mini postcard challenge

Hey everyone
So I took part in a postcard challenge before so I thought id create my own
Anyways it will start today you must put your starting weight
Your goals you have for the challenge
And what you have issues with during weight loss ex diet etc..
It will last for two weeks
You must track food.water and exercise in log
You will weigh in next week and then the final week and winner will be chosen by me
You will inbox me here your weights;
The winner will receive a postcard or homemade card or letter from me and will get to run thw next challenge
If your interested please put starting weight below and your goal weight for this challeneg
Goodluck to you all
Ashlie :)


  • barbiedoll23
    barbiedoll23 Posts: 31 Member
    Start weight: around 130
    Goal weight: around 110
    Biggest problem: staying motivated.. And once I'm not motivated and eat horribly and stop exercising..:/
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member

    Starting weight: 264lbs

    Biggest Problem: Staying motivated. I will be awesome for about a week, then its right back to old habits of picking up fast food because I don't feel like cooking etc.

    I'm hoping this time I can keep a better pace. I also joined 3 bets on, so if I don't lose 10lbs by the end of February I'm out $40!! Hoping that will be motivation too! lol
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member

    Starting weight for the challenge: 228.5

    Biggest problem: Cooking dinner. I'm usually tired after work and don't feel like cooking, so we end up eating out. Also finding motivation to exercise is a big one too.
  • spatters72
    spatters72 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight 169
    Goal weight 150
    Biggest problem: I have a 7 month old son who is not sleeping through the night yet and naps are finding a regular time to work out is tricky. I am also reducing calories at this point isn't an option.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I started one of these last night, and now we have 2 postcard challenges running. If you don't mind, could we merge boards? This was the link to our board:

    Can you just get all of our starting weights from there? If not, I can PM each member (there's not many right now) and ask them to post it here.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Anyway, I'll be joining this one.

    Starting weight: 170.6 (my goal weight for this challenge is 169.1 (a 1.5 pound loss).

    Problems: Keeping my sodium in check. I live in the dorms at college, and even the healthy stuff in the dining halls is FILLED with sodium. Also, drinking enough water.
  • lcostigan
    lcostigan Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in... 283.4 this morning.... And dropping!
  • I'm in!

    Starting weight on 1/21/13: 176.6

    Problems: I eat a mostly vegetarian diet during the week so I'm looking to add more protein- less fruit. I also like to drink wine on the weekend and that's a hard habit for me to break.
  • chi2teach
    chi2teach Posts: 29 Member
    Count me in. I just started using MFP 2 days ago, but I want to keep it up.
    Starting weight: 192 on 1/21
    Goal weight: 180

    Biggest problem: I eat good stuff, but I eat too much of it. Portion control is my goal.
  • Totally in!! I love this idea.

    Starting Weight: 173.9
    Goal Weight (for the time frame anyway): 169.5

    I am hoping to keep my meals and daily reports more even when it comes to nutrients as well as keep with my C25K and 30DDS! Not to mention the problem of the wasted calories (I am not very willing to get rid of my beer)!

    Good Luck and Happy Losing!
  • Im In!! Perfect timing because my birthday is Feb 5th ... I'd love that postcard, if I earn it!! Starting weight 149.0
  • filsket
    filsket Posts: 6 Member
    Totally in!
    Start weight - 137.4
    Goal weight - 120

    Biggest problem - not enough exercise + unmotivational flatmates!

    This is gonna be awesome :D
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm in! Starting weight 202.6. My goal overall is to get to the 160s. My biggest challenge is time. As a mother, wife, teacher, and coach my time is extremely limited.
  • fitmommy2013
    fitmommy2013 Posts: 30 Member
    I am so happy that you all are joining in =)

    this is my first challenge that i have been in charge of, goodluck and i hope we all get the results we want!
    dont forget to weigh in next Monday
    and then Feb 4th
    hope yall are having a great day and have a great week
  • MucGay
    MucGay Posts: 38 Member
    IN @ 182lbs (just weighed myself!).... good luck ALL!
  • anastb
    anastb Posts: 9 Member
    Monday 21/1 ----> 202.6 lbs
    Good luck everyone! :)
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm in! My weight yesterday was 160.2 lbs though that seemed a little too light to be realistic! My overall goal is just to be classed as a healthy weight, so that would be 132 lbs. My biggest challenge is when I'm not in charge of the food, such as eating out, or when my mum comes to stay and takes over my kitchen. See you next Monday!
  • Im In!! Perfect timing because my birthday is Feb 5th ... I'd love that postcard, if I earn it!! Starting weight 149.0

    Happy early Birthday!! What a fantastic motivator.
  • fitmommy2013
    fitmommy2013 Posts: 30 Member
    I hope that you all are doing well and are on track. since weigh in day is Monday!! i am good trying to get as much working out as i can in and go from there.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I hope that you all are doing well and are on track. since weigh in day is Monday!! i am good trying to get as much working out as i can in and go from there.

    I went down then back up again because of Salty food! :explode: I know it will go back down quicker because its water retention but I'm still mad, I want the other number back!