Depo Provera Weight Gain .. Help?



  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I had never had a problem with weight gain til I tried the depo in my early 20s and I put on about 20lbs. Then went back to the pill until after I had had my 2 kids in my mid 30s and since then I have had the mini pill, implant, copper IUD and now I have finally found one that works for me with the Mirena. I agree that not everyone suits the same method, but I don't know anyone who hasn't had problems with the depo!
  • webarr2003
    I agree stay away. Depo made me go from a size 16 to an 18 maybe a twenty and I was a emotionally unbalanced. After I stop taking it I became emotionally staple but then came my son.
  • LadyZNW
    LadyZNW Posts: 48 Member
    OMG I thought I was the only person that went through this! I've always been on the large side so I dont get many choices in birth control. My doctor put me on depo provera in three years I put on 100 pounds! I have told all my friends and family members to say NO to Depo Provera.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    I guess I'll present another side of the argument. I'm on Depo right now and previously tried two different birth controls. I did gain weight with all of them but now that I'm on here the weight is coming off. So far the only problems I've seen in loss are when I don't eat well. Depo has actually made my moods BETTER while the other two BCs made me depressed or a raging B. In all I have a love/hate relation with Depo because of the side effects (something that kills your libido is definitely a great birth control :grumble: ) But everyone is different. Have you considered other BCs? There may be something out there better for you. I do believe you when you say depo is causing problems for you. It sucks that other people give you flak. So, I guess I wanted to say there is hope and good luck with your journey!

    ^^^Pretty much agree with what she said. I've been on it for around 4 years now, initially gained weight (maybe 10lbs at most) but I haven't had any problem with losing while eating right and working out. A friend of mine has also been on it for a while, I never saw any negative side effects with her either- she actually recommended it to me. I didn't realize it had such bad side effects on some people :ohwell:

    it deteriorates your bone density....

    I've been taking a calcium supplement/multi since I've been on it.

    I'm not here to say that everyone is lying, I'm just pointing out that not everyone has horrible side effects

    calcium supplements can't repair bone density deterioration. i never had my bone density looked at but two separate doctors at two separate clinics refused to refill my prescription and i had been on it for years. i count it as someone is looking out for me. research what you put into your body, i was being so pushy trying to get them to represcribe but...why fight for something that is literally destroying your body?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow, very interesting. I"ve been on Depo for going on 18 years, and been told by my doctor that I can stay on it. I've recently lost over 20 pounds, so it can be done. I am even on another medication that can cause weight gain, and still have been able to lose. My bone density is fine and I'm getting plenty of calcium so I don't see that becoming a problem.

    I would think if the weight is that much of a problem, there may be other issues going on.

    Because since YOU didn't have the problem, no one else could possibly have the problem.


    Has your doctor checked your hormone levels and bone density, BTW? If Depo hasn't affected you negatively in any way, you are one of very, very few lucky women.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I gained all of my weight due to this injection ... at the age of 24 (after my 2nd child) I started getting this jab and I ballooned from a size 8-10 up to an 18 over 3 jabs .... I stopped getting the jabs and been fighting with my weight for the rest of my adult life.
  • kayla7jackson
    I know that everyone is different but, I have been on the shot for about 13 months now and love it. I have actually lost 30 pounds while being on it.

    I am switching to the nexplanon in March which is a little rod inserted in upper arm and lasts for 3 years. It is the same kind of birth control as the shot except the shot has been known to cause trouble getting pregnant after having and the nexplanon has not.

    Good luck in your journey to lose weight.

    You got this!
  • princessnik7
    princessnik7 Posts: 144 Member
    I was on Depo from about 18-22 years of age. I went back on briefly after I had my daughter, then switched to Mirena for 6years currently on Trinessa for the past 4 months. I did gain some weight during that time. And my ex seems to think the Mirena is why I had not been able to effectively lose weight. I definately would not go back to depo, but it was convenient during college especially being 200+ miles away from home.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Depo literally saved my life. I have been on it 13 months now, and am assuming that I am going to be kept on it long term. I was very happy to read on here some others that have already used it long term without nasty effects.

    3.5 years ago, I started bleeding like crazy, literally overnight. I got my period one day as usual, and by the next morning, it looked like there had been a murder in my bed. I was passing fist sized blood clots every 15-20 minutes, and lost so much blood that they actually wanted to give me TWO bags, however, I have OCD and could not accept it.

    They found a tumor in my uterus and told me it could be cancer. They did surgery and removed it, and told me that it was not cancerous, but that my uterine lining was very thick, and that cancer might grow there. I could not find a DR down here that would take it out, because I have been a type one diabetic for 25 years, I am also very obese, at about 360lbs. During that first surgery, she also did some burning and scraping and whatnot of the lining, and told me that should at least hold the bleeding off for five years.

    18 months later, it started again. Over the next six months, I saw several DRs who all tried different medications, and none of them stopped the bleeding. It was a nightmare, I could not work, I could not do anything except lay around on my sofa with a bed protector under me. I gained 20lbs during that time, simply because I was not able to move around, even rolling over at night would wake me, because I was always aware of the pool of blood under me. At one point, I had lost so much blood, that my blood pressure was sitting at 100/70 on and ongoing basis, I could barely even stand up at times.

    Three DRs that I had seen during that time all said that Depo was an option, but refused to put me on it because they said I could not handle anymore weight. My nurse that I see on a regular basis to keep my health in check, finally just gave me a shot anyway, because she was scared that I was going to bleed to death, then made an appt for me to see a DR that specializes in reproductive cancers, saying she would decide what to do next. Two days after I had that shot, all the bleeding stopped.

    Anyway, to make the end of this long story short, after another minor surgery, she said she could not take my uterus out either, but told me to keep taking the shot, I get it sometimes only 8 weeks apart, depending if and when the bleeding starts. The idea is to take it until menopause, at which time that should self correct. She did advise me to take calcium, which I actually have been doing for years anyway, and said after two years, and every year after that, I would have to go for a bone density scan. Since I started the shot, I did take the 20lbs I gained on bedrest back off. Without that shot, I might literally be dead today.

    Now, I am not saying that it is great for everyone, or that whatever problems people experienced on it was not correct. I am just saying there is a need for it in certain situations. I am very thankful for it.

    Edited to add.....the added benefit from it, is that the DR said in the case of uterine cancer, depo shots can prevent it, almost 90% of the time.....