women 5ft 6/7in!!!

hey, just wondering what goal weights the 5ft 6/7in women are aiming for?

im 5ft6 and my starting weight was 63KG, i am ultimately looking to loose atleast a stone before the summer!
feel free to add! :happy:
would be grateful for any feedback.


  • Hi, I just joined today, but looks like we are very similar. I am in the US and use pounds but I am 140 lbs (i looked up 63kg and it said 138/139 pounds). I am shooting for 128 or a 12lb loss. 1 stone equals 14 lbs. My daily goals are 1300 calories. I am already working out 5 days a week for 30 minutes each time. What are your daily goals? (Oh btw, I am 5'7" too.)

    Good luck!! I know we can do it!
  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'7"....pre kids I was always 120-125lbs...but I will be happy at 130lbs. I'm 160lb now....my biggest ever but hoping my summer I will have my confidence back 100% and my body back!!!! Welcome!
  • ginalafevers
    ginalafevers Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - I'm in - and I'd love to be at both your starting weights! I started at 155 last week, down 4 in one week - the food journal has been amazing for me! Exactly what I needed... My workout routine consists of circuit training for 30 min 4 days a week, 30 min of cardio 5-6 days a week. I'm going to try to hit two strength training classes a week starting this week... I'll let you know if I can do it! My goal is 140lbs - once I get there, I'll re-evaluate :-)
  • i'm 5'6'' and currently 158 and aiming to get down to 130.

    i have been gaining and losing the same two pounds since i started a few weeks ago but have lost a few inches and am being patient and hoping eventually the scale catches up!
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I started at 135. Right now I'm 122-123 and planing on sticking to that. Really, I'm more concerned with my BF% than my weight.
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5'7 and started @ 185#. I'm looking to hit 160# first and then decide if I want to go more (I probably will). I'm down about 5 or so pounds but just started 11 days ago. I go to the gym to strngth train when I can but religiously keep track of my food diary and use my home elliptical when all else fails.
  • Hi! I'm 5'7"....pre kids I was always 120-125lbs...but I will be happy at 130lbs. I'm 160lb now....my biggest ever but hoping my summer I will have my confidence back 100% and my body back!!!! Welcome!

    Hi there! I know what you mean, I was always 120ish before kids and even for a few years after having them. I started gaining weight when I turned 36 which was 5 years ago. My goal of 128 might be a little low but I like a little wiggle room because I always seem to bounce up and down 3 pounds depending on the time of month and all of that.

    I am fortunate that for my birthday, my husband got me an elliptical trainer (from Walmart) so I have it set up upstairs and do that 3 days a week for 30 minutes. I also have some weights and resistance bands and other things that I do on alternating days, but honestly I only started that 3 weeks ago and haven't seen any weight loss at all. That is why I joined MFP, so I could track my calories. One other thing is that I quit smoking 3 weeks ago, so I am battling the weight gain that usually accompanies that. So far, I am just glad I haven't GAINED anything, but now I want to get serious and lose so I can honestly say I am all around healthier. Nice to meet all of you! Lets have a super healthy day and I will be thinking about you guys along with myself!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I'm 44yo 5'7", need to drop another 15 lbs or so give or take...looking to weigh about 145 and be muscular, 'cause I like to PLAY!
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    I always thought I was 5' 7" but a recent Dr's visit says 5' 6.5" - I am not quite 40, so the shrinking shouldn't have kicked in yet! Just started Jan 2 of this year and am off to a decent start in my quest to lost about 50 pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • ysanne88
    ysanne88 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I started at 135. Right now I'm 122-123 and planing on sticking to that. Really, I'm more concerned with my BF% than my weight.

    Pretty much same as me, I'm 5'7", 123lbs and not looking to loose any weight, want to tone up so will probably put on weight if anything. I reckon 130 is a good aim.
  • darkheart
    darkheart Posts: 104 Member
    5'7". Started out at 156 and went down to 120 a few years back. I go back and forth between 115 and 118 now. I've lost quite a bit of muscle since then and am looking to put it back on and tighten things up.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I started at 252 on the 20th June 2012 and am now 180 (nearly exactly 7 months later), my initial goal is 150, but I've never been that small in my adult life so I will wait and see what my ultimate goal weight is when I reach 150. I'm beginning to focus more on strength and toning now than on pure cardio so I'm hoping to be adding some muscle as I lose the pounds!

    EDIT: Forgot to add I'm 5'6"
  • Hi! I am 5 6&1/2, and am currently 157. I have never been able to get below 140, but in a perfect world, I would be 130. I go more based on sizes, and would like to get from an 8-10 to a 4.

    You can do it!!!
  • Hi, Im a newbie here just joined 3 days ago.
    i'm 5' 6" and weighed in at 170lbs :( Just had a baby 8 months ago also have a 3 year old.
    Looking to get down to 150 then go from there.
    Wish me luck please.
    I am cutting my calories and exercising more so lets hope I can keep it up.
    Good luck to everyone on here new and old.
  • Kati3Sharp
    Kati3Sharp Posts: 2 Member
    hey! I started on January 2nd at 246.9lbs went up . After a couple weeks, I hit a slump, and now I am back in the game hardcore! I started counting calories really hardcore on friday the 18th and lost 4lbs between then and Sunday. My 1st goal weight is to get to the 230's, then to the 220's, 210's and then finally i want to ultimately weigh 199.9 or less :) Good Luck with Your weightloss! btw 5'7"
  • Hello, I am 5' 61/2in , 44yr old at a beginning weight of 302lbs. My goal weight is to reach 180lbs. I am currently at 278lbs. I have lost 24lbs it was more but I just had Lung surgery and am now able to get up and move around. I put on 4 lbs during this time. But am ready to get back on track and get this weight off.

    I have always been overweight even as a child, Met my husband at 180lbs, had my son 2 yrs later leaving me at 250lbs. Had back surgery putting me up to 285lbs. 3 yrs off and on of steroids for a skin condition putting me at 302lbs. In one month I was diagnosed with diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, vasculitus and possible lung cancer. I said ok this is not gonna control me. My weight has always been an issue all my life. I should have taken control years ago but here we are. I want to live to see a grandchild and grow old with the love of my life, my husband.

    Good luck to you all. Lets take our lives back.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm 5'6

    SW: 238
    CW: 161.4
    GW: 130
  • Hey Guys! Ive been using this app for ages, but only just started properly again last week!
    My goal is too lose 3 stone so will be doing 4 sessions of kieser cycle each week, as well as giving this bootcamp session a go:) I do loads of walking to and from university and im sticking to 1200 calories a day. But sometimes i can only eat like 600, and thats enough for me even thought ive burnt around 600 so i guess im undereating but im scared to eat more in case i dont lose weight:(

    Feel free to add would love some friends to chat with and exchang advice and things! :)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I'm 5'7", started at 230, aiming for 130-145, depending on how I look and feel at that stage. My current, 165, is what I weighed in high school, I had to maintain over 150 to stay on the rugby team so aiming for something below that is a bit foreign to me.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    I am 5'6" and currently weigh 137 lbs. My goal weight is 130 lbs.