Excess skin?

I am 5'4'' and weigh 250. My goal is to lose 120 lbs to reach my target weight of 130. I am hoping to meet this goal in a year, maybe a little more than a year. One of my big worries is about excess skin. "Will I get it?", "How do I prevent it?", That kind of stuff. I don't see surgery to remove any in my near future and was curious if anyone else has had similar weight goals as I have, and if they had problems with it. I think thats one of the reasons I have been dragging my feet about losing weight.

Any experiences or advice is much appreciated :)


  • kristiontheinside
    kristiontheinside Posts: 74 Member
    There are a lot of posts on here about this topic. Basically what you are going to hear is that it depends on age, heredity, and other factors. They say to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, moisturize your skin, and, do strength training along with cardio.
    I worry about this a lot as I have 150 total to lose and have lost 100 so far. I take daily supplements of biotin and use lotion more often than I used to. I drink a lot, but not necessarily water. I always have something to drink by my side. I do weights too. The slower you take the weight off, the less likely you are to have saggy skin. Also have read it could take 1-3 years for your skin to go back into shape after you lose weight.
    I worry a lot about it, do what I can, but figure nature is going to take its course.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    There are a lot of posts on here about this topic. Basically what you are going to hear is that it depends on age, heredity, and other factors. They say to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, moisturize your skin, and, do strength training along with cardio.
    I worry about this a lot as I have 150 total to lose and have lost 100 so far. I take daily supplements of biotin and use lotion more often than I used to. I drink a lot, but not necessarily water. I always have something to drink by my side. I do weights too. The slower you take the weight off, the less likely you are to have saggy skin. Also have read it could take 1-3 years for your skin to go back into shape after you lose weight.
    I worry a lot about it, do what I can, but figure nature is going to take its course.

    Quick or slow weight loss makes little difference. Loose skin will happen or it won't.

    Take a two year time frame.

    1.) You lose the weight in a year. You have the second year for your skin to tighten. But you have an entire year of being at a good weight.

    2.) You lose the weight over two years. You may still have loose skin but you spent much of an additional year overweight or obese and stressing about every morsel you put in your mouth. Dreading the scale. Dieting sucks but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Like I said, loose skin will or won't happen. Do you want to spend an additional year fat?

    Most people spend 99.9% of their time fully clothed. So you shouldn't worry about it. Get your weight down to a healthy level and see what happens. I have it. It is ugly but only those that I tell or show know. Everyone else just sees a thin guy. If I had the disposable income I would check into surgery, but I don't and I'm a tad older so I'll probably just live with it.

    Don't beat yourself up about it. You/I got fat and have to deal with the results of our indulgences.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I lost 130 pounds and have loose skin.

    I AM SO GLAD I LOST THE WEIGHT...and will do everything I can to lose the las 20 pounds...even if it means LOOSER skin.

    Think of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Which of those are negated by loose skin, besides ONE? Looking amazing naked.

    Lots of people have lots of tips and it comes down to how lucky you are. You can be healthy, fit in chairs and booths and airplane seats, look amazing with your shirt on, not be sweaty and exhausted most of the time, not worry about finding something to wear when you forget your sweatshirt at home, not feel like the biggest person in a room...and on and on....with deflated skin. You cant do all those things if you stay fat. :)

    You can do it and you will be glad you did, regardless of the outcome of your skin.