Postcard Challenge! 1/21-2/4

Please note the OP's request to move this challenge here:

Well, seeing as nobody else continued the Postcard Challenge, I'll start a new one!

WELCOME TO THE POSTCARD CHALLENGE! This is a two-week long challenge. Post your starting weight (or private message me if you're not comfortable posting it) by 11:59 pm on Monday, January 21st. This enters you in the challenge. You have two weeks to eat healthy, exercise, and do yo' thang. Then by 11:59 pm on Monday, February 4th, post your ending weight. This is an honor system, so please don't lie or cheat.

Whoever loses the highest percentage of weight wins a postcard from ME in Pullman, Washington. Then whoever wins this challenge continues the next one.

So, who's in? :)


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