I'm a woman on a mission!! :P

Hi everyone @ myfitnesspal

My name's Megan, I'm 25 from Portsmouth and I am a recovering foodaholic!

All my adult life I've been obese and it's taken me till recently to actually muster up the determination to really do something serious about it!

I joined a Rosemary Conley fitness class in my area in November and since joining I've lost 29lbs which I am ecstatic with!!!! :)

I recently discovered the awesomeness of Zumba Fitness and religiously workout to my dvd's ever day.

I love getting to know new people so feel free to add or message me i'll happily reply :)

My best friend Lara directed me to this site and I gotta say, I'm impressed, there's so much information and encouragement/support on here!

Look forward to hearing from some of you soon

Take care and good luck in achieving your fitness goals, however big or small they may be! xxxxx

xx Megs xx


  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Megs,

    I recently discovered the fun world of Zumba also and I have been going to my local Rec centre for Monday evening class. I must say I look forward to my class the whole week.

    I just started working out again after quitting smoking and putting on a whole lot of weight and although I have not lost a whole lot of weight yet, I have lost inches and therefore this gives me motivation to carry on. I only started the Zumba about one month ago, so time will tell...

    Talk to you soon.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    Good for you girl! I think thats awesome. I have lost 16 lbs so far using this site. ITs great support
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome! It sounds like it's really your time to make big changes! Hope to see you around here a lot!