Race etiquette

Hi all
Today I took part in my first 10 k race after going from getting out of breath tying my shoes to running this distance. Obviously as this is my first race I was running right at the back of the field. After 8 k I was running in what I thought was last place as most of the of the other runners were club athletes. No problem as this was what I expected. Then a young girl came skipping past me, I plodded on. She then stopped and started walking, as I caught up to her she then ran off again, then stopped and walked again. This was repeated 3 times. I got annoyed and ran like mad to make sure I beat her I finally passed her with about 500 meters to go and as I passed her I turned and saw her face, she was grey with fatigue, but I ran on. I have just looked at the results and she was an under 20 runner. I now feel guilty. Was I wrong?


  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    It's a race. You beat her. Would she feel better if you had purposely let her win?
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    do you think she was trying to compete with you or toying with you with the run/walk?? I highly doubt it. My experience seeing younger runners is that they do take walk some walk breaks. I have been passed by a youngster only to catch up and pass when they are walking only to be passed by them again. I don't think you should feel guilty... I doubt she was even paying attention to you.
  • kcrabtre
    kcrabtre Posts: 34 Member
    Generally the rule most of the runners I know have adopted during races are "run your own race". Training for races is different, as you're there to motivate each other and if your buddy falls behind and needs to take a walk break, you stop and take the walk break with them. But during races, it's acceptable to try and do your very best, even if it means passing youngsters, unless someone is clearly distraught. If I see someone crying I will at the very least check with them if they're okay.

    Race on! Congrats on the finish :)
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    Nope. It's a race. If she wanted to beat you, she should've trained harder.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Leapfrogging with people is pretty common, and so is trying to pass someone at the end. I have often thought something along the lines of "oh HELL no, the guy who ran this juggling the whole way will NOT beat me".

    Congrats on your race!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I've run in dozens of races and been RacevDirector for several others. It's one to put out a big effort at the end of a race if you are close to a PR time. But doing an all-out sprint or getting into a cutthroat battle to decide the difference between 501st and 502nd place looks tacky. Run your own race and finish with class.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I don't understand the question
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Maybe the sound of your footsteps begind he motivated her. When I used to run with my unit we would hear eachother behind and know we had to keep going. She didn't pace herself. That is not your fault. Don't feel bad! yo udid great! good job.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Hi all
    Today I took part in my first 10 k race after going from getting out of breath tying my shoes to running this distance. Obviously as this is my first race I was running right at the back of the field. After 8 k I was running in what I thought was last place as most of the of the other runners were club athletes. No problem as this was what I expected. Then a young girl came skipping past me, I plodded on. She then stopped and started walking, as I caught up to her she then ran off again, then stopped and walked again. This was repeated 3 times. I got annoyed and ran like mad to make sure I beat her I finally passed her with about 500 meters to go and as I passed her I turned and saw her face, she was grey with fatigue, but I ran on. I have just looked at the results and she was an under 20 runner. I now feel guilty. Was I wrong?

    I think that neither of you did anything wrong. Whether she was trying to stay ahead of you or using a race/walk strategy, she did nothing wrong. Its a race! Similarly you did nothing wrong sprinting at the end to pass her. This is very normal for the end of every race. Personally, I like to find someone to follow as a pacer and then pass them (and as many others as possible) near the end of each race. Its not personal, but the competitive nature of races are part of the fun for many people.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I don't understand why you would feel guilty- she's just some random girl right? Except for the elite runners in a race, everyone's on their own. Pacesetting and leapfrogging with the people around you makes the race a little more fun and exciting, and usually helps your overall time. You both probably ran faster overall than if the other one hadn't been there. There's no reason at all to feel guilty- if she was running in the same race as you, you are on even playing fields, no matter her age.
  • no_stagnation
    That sounds common. I think she just wanted to run as much as she could. Pretty common occurance in any race
  • itsallyson
    itsallyson Posts: 24 Member
    I ran through my only half marathon like this

    The thought process is something like
    "Alright **** just run to the end of this song"
    *song ends*
    "ughhh I'm too tired gotta walk gotta walk"
    "okay okay run again at the start of this song"

    Never figured it would annoy people cos I wasn't paying one bit of attention to anyone but me and figured they did it the same.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't understand the question

    ^ This. I really don't understand why you'd feel bad. It was a race. You finished. Congrats on your success.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    You should be thanking her! Your desire to beat her was the thing that made you push a little bit harder and finish with a better time.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Nope. It's a race. If she wanted to beat you, she should've trained harder.


    it's a race.

    most people run their own race and i usually do as well BUT if i can see someone else wants to race me then you better believe it's going to be on :devil:

    and hell no would i feel guilty about winning. i'm competitive and i suspect anyone directly challenging to race is as well.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    Why would you feel guilty??

    We did a mud run a few months ago, and there was a girl in a white shirt who went around every single obstacle and wasn't dirty at all. I refused to let her beat me. And while I was tempted to yank her to the ground by her hair (she kept talking about her "time"), I abstained and pumped my legs as fast as I possibly could.

    (Still dont understand running a muddy obstacle race and trying to stay clean. But whatever)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    My first ever race went a little like this with my friend and I sort of leap frogging a little girl (maybe 7 or 8 years old). Early on, we saw her stop and play with a dog in someone's yard - we passed her. She sprinted by again, next time we saw her she was skipping down a stone wall by a farm. She did some pirouette thing off the wall and sprinted off again. Next time we saw her she was laying flat on her back in someone's yard and singing and clapping her hands. We passed her and didn't see hide nor hair of her until the last 1/8 of a mile. We climbed the last hill and rounded the corner towards the finish and the girl blew by us like she was working a blast of rocket fuel (she ran across the corner through the grass really-which was good because we probably would have clotheslined her by accident). Needless to say she beat us by a fair chunk, and I doubt she felt even the tiniest iota of guilt about it. To be honest, I don't think she even noticed us (we congratulated her after the race and she kind of looked at us like who the *kitten* are you?). She had a blast, we had a blast-but had she been plodding along struggling to finish-we would have run in with her. We obviously weren't at the front of the pack (nor the back), but I guess maybe that's just us.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    most people run their own race and i usually do as well BUT if i can see someone else wants to race me then you better believe it's going to be on :devil:
    Agreed. Screw "tacky!" The funnest part of racing, is... racing! (In fact, that's really the ONLY part of running that was fun for me, LOL.) Any time I ran I always tried to find someone near my level of ability to compete against at the end, and usually someone was willing to oblige. You don't have to be in the front of the pack to enjoy racing.
  • disdatdude
    Bro, there were lots of people behind you. Don't sweat it.

    The thing about the finish line is that everyone is hanging around to support you/clapping, whatever. No one thinks that you were racing the yungin' and trying to make her feel bad. Lots of people try to sprint at the finish line. Many are fatigued that they have to start and stop and start and walk and sprint. Some folks are racing the clock, not the person next to or behind them.
  • solbchgal
    Dude, no offense but your focus is in the wrong place. You yourself said you could barely tie your shoes without being winded...and now you finished a race. Congratulations! I do feel your pain to some extent however. The first marathon I did was in Chicago and I was passed at the finish line by a guy wearing a kilt. After I got over the fact that the announcer forgot to say my name and hand me my medal... because he was so enamored with the clown I realized...I kicked *kitten*. And you should too!