Coconut oil



  • daxazo
    daxazo Posts: 37 Member
    I have a teaspoon of organic coconut oil in my coffee every day :)
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I have a teaspoon of organic coconut oil in my coffee every day :)

    Thank you, it's good isn't it :)
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    by all means, make sure you are consuming ( and using on your skin) EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL.... not "natural" or "pure" but EXTRA VIRGIN
  • pixiee88
    I've replaced my regular moisturiser with coconut oil and will never go previously dry, flaky skin is now baby soft and smooth and I have a more even complexion. I use it occasionally on my hair too, but I have very fine hair and it takes a lot of washing out else it leaves it quite greasy looking. I've never eaten it, but my step dad does regularly.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I use coconut oil on my skin {face}, my curly hair, body, my homemade soaps & deodorant, and food! I LOVE IT!:drinker:
  • FitNB
    FitNB Posts: 16

    Not endorsing, just some interesting reading.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    I didn't see it on Dr Oz, I was shown the book by a friend - the recipies are good and if you do the smoothie recipie it tastes great - I use coconut oil in place of regular oil when cooking - cakes turn out alot moister and even when grilling or frying chicken the meat isn't full of oil when you fry with a coconut oil in the pan.
    coconut oil is a triple chain fatty acid so it is broken down more readily for energy .

    The mostly used polyunsaturated oils such as soybean, corn, grapeseed, cottonseed, safflower, etc, are the least healthy for cooking or baking.

    heres a website with some more information including peer reviewed research
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    I have a teaspoon of organic coconut oil in my coffee every day :)

    Thank you, it's good isn't it :)

    I drink two cups of coffee a day. I am going to try this!
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    I didn't see it on Dr Oz, I was shown the book by a friend - the recipies are good and if you do the smoothie recipie it tastes great - I use coconut oil in place of regular oil when cooking - cakes turn out alot moister and even when grilling or frying chicken the meat isn't full of oil when you fry with a coconut oil in the pan.
    coconut oil is a triple chain fatty acid so it is broken down more readily for energy .

    The mostly used polyunsaturated oils such as soybean, corn, grapeseed, cottonseed, safflower, etc, are the least healthy for cooking or baking.

    heres a website with some more information including peer reviewed research

  • shell019
    shell019 Posts: 2 Member
    I use coconut oil on my face and its awesome! My face feels so soft and no breakouts! My skin has never looked better ;) I would ad I typically break out really easy.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I saw someone on GMA the other day talking about using it as a moisturizer for your face! I'm scared to try it, though. I'm afraid it will make me break out.
    My face gets really dry in the winter. I've been putting on my face everyother day for about six weeks now and so far it has really helped with the dry skin. I plan on continuing the experiment for another month or two.

    For cooking, I use it when frying eggs and on rare ocassions I have put some in my morning coffee.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I use coconut oil on my skin {face}, my curly hair, body, my homemade soaps & deodorant, and food! I LOVE IT!:drinker:

    Does it help with curly hair? Like, de-frizzing it or just makes hair healthier in general?
  • absoluttif1
    absoluttif1 Posts: 19 Member
    My face gets really dry in the winter. I've been putting on my face everyother day for about six weeks now and so far it has really helped with the dry skin. I plan on continuing the experiment for another month or two.

    Where do you get it? What type/brand?
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    When I ate coconut oil mixed in with oatmeal, I was violently ill for the rest of the day. No, I don't have a coconut allergy and I actually love eating coconut in other forms. But something about the oil just didn't agree with me.

    BUT ... I use it as a facial moisturizer when I get out of the shower and it makes my makeup go on super smooth and doesn't break me out. :)
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I found it in the health food aisle at Kroger. Spectrum Virgin Coconut Oil.

    I also think Nutivia sells coconut oil online if you can't find it locally.
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    I bought mine at Walmart, of all places- the Spectrum brand.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Yup! I will never use another lotion again. I use coconut oit all over my body including face sometimes, and hair only at night (my hair is very fine). My skin is SO much softer than ever before. I actually get compliments on how soft my skin is. I always thought I had quite rough apparently it is working!

    Make sure you get the most pure kind with no additional chemicals or ingredients.
  • leopardjunkie
    i use it for my facewash, face scrub with baking soda, use it for shaving my legs with sugar (softest shave you will ever get!), face and body lotion, and I mix it with tea tree oil and ground oatmeal for exzema :) oh and great on cuticles and as lip gloss and for hair , if you have kids it does wonders on cradle cap and diaper rash!:)

    I also keep a jar for pan frying foods like fish or other things that I would use butter for, I prefer it over olive or grape seed oil for flavor. A spoonful in your smoothie will make it super creamy, and in your coffee is a treat :)

    ha ha I am a fan.

    i have actually had less break outs since starting with coconut oil as a face scrub, wash and lotion, I use it to clean my face right after working out even...even though it sounds crazy. I occasionally get a zit but they are gone way sooner and way less dramatic then in the past with other lotions etc.

    if you are buying the right stuff it should have a great fragrant coconut smell and a light coconut taste...very light. my reflexologist told me if it has not taste at all and no scent its not the right stuff :(
  • anodyness
    anodyness Posts: 14 Member
    No clue about the benefits of increasing your metabolism but I use it occasionally in my morning coffee. Something else to consider is having a little Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar daily.

    You put coconut OIL in your coffee?

    Sure do, try it ;)

    I also put coconut oil in my coffee, pretty much every morning. Add in some almond milk and stevia and it's delightful. Then again, I put butter and oil in everything. It's definitely helped me lose weight, as I'm doing the whole paleo thing and getting healthy sources of fat is essential. I think I should start using it on my skin, though; sounds like a lot of people have had good luck healing dry winter skin with the stuff.
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    I put it in my hot cereal at breakfast and also use it as a moisturizer in the winter (apply it while still damp from the shower). I get the organic virgin stuff. I :heart: it.