Fruit & Veggie 1-Day Challenge – Saturday Jan 19, 2013



  • It's the end of a very successful day. Fruit, yogurt, and granola for breakfast. Big salad for lunch. A hummus and vegi wrap and 5 bean salad for dinner. And celery and peanut butter as my snack in the evening. When you consider that I also made 6 cakes, went out for lunch, and went to a meeting this evening where the only thing to eat was cookies, I'd say I had a GREAT day!!:laugh:
  • jaybabyreading50
    jaybabyreading50 Posts: 10 Member
    Better late than never. Continue on your journey to a healthy and better you.:smooched: :happy:
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    It's the end of a very successful day. Fruit, yogurt, and granola for breakfast. Big salad for lunch. A hummus and vegi wrap and 5 bean salad for dinner. And celery and peanut butter as my snack in the evening. When you consider that I also made 6 cakes, went out for lunch, and went to a meeting this evening where the only thing to eat was cookies, I'd say I had a GREAT day!!:laugh:

    Thats awesome!! Good for you...I dont know if I could have had the will power. Congrats!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Sunday morning coming down (apologies to Kris Kristofferson(sp?)
    I feel very good about the F&V challenge again. I am going to try to ensure they are the biggest part of my diet, shouldn't be too hard seeing I've pretty well eliminated most starches and red meats. This challenge results in an increase in energy for me (even after a day of 2 long drives). Had fresh fruit salad for breakfast, a cabbage/lettuce/cucucmber/tomato/red pepper/carrot wrap for lunch (it was so big I only ate half) and a veggie/turkey wrap for dinner. The dogs got 90% of the turkey and all the wrap because I don't really like turkey luncheon meat, just the fresh stuff. I was on my way to Spokane for some retail therapy yesterday and found this wonderful organic food deli/restaurant/food store in Kettle Falls that is amazing. To have that in a tiny town - wow, people must be very health oriented there.
    Anyway Renny, thanks for running this post and if you're up for next weekend, I'm in again.
    I think the major benefit for all will be the increased focus on fruit and veg instead of prepared stuff.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Better late than never. Continue on your journey to a healthy and better you.:smooched: :happy:
    Absolutely. And age has nothing to do with it. Young and old, the journey starts here and today
    Sunday morning coming down (apologies to Kris Kristofferson(sp?)
    I feel very good about the F&V challenge again. I am going to try to ensure they are the biggest part of my diet, shouldn't be too hard seeing I've pretty well eliminated most starches and red meats. This challenge results in an increase in energy for me (even after a day of 2 long drives). Had fresh fruit salad for breakfast, a cabbage/lettuce/cucucumber/tomato/red pepper/carrot wrap for lunch (it was so big I only ate half) and a veggie/turkey wrap for dinner. The dogs got 90% of the turkey and all the wrap because I don't really like turkey luncheon meat, just the fresh stuff. I was on my way to Spokane for some retail therapy yesterday and found this wonderful organic food deli/restaurant/food store in Kettle Falls that is amazing. To have that in a tiny town - wow, people must be very health oriented there.
    Anyway Renny, thanks for running this post and if you're up for next weekend, I'm in again.
    I think the major benefit for all will be the increased focus on fruit and veg instead of prepared stuff.
    Thanks Lila. You are an inspiration. Redirecting my focus has been the challenge for me. And what a great feeling to eat high nutrient foods.
    It's the end of a very successful day. Fruit, yogurt, and granola for breakfast. Big salad for lunch. A hummus and vegi wrap and 5 bean salad for dinner. And celery and peanut butter as my snack in the evening. When you consider that I also made 6 cakes, went out for lunch, and went to a meeting this evening where the only thing to eat was cookies, I'd say I had a GREAT day!!:laugh:
    Helloooo...yesssss. I'd say you had a great day too! I love hearing from you.
    As a vegetarian of 32 years I have to say I giggled! But I know that fruit and veg are difficult for some people, so all the best to you in your challenge!:laugh:
    Thanks! For you this would indeed not be a challenge. For so many of us it is. I am curious to know, does being a vegetarian keep you "naturally" slim?
    I'm in. Should be fun. Oh, and i have fresh strawberries in the fridge! are things working out for you? Fresh strawberries, yum
    I'm in, definitely need to up the veggies.
    1curveem0m - would love to hear how things worked for you. You can do this any day of the week, and come back to the forum to post your progress
    I'm in! I'll be working, so I'll have salads and fruits. Lots of water too!
    Hi KimLovesDon - you look like a real busy lady!
    I will join. I DEFINATELY need to increase my fruits & veggies because I am not much of a fruit & veggie person. I will try to eat a fruit or veggie at each meal & snack. Good luck everyone.
    Hi carrielofton! - You have echoed my sentiments exactly. Good luck to all of us!
    I'm in. Will eat fruit and veggies all day at every meal.
    beatlebomb - love your handle and love your commitment!
    im in --i quitting smoking yesterday so need a challage to help me threw this--today was a big setback--ate everthing in sight-but only had 2 cigarettes--fruits and veggies here i come tommorrow
    bargie12 - I have great admiration for those who quit smoking. Substitution is the one of the best methods I know of, with healthy foods being the ultimate. Good luck to you on your amazing journey!
    Im in. After eating bbq today i need somthing like this to get my *kitten* back on track (:
    Agreed-nothing like a challenge to get you refocused.
    This is very cool. I like the idea. I will do it...I'm in!
    I will be working 530am to I will be eating 5 small meals of fruits and veggies mixed, and some
    all fruit smoothies too.
    chelsea - that is a very long day! Way to go on your plan!
    I am in. I will be eating fruits and veggies at all meals tomorrow. Hopefully this will help me with my sugar demon. Today was a bad day but tomorrow is another day.
    weloveddisney - Every day is a new day. Important reason why we gain unhealthy weight is because we tell ourselves we have failed, and therefore it will never work. That is such a lie. To keep the sugar demon down? oh boy, are you hitting on something there. Eating high nutrient foods will do the trick for you in that department.
    i am in i will do the whole day.
    and juewil? how did it go?
    Good idea, RR, I'm in!
    pocodon - YES!

    :heart: Keep logging, keep posting, keep on keeping on. One small step at the time.
    I lost 1/2 lb and did well on my fruit and veggie intake.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I am just now seeing this. It is Sunday, Jan 20th at 3:32 pm. That said, I will do this tomorrow for one day. I know this will help me lose 3 lbs of (something) over night. It always has, bc I have done it in the past. I used to do this every Sunday to cleanse from weekend splurges. Without fail I was always three lbs lighter by Monday. I usually went back to healthy heating and would gain about 1 lb of it back, but stayed 2 lbs in arrears. This was 10 yrs ago. I wonder if it will work again. Since weigh in for me is Tuesday and I am still the same as last week, tomorrow is a PERFECT time to do this mini cleanse. I'll post my menu tomorrow after I think about it. I do LOVE to make veggie soup with greens, mostly kale (yum) and cayenne pepper for spice. Perfect for January chill in Kentucky. Thanks for the challenge. I LOVE challenges. We should continue to think of new ones and post them weekly. This could include exercise challenges like 100 squats in a day to be done in increments or something fun like that.
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    I did the challenge today and have to say it was awesome! I am not a huge veggie eater but doing this led me to go looking for recipes and try a couple of them out. I've had a good day so far - oatmeal w/banana for breakfast, baked potato and baked beans for lunch and a yummy butternut squash soup with kale & spinach turnovers for dinner. Thanks for posting this!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I did the challenge today and have to say it was awesome! I am not a huge veggie eater but doing this led me to go looking for recipes and try a couple of them out. I've had a good day so far - oatmeal w/banana for breakfast, baked potato and baked beans for lunch and a yummy butternut squash soup with kale & spinach turnovers for dinner. Thanks for posting this!

    So glad you did this, my friend. I was surprised at myself too how little I used to consume in terms of fruits and veggies, and yet it is now so much easier to incorporate. It's a matter of getting into a habit.

    It looks like you had an amazing day. Love the thought of a butternut squash soup with kale & spinach turnovers. Did you have recipe for those?

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am just now seeing this. It is Sunday, Jan 20th at 3:32 pm. That said, I will do this tomorrow for one day. I know this will help me lose 3 lbs of (something) over night. It always has, bc I have done it in the past. I used to do this every Sunday to cleanse from weekend splurges. Without fail I was always three lbs lighter by Monday. I usually went back to healthy heating and would gain about 1 lb of it back, but stayed 2 lbs in arrears. This was 10 yrs ago. I wonder if it will work again. Since weigh in for me is Tuesday and I am still the same as last week, tomorrow is a PERFECT time to do this mini cleanse. I'll post my menu tomorrow after I think about it. I do LOVE to make veggie soup with greens, mostly kale (yum) and cayenne pepper for spice. Perfect for January chill in Kentucky. Thanks for the challenge. I LOVE challenges. We should continue to think of new ones and post them weekly. This could include exercise challenges like 100 squats in a day to be done in increments or something fun like that.

    :flowerforyou: Hi there...any day is a good day. I also used to do these as a cleanse on weekends. Now I have changed things around, and eat a lot of fruits and veggies during the week and do less on the weekends. Hence, that one of the reasons I post this challenge for a weekend is quite selfish !!! I say that unashamedly :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :smile: would love to hear from you after that "perfect tomorrow":wink:

    I already post this challenge weekly. How about YOU put up the 100 squat challenge?!! I would join:happy:

  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Here's the link to the spinach & kale turnovers. In case the link doesn't work, the recipe is from the Cooking Light website.
  • Chelebgood
    Chelebgood Posts: 5 Member
    Fruits and Veggies huh?I can and will do this tomorrow!!Great idea:happy:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Here's the link to the spinach & kale turnovers. In case the link doesn't work, the recipe is from the Cooking Light website.
    :flowerforyou: Thanks I will check it out. My take on things is commonly that I will eat the kale without the "turnover" part. But if it gets someone eating kale it is wonderful!! It is all about learning to eat the right foods:flowerforyou:
    Fruits and Veggies huh?I can and will do this tomorrow!!Great idea:happy:
    :flowerforyou: Great stuff. Post how it is going, so we can learn
  • :wink: I would like to do the fruti and veggie diet can you tell me How it works What I should eat every day please
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: I would like to do the fruti and veggie diet can you tell me How it works What I should eat every day please

    If you go to the top of page 1, it will explain how the challenge works. All the best to you :flowerforyou: