My hatred of exercise



  • LWolford84
    LWolford84 Posts: 14 Member
    20 minutes on any cardio machine and I am bored to tears. I would recomment high intensity interval training. This can be done cardio equipment or circuit training with weights. Plus there has been increasing evidence that shows that HIIT can burn more calories than one speed training.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I used to really hate exercise. Then I realized I don't have to like it. I do plenty of things because it's what I'm supposed to do, even if I don't like it. Dishes. Laundry. Paying bills. Shoveling sidewalks. Shaving my legs. Flossing my teeth. I've never said, "Whoo-doggie! I'm going to floss my teeth now!" I don't get any enjoyment out of it. I just like not having a mouth full of cavities. I like the results, not the activity.

    Same goes for exercise. I've come to enjoy running, once I got good at it, but there's still times when I'm dragging myself out the door. I can think of a million things I would have rather done this morning than go running with 14F wind chills, but I know the weather's going to be a lot worse the rest of the week and I might not get a chance to run. I feel better once I do it. And weight lifting... I don't really like it, but I love what it's done for my body. And being able to stack more and more pounds on the bar is pretty exciting, too.

    So, you don't like exercise. Big deal. Do it anyway. Then you can enjoy the sense of accomplishment, knowing you're doing good things for your body.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I was the same way.. hated it..hated it... hated it.. but I think the trick is to find something you like..for me..I found ZUMBA.. I used to a big time clubber in my younger days and love to dance so this was perfect for me.. If it wasn't for Zumba can't say I would exercise half as much..
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Stop making excuses and just work out. You don't have to enjoy it. Either decide you're going to do it and get the benefits from exercise or just say it's not worth it to you. That's perfectly fine and i certainly won't judge you for it.

    We're all adults here. There's many things we don't want to do that we get done day after day. Enjoying everything you do would be great, but not realistic. Make your choice
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I hate exercise. Or rather, I should say I hate cardio. And I always thought that was the ONLY exercise available, so I always quit after a few times.

    Then I found Pilates. And I freakin' LOVE it. Turns out that it's not that I hate exercise, I just hate ONE form of it. Seeing what people do here was really helpful. I also never thought of weight training before and, for the first time ever, am contemplating that. I'm too poor for a gym, classes, or even a home DVD, so I just use Youtube. Free and gives me no excuse to avoid it.

    Trying not to pigenhole yourself into what you "think" exercise is makes a big difference.
  • whenday
    whenday Posts: 64 Member
    I don't like to exercise either especially cardio. I want to start 5x5 stronglifts as it is only a 30minute lifting session every other day I think but I won't go to the gym(too expensive) and I need to get some equipment to start that I haven't had the time to look into getting yet. I haven't exercised for a while now because I have been finding that I am under my calorie goal most days and couldn't imagine having to eat my exercise calories back at this time. My calorie requirements are high right now but as I lose more weight and need to re-adjust the calories I think i will need to add exercise so i can eat more.
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Two words; Interval training. That sure as hell doesn't give you time to think it's boring with how badly you're kicking your own *kitten*.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    Go out dancing.... boogie down out with the girls....

    Ever heard of Yoga Booty Ballet?? It's dancing and is pretty fun.... just a thought....|17312|yoga%20booty%20ballet||S|b|19637370253&gclid=CMyt9K7S-rQCFcxAMgodhVUA4A

    I am an instructor for this and it's a BLAST in a live class!! Maybe search your area....
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Stop making excuses and just work out. You don't have to enjoy it. Either decide you're goting to do it and get the benefits from exercise or just say it's not worth it to you. That's perfectly fine and i certainly won't judge you for it.

    We're all adults here. There's many things we don't want to do that we get done day after day. Enjoying everything you do would be great, but not realistic. Make your choice.

    My thoughts exactly! No wonder I enjoy his comments on my news feed so much. So I second what Dave said. And I'd like to add that you dont get a runner's high without running. A fast shimmy when you cross the street isn't gonna do it. Reassess your goals. Is fitness required to meet them? If so, buck up buttercup. Put on those sneakers and do it. If not, then don't. But you have to take the 'I don't wanna- I hate it- it's boring' diatribe out of the equation. If you want it bad enough you'll find something you like. (You mentioned hiking. Do that. Strap on a heavy backpack and go!)
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I'm not a fan of exercise either, but have found I enjoy doing Tae Bo, and Zumba. I go on Youtube and look up the type of exercise i'm looking for and have gotten pretty lucky to find the videos I enjoy. I used to love Curves, but can no longer afford it. Now I do between 30-40 mins. 5 days a week of either zumba, tae bo or some type of exercise. I have also been working on the calories. I am down 1 pant size in under 6 mos. Hoping to be down another size by July. Set little goals for yourself. Like, cut 100 calories a day out. Start small and they will be easier to manage and achieve.
  • Excercise was one thing that held me back, but my 3 boys has given me motivation to get off my lazy bud and join them 3x a week with their weekly workout. Started off with power walk, jogging and then running (well, running wasn't fun, but I've managed to overcome that within 2 weeks). We have now introduced crunches, squat, lunges and Russian twist. Next round we'll be moving on to boxing, shuttle runs and a game of touch every Sun afternoon. No equipment required, just out and about at your local park

    Key to enjoying excercise, is taking those little baby steps. Don't throw yourself into it, coz you'll end up slacking off and its back to square 1. It's been 2 weeks since I started my 3x weekly workout and it's been great. I'm having so much fun competing with my boys and at the same time, they're encouraging me to keep going. To date I've lost 1kg but it's better than gaining 5kg sitting around doing nothing

    Out workout routine consist of: 10 x push up, jog 150mtrs, 10 x lung, power walk 150mtrs, 10 x squat, jog 150mtrs, 10 x abdominal crunch, power walk 150mtrs, 10 x toe touch crunch, jog 150mtrs, 10 x russian twist, power walk 150mtrs. We do 4 sets of this and takes roughly 40 - 50 mins (3 x a week)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Classes are a great idea. I never thought I would want to sweat with other people, but you do make some regular buddies who hold you accountable and keep you motivated. And if you find the right class, I promise it won't be boring!! I am a huge fan of kickboxing; focusing on the moves and giving it my all gives my mind a rest and the body a great workout.

    But what you call "being active" is great - walking, hiking, playing. Just keep moving! :)
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I don't just HATE exercise, I FEAR IT! Yes, I have an exercise phobia.

    Oddly enough, it is not the pain that I am afraid of.

    I am afraid of ....
    having a panic attack
    having an asthma attack
    having a heart attack
    passing out and hitting my head on something

    My fears above would be multiplied 10-fold if I had to exercise in front of other people! YIKES!!

    Logically, I know that if I exercise, I'll be healthier. And I also know that my fear of exercise is one of the reasons why I am so fat, have lost the majority of my muscle mass and get a pounding heart with the slightest bit of physical exertion.

    I even started a group on MFP called, "Exercise Phobia: Face the Fear" :

    Nobody posted there but me, so after a couple weeks I stopped posting. Looking back, I was embarrassed that I was the only person on MFP who was (is) afraid of exercise.

    But now, I've changed my mind. I'm going to keep posting there, even if it is just to say that I walked 6,000 steps or 600 steps, used my light resistance band for two exercises or that my biggest exercise of the day was lifting the water jug out of the fridge.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Most body atheistic goals are dependent on what you consume. The calories burnt by exercising vs the calories consumed is an unfair trade. Exercise will speed up the process but what you consume is the biggest factor in weight loss.
  • You need a workout partner that will workout with you...that you agree to meet at a certain time. Get your kids involved...maybe you can all do martial arts or walking the old your kids are will depend on what you can do.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I've lost 120 pounds in 10 months with zero exercise. So I'm not sure why you think lack of exercise is holding you back?
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    A little tweak you can try, since you do like activities like hiking and such, is do just a 30 second 'burst' before you start to walk or hike or whatever... this will get your heart rate up and it will stay up a little longer while you are doing your hike/walk. It's small change, but it can help. You may find at some point that in the middle of your walks you add a 'burst', then maybe one day at the end of your walk. Who knows where it will lead. :)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I agree with everyone who suggested Zumba or the dance games. I hated exercise until I finally found something I love (happened to be TurboFire for me). If you don't want to spend money on a class, dvd or game, turn on the radio, pandora, or your ipod and get crazy. Sometimes my workout is just me dancing like a complete idiot in my living room. It's SO FUN and it definitely burns calories.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    When I first started out... oh, about 7 years ago!... I hated sweating, just HATED IT! So exercising was not something I enjoyed at all. To remedy this, I started swimming (you don't feel the sweat when you swim :wink: ), as I have progressed through life, I have developed a love for the sweat; it makes me know what I'm doing is working. I started walking and jogging, then running. Doing an 8 week boot camp made me really change my tune!
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I have the same feelings as well but I keep in my head if I want it bad enough I will do anything to achieve it . I do try to do something that I enjoy but its the motivation of getting up and do it but I do get there. I have realized that I am more of an afternoon exercise junkie than a morning one