Meal replacement shakes

Hi folks. Been looking into doing meal replacement shakes as part of my diet. Does anyone have any success stories/bad stories with them.

What I was looking to do was cutting the meal replacement to 3 days per week, and the other 4 days eating my usual 1500 calorie diet. So only 3 days ill be using the meal replacement to have an intake if around 700-1000 calories and the other 4 days at my usual full days of 1500 net.

Sound good/bad/indifferent??


  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I don't use store shakes... I use blender bottles to make my own... protein powder, peanut butter, almond milk... other variations too.

    Super good, keeps me pretty satisfied between meals. Up the amount to make it an actual meal replacement.

    Works for me, may not for you.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why are you trying to use shakes to starve yourself?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Why do you want to drop your calories so low a few days a week? There is no need to use shakes to starve yourself by taking in so little calories.

    Shakes can be a good thing. I have a protein shake after a hard workout or when I need to increase my protein for the day.

    Shakes on their own will not make you lose weight.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Here's why i think meal replacement shakes are a waste of time and money. :)

    They are not sustainable. You are not going to replace your meals with shakes for the rest of your life, period. Going about it this way does NOT force you to make better eating habits and choices. Therefore, nothing learned, nothing gained. As soon as you go back to eating REAL food, guess what? You are going from replacing a 90 calorie shake with a 600 calorie meal.

    In addition they lack a lot of the vitamins, nutrients, and macro profile that a meal SHOULD consist of.

    I would also stay away from any MLM companies like HerbaLife, Body By Vi, Shakeology, etc. They are out to make money. Their products are substandard to any normal whey protein powder and their reps know nothing about the products in which they sell.

    Change your eating habits... learn to make proper choices ALL the time, and you have sustainable weight loss and knowledge that will last you FOREVER! :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Huh? Feel free to use meal replacement shakes if and when you don't have the time to make yourself a square meal; but I don't see why you think this would let you get away with eating 700-1000 calories.
  • AngelaKelly02
    AngelaKelly02 Posts: 73 Member
    I went on the Celebrity Slim shake diet about 2 years ago, I lost 22lbs but once I stopped using them even though I was eating fairly healthy I gained 40lbs back within a few months. I would not recommend them to anyone.
  • SoulReckoning
    SoulReckoning Posts: 48 Member
    I've been using meal replacement shakes for breakfast because I didn't eat breakfast before, but I beleive it's important to eat breakfast based on everything I have read. However, I've no time to get up and make an omlette, oatmeal, etc. Anyway, I like Herbalife, there's like 6 different flavors in their main line and they mix really well and taste best out of all I've tried. Plus, they have other lines for other specialized needs. I think it's a personal preference. I see alot of people looking for protein shakes that aren't whey based, or shakes that don't have artificial sugars. I'm not sure if Herbalife's products are as "all natural" as the distributor said they were (I've been meaning to check) but I like them.

    I do keep up my daily calorie intake though, whether the shake is a part of that or not. Don't limit your calories so excessively just because you are using shakes as a meal replacement.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Sorry I have to add... as a male you should normally be taking in more than 1500 cals a day. Taking in only 700-1000 is setting yourself up for failure.

    The larger the deficit you have the more of your losses will come from muscle instead of fat. I would imagine your goal with weight loss is to retain your muscles and lose fat. If that's the case you need to eat more ... if you dont mind losing muscle while losing some fat go ahead with the shakes.
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    I don't use store shakes either. I make my own green shakes. Usually I have one for breakfast... so filling and yummy!
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    These things only exist because they know desperate suckers with more money than sense will buy into them. IMHO...

    Feeling desperate? Exercise an hour a day, continue to eat your 1500 calories a day. Fill your meals with ONLY with eggs, spinach, vegetables, nuts, seeds, baked potatoes and turkey and chicken. This will be cheaper, work a hell of a lot better and be more sustainable than shake ****. And oh my's actually real food!!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Hi folks. Been looking into doing meal replacement shakes as part of my diet. Does anyone have any success stories/bad stories with them.

    What I was looking to do was cutting the meal replacement to 3 days per week, and the other 4 days eating my usual 1500 calorie diet. So only 3 days ill be using the meal replacement to have an intake if around 700-1000 calories and the other 4 days at my usual full days of 1500 net.

    Sound good/bad/indifferent??

    I'm going to pick...bad.
  • Dony1888
    1500 calories is the recommendation on my fitness pal :)
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i drink a shake m-f as my dinner from the gym. its 400 calories and very filling. after that my calories are right around 1300-1400 for the day. i still eat a nice breakfast and a healthy lunch and so far for 6 months, i have dropped 61lbs

    the key is to find what works for you. because it works for me does not mean it will for you, or vice versa
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    Someone I knew was having shakes and the amount of sugar in them was worrying..I'm not judging anyone or what they do..I'd much prefer a healthy hearty stew then a shake haha
  • suz2411
    suz2411 Posts: 33
    I used meal replacement shakes a couple of years ago and lost 18kg in 4 months......but regained it all back as soon as I started eating normally again :-( This time Im doing it the right way......portion control, healthy clean foods and 30 to 45 mins of cardio each day!.....I may not be losing it as quickly as the shakes but at least Im learning a sustainable lifestyle change that my body will be thanking me for :-)
    Saying that I do have a couple in the cupboard to use if Im running late for work etc.....although if you look at my diary a single shake has 203 cals and I can have 2 poached egg, spinach and mushrooms for less than 190 cals!
  • brokenjawedmuse
    I really only advocate MRSs when you don't have time for an actual meal or if you have a condition that prevents you from eating (like lockjaw). I would not, however, use them to replace a meal if I have time to eat real food.

    When I worked full-time with evening classes, I had literally zero time to eat between work and classes. So I drank a MRS while I was driving.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    1500 calories is the recommendation on my fitness pal :)

    MFP doesn't always set proper amounts as they solely use a mathematical equation to figure out calories for each member based on what they have selected.

    1500 is too low for a male... especially if you want to retain your muscle mass.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    One question before input.... Why are you contemplating them?