is really low, particularly for the level of activity you seem to be adding.

    Second, while the scale may not be giving you the feedback you want, you should take (if you haven't already) a complete set of body measurements. Those measurements, taken monthly, should begin to give feedback.

    Third, two weeks is really too short for anything. You need to think long haul. Even at two pounds per week you are talking about a year to drop 100 pounds. It is going to be a slog at times.
  • Punisher0822
    Thanks for your input. My daily calorie intake does not account for my exercise routine. About 5 years ago I went from 414lbs to 290 lbs. The weight just seemed to melt off. I guess I'm just being impatient because its not coming off like it did last time. I do weigh out everything on my food scales or measure it out with measuring cups. I did take measurements and pictures before I started so I will reference back to them after four weeks have passed. Thanks again for any input!
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    Kudos on your accomplishments so far. I tend to agree with those suggesting your calorie intake is too low. If you have been doing P90 (not P90X) for a long time then your body may be used to that workout/intensity. However, 2 weeks is not a long time. You may want to intersperse other workout routine to supplement P90 - maybe running, swimming, biking or something with a little more intensity. I've done P90 and it helped me lose 60 lbs at one point but one drawback was that it was way too repetitive.

    Good luck!