Why do I look thinner in photos than in mirror?



  • xjmcx
    xjmcx Posts: 27
    I have it the other way around. I am always shocked when I see pictures even though I thought I would look good in the mirror...

    THIS! I look in the mirror and think i look awesome, and then I see photos and I'm like WHOA! and absolutley hate them!
  • klackey23
    Interesting to read all the responses. When I was heavy -- it was the opposite -- I would look in the mirror and be like 'I look OK' then I'd see myself in a photo and go, "WHAT I don't look that fat, do I?"

    I agree with one of the posters here -- I think my mind/emotional self has to catch up with my new weight.
  • ginchybird
    ginchybird Posts: 3 Member
    Mirrors are tricky devils. Not all mirrors are created equal. Some will make you look bigger while others make you look smaller. A lot of stores use mirrors in dressing rooms that makes you look thinner so you'll buy the clothes. I have 3 different mirrors in my house that I can look in for full body and all 3 of them are very different in how I look. I always use my iphone camera and camcorder to snap pics and videos of what I put on to see what it really looks like. I don't think the 10lb gain rule on camera is true for modern day photography/filming.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Maybe you see yourself more objectively?

    I always look way fatter in pictures than in the mirror.

    BUT my logitec camera for the computer makes me look thin. Regular digital cameras make me look fat. That's a lens issue.
  • Beautifulsoull
    Maybe cause you haven't came to relize that your getting smaller? I don't go by the mirror cause I still see problem areas everywhere that I want to fix right now but it doesn't happen like that. I like to take 10lb difference pictures and put it side by side so I can see the difference right there. If you use a before and during/after photo you see the difference clearier. Keep track of your measurements and go by clothes. I have " I feel fatter day then yesterday" all the time and that can be due to every day things, stress, bloating, water gain, etc.
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    Take picture of yourself in the mirror... then repeat in one week... look a the pictures side by side, maybe you'll see a difference?
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I guess I'm the opposite. I've been thinking I'm starting to look pretty good until I had my honey take some BEFORE pics (I'm starting Fluidity today) of me last night. I know I have a long ways to go but the pics were WAY worse that what I thought I was seeing in the mirror.