
Hey everyone! I'm new to this site and excited to start a new journey! I am extremely overweight (I have almost 200 lbs to lose). I'm excited to get to know people with some of the same goals and struggles. I never really let my weight get down, but I need to make a change to be healthy and to be able to do some of things I used to be able to dow ith no problem.


  • Welcome welcome!!! Great step you have taken!! I have tried to loose weight so many different ways so this third time is my lucky time I think! The best thing is that there is a support community! Good luck !
  • sbrewer82973
    i hae lost and gained again this time i got back on track before i put too much back on once i seen 5 lbs i knew what i have to do sometimes i don't like doing the journal but this is the only way for me to stay on track love the site good luck to u, also try a little walking it does help never believed it but it does
  • JenUser34
    Hi, i'm am new to this site as well. I am extremely overweight and have an entire person to lose lol. Many of my friends and coworkers use this sight and highly recommend it. I am excited to see where it takes me. :)
  • sbrewer82973
    just want to say to you jen i love this site and it's great if you use it right. i had once told someone that i don't like to write down the cookies and junk so sometimes i don't and she said but the only person you are lying to is yourself once i realized that i make sure not to eat the stuff cuz i don't want to write it down good like to you and the best thing about this site is it is free
  • SunflowerMel
    SunflowerMel Posts: 2 Member
    I am looking for some new friends to help motivate and cheer me on! :)