anyone doing Intermittent Fasting

i started doing Intermittent Fasting 4 days ago. i fast for 19 hours and eat at 15:00 to 20:00.
im also going the gym 5 days a week. i must admit since going onto the Intermittent Fasting i have bags of energy.
i normally hit 1750 calories a day.
is there a diet guru that could look over my diet and see if there's anything i can improve on.


  • Lythy89
    Lythy89 Posts: 57 Member
    Good on you bro!

    It definitely gets some good results! i did it earlier last year and lost a good bit of weight but then i stopped and although i didnt put any weight back on i didn't lose any more either!

    Just finished day 1 and i have done a 20/5 split. Your looking much better! keep it up brother, were in this together ;)
  • Here's a video I created about the benefits of IF:

    No bandwagon stuff here either. I'm a nutritionist, started experimenting with IF a few years ago. Enjoy!
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    IF (Intermittent Fasting) is a diet scheme. It isn't some miracle diet. You won't lose weight any faster doing IF or a regular diet. Fasting does have hormonal benefits that have't been completely studied or fleshed out, but those benefits are seen from fasting longer then 24 hours. IF works very well for people to control what they eat. It lets people eat more in a short period of time and to actually feel full. This isn't a knock on it. I actually do it for the most part. My window is longer.

    Use the system if it fits your lifestyle or if it makes functioning on less calories than your body desires easier. Just don't think that you will magically lose more weight from IF. It still is calories in calories out. Doesn't matter if you eat once a day or 20 times a day. Most every "diet" will work if it puts you in a deficit.

    If you want to understand IF, google LeanGains. Martin lays it out very well and is considered by many to be an expert on it.
  • gene19728
    gene19728 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been experimenting with IF for a while now and have had some great results. You have to figure out which regimen of IF fits you best as there are many variations out there.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    I've been doing the IF lifestyle for almost 2 months and love it. I fell off the wagon over the holidays though just after I started to see results, so now I'm behind on progress. I did lose inches in the first 3 weeks though, after being plateaued and maintaining my weight loss for years now. I feel a lot more satisfied eating this way with bigger meals. I usually aim for 16:8. My eating window is usually between 10-6 or 12-8. It also takes away the temptation to mindlessly snack in the evening after my last meal.

    Some people would prefer 5-6 smaller meals, but not me. I love this, and I plan to keep this lifestyle.
  • I started IF'ing Jan. 2nd of this year, My goal is to lose 10 lbs a month in which I have already met my January goal. I started fasting for 18 hours and feasting from 12 noon to 6pm everyday. I incorporate doing fasted cardio in the mornings three times a week and then strenght training on the same days in the evenings three times a week as well. I have cut my calories from 3000 to 2340 which on IF I normally only get in about 1700-1900 calories. It is very hard for me to consume that amount of food in that small window. But I will admit, people at work think I'm doing drugs because of this extra BOOST of ENERGY I am experiencing doing IF. I love it, and I'm going to stick with it. I will probably not do the Two a Days workouts in Feb. and just start doing cardio and strenght training after work. If I'm able to hit my Feb. goal, doing it that way I will continue doing that way from here on, otherwise I will probably go back to doing the Two a Days and Fasted Cardio in the AM.

    *******Every Saturday I do a 24 Hour Fast starting between 3pm-4pm.
    *******Every Sunday I have a Cheat Day, where I pretty much eat anything between 3pm and 6pm but I try to keep it under 3000 calories which is maintence for my current weight.

    That's a little BroScience I guess. lol,

    Anyways yall be blessed and be safe!

    Already J.
  • ElGordoyFeo
    ElGordoyFeo Posts: 19 Member
    I'm trying the 5-2 regime, where you restrict your calories to 1/4 (say 600) for 2 non-consecutive days . . . feels like fasting!
    But apparently according to the boffins this works just as well as IF.
    We're doing this for the health benefits mainly but hope to lose weight in the process.
    We'll see!
  • Anyone want to give me more info about IF? I am interested but need to know exactly what I need to do. I am getting back with my working out and trying to lose weight and heard fasting or detox is a good way to jump start weight loss. Any help and info would be appreciated. :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I do, sort of. My feed window is when I'm awake and I generally fast while I sleep. Does that count?
  • I've been doing IF for a while now. Normally I follow an 18:6 schedule no more than two days in a row, and it seems to be working for me. The past two days doing it i've lost 6 lbs.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    IF (Intermittent Fasting) is a diet scheme. It isn't some miracle diet. You won't lose weight any faster doing IF or a regular diet. Fasting does have hormonal benefits that have't been completely studied or fleshed out, but those benefits are seen from fasting longer then 24 hours. IF works very well for people to control what they eat. It lets people eat more in a short period of time and to actually feel full. This isn't a knock on it. I actually do it for the most part. My window is longer.

    Use the system if it fits your lifestyle or if it makes functioning on less calories than your body desires easier. Just don't think that you will magically lose more weight from IF. It still is calories in calories out. Doesn't matter if you eat once a day or 20 times a day. Most every "diet" will work if it puts you in a deficit.

    If you want to understand IF, google LeanGains. Martin lays it out very well and is considered by many to be an expert on it.

    All true. That being said some days I only eat in a 4 hour window, skip lunch, and other days I don't. Staying in a deficit is the important thing. I do find that if I eat breakfast, it makes me hungrier all day and I am more likely to cheat, so I never eat breakfast. Weird but true.
  • mayamagallanes
    mayamagallanes Posts: 85 Member
    I will be starting to try this in feb while my husband is away for a month for military training and I KNOW there wont be any goodies in the house ;) I started to try this last week and did 20/4 which worked great for my schedule!
  • ElGordoyFeo
    ElGordoyFeo Posts: 19 Member
    Big article in this week's Radio Times - from the original one by Dr Michael Mosely - he's even published a book (The Fast Diet) but if you saw the Horizon doc then you prob don't need the book. There's a few clips on BBC iPlayer but no chance of seeing the original film which was quite a breakthrough and even though it was screened during the Lympix, caused quite a stir around the world.
    I think the main benefit is that it is for your better health overall and not just to lose weight. Buying the Radio Times is probably the cheapest way to read up on this or just look at his book on Amazon (there's a preview of the first few pages). I think it's around £3 for the paperback or Kindle. Being "only one day" at a time means it's not too onerous! And I might just succeed.
  • ElGordoyFeo
    ElGordoyFeo Posts: 19 Member
    (above posting was for UK audiences! the programme was on BBC2

    Only programme I could find was his one on exercise:

    and then a website with a few clips from the original programme:

    NOt sure if these are viewable from outside the UK)