*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Who mentioned self sabotage??? Well that's me! So I had an okay release this week and was feeling pretty good. Nice long walk with the baby, did 30DS twice and then I hit. I am one who weighs everyday (I know my body and patterns so it suits me). I saw a good number and was happy. Then baby got sick...cold and teething...oh fun. Exercise ground to a halt. Can't do it when she's sleeping mainly because she sleeps best upright on me for the time being and I'm exhausted from more disrupted nights. Then last night hubby calls from work to say he's meeting a friend for dinner, he'll bring me home take away. Ok, I can pick something good. Then he called to say they had no take away boxes. By this point I was 1) starving and 2) pissed that I was once again left at home taking 100% of the parental responsibility. SO...I ordered pizza...and ice cream...and coke...and no there is none left. Felt pretty crappy about it this morning. So I am attempting to be super good today. Bowl of cereal for breakfast, tuna sandwich on thins and tomato soup for lunch and shared a banana with baby. Will have normal supper. Drinking loads of water and tea. Hoping I can counter balance. Sigh.

    Becky - stop beating yourself up. You are a superwoman and you know it. This too shall pass and I'm sure even puff you look beautiful. Hugs girly

    Julie - sounds like you've had once of those weeks to but good for you on keeping the eating good...and if applesauce is your only food worry.....super star!

    Penny: ah UK snow...sorry it makes me laugh to see all the fuss about this snow here.

    To the newbies....post!! Its the way this thread works, share whats on your mind, your successes, your struggles, your nsv's, your recipies, exercise tips, ask questions etc. The more you share the more this works!
  • StephanieStC
    StephanieStC Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Andrea, 30 years old, and I live in Illinois. Married, no kids, and I work full time on the office staff at a counseling practice. I've lost about 35 pounds so far, but I'd like to lose another 100 or so. My original goal was to get down to 200 lbs by my 30th birthday but I spent most of 2012 just gaining and losing the same 10 pounds over and over so now the goal is 200 by my 31st!

    Thanks Becky for the message about this thread. Looking forward to finding friends, both old and new!

    Hi there! I spent last year losing and gaining the same 6 lbs! So I know how that feels.
    When is your birthday - you can just give the month, and we can help each other stay on track. My birthday is next month, so I'm hoping to be down 10 lbs by then, and meet my goal and maintain it for next year. (I have 70 lbs to lose). That would be the best birthday present of all.

    I am originally from Illinois, too, north of Chicago. Where are you from?

    So, this is my plan: I workout 5-6 days/week, I try to add fruits and/or veggies to every meal, I am trying to stay away from sweets for the next 6 months (my weakest area), and since I know I burn an average of 2500 cal/day, I am trying to keep my cal between 1800-2300. (I know this is high, but I'd rather go slow and not regain, than do something extreme and keep yo-yo-ing that same 6 lbs.

    What's your plan for yourself?
  • StephanieStC
    StephanieStC Posts: 59 Member
    Then baby got sick...cold and teething...oh fun. Exercise ground to a halt. Can't do it when she's sleeping mainly because she sleeps best upright on me for the time being and I'm exhausted from more disrupted nights. Then last night hubby calls from work to say he's meeting a friend for dinner, he'll bring me home take away. Ok, I can pick something good. Then he called to say they had no take away boxes. By this point I was 1) starving and 2) pissed that I was once again left at home taking 100% of the parental responsibility. SO...I ordered pizza...and ice cream...and coke...and no there is none left. Felt pretty crappy about it this morning.

    Hey there - I've TOTALLY been there. And, I usually still am. My husband is gone frequently, and helps very little when around. A lot of this weight gain for me, was when he was gone (on deployment) and the rest is when he came back and sat around playing video games for hours, leaving me with the baby, housework, etc. And the icing onthe cake was, his family would constantly tell me what a great father he was. I wanted to strangle someone. Instead, I stuffed myself.

    Anyway, don't be hard on yourself either. It was a bad night.

    But, one thing I've figured out for myself, is to always have a Plan B in the freezer - in fact, I have more than one. I have frozen fish filets for an easy dinner when I'm tired, have a headache, etc. I have Amy's brand burritos and egg wraps and jarred salsa for those times when I oversleep, I'm short on time, etc. If I don't have a plan set, I eat in the middle of the night when I'm up with the baby. My new rule for myself is to start with: ice cold water, wait 15 min. I also try to stop myself, even in my half-sleep stupor, and ask myself, am I really hungry? Or just tired and want the baby to go back to sleep?

    I know it's hard with a baby. I don't always make the right choices either, but in the last few months, I've taken more control of my life by planning for the days/nights when things don't go right. It's much easier for me to make good choices that way.

    How old is your baby? She's a cutie!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Stephanie- You know it was a bad night and that's it just a bad night, not going to be a bad week or month. Keep making your good choices and like StephanieSt said make some Plan B meal plans or think of a back up when things get tricky.

    All is going real well here. Went shopping for Eve for next year clothes. Got some super cute stuff. All I have to say is when does she stop growing?!? She is two and a half and wearing 4T. So we are getting her a size 6 for next winter..... That's sounds nuts! She will only be three and a half and wearing a 6!! But anywho...how is everyone doing? Tell us about it. Would love to hear.
    Take care peeps

  • Hello all! Just joined MFP today. I'm 44, married, and have a very active 3 1/2 year old. I've been overweight most of my life and want/need to get healthy for myself AND my daughter. I work full-time - playing w/numbers @ a desk all day. I've been going to Zumba for the past couple of months and although I feel better, I haven't lost any pounds. I'm very discouraged and am hoping MFP can help get me out of my funk. Any advice/opinions are welcome!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    ... with shakey hands, I took the steroid again this morning! ha, ha. It was a bit strange - to see how shakey my hands became taking the stupid little pills. BUT - I'm on Day 6 of 10 and I'm at half the original dose. So, I'll continue to taper and pray to God that this all just gets better and the weight comes off and I can go back to where I was and making progress. *sigh*

    With that said? I'm better today. I still hate what I am looking at in the mirror and the scale was even higher today. The med is making me really hungry and I've just decided that I wasn't going to care what or how much I ate with it... so I had pizza and I had crackers and I had cereal bars... *shrug* The meds make me really hungry... but also?? Super nauseous - as in, I have spent a bit of time close with my bathroom. They gave me meds to help avoid the vomiting but they aren't really working like I had hoped. And, the nausea can come even 10-12 hours after taking the steroid. I can pretty quickly tell at this point if the wave will pass or not so I'm at least able to prepare and be where I need to be... oh, and? The steroid? Well... a male friend of mine told me that it was like a super PMS in a bottle... and warned me that my emotions would go all over the place. How right he was! Only, I'm NOT like that with PMS. But, I tell ya - I can't control my emotions whatsoever!

    So last night the guy that I"ve been seeing for awhile - it's weird because I've been seeing several guys over the last 6 plus months which is just unusual for me... but this guy? He's been around a lot for about 7.5 months. He often stays here with me - and it's just sweet because he does such nice, kind things. He cares... a lot. And, when I let that actually "in" it feels really good. LOL. I've been trying to hold him at arm's distance. Anyway - so last night I told him I was running to the grocery store and to let himself in if he got to my place before I did... I was crabby on the way to the store for whatever reason, got a message from a good friend once there and was smiling and happy, left the store excited about the night and then made it home... as I was trying to come in the door with my gingerale (again, nausea!) the box broke and the cans went everywhere - in the ice, snow, dark, cold... and I lost it. Broke down. I walked inside and saw him and just sank and cried... poor guy. So, he went to take care of it - because I just couldn't... I got myself together... but later? We were talking and I break down again because of my fat fingers. He was cute though - he would kiss me and say, "it's not, it's just the medicine, you are fine." I'm telling ya, this stuff? I hate it - and I don't ever want to take it again! But, in the end it was a great night and morning... I love when we get to sleep in together and just talk, laugh, cuddle... So, yeah... today is a better day. At least so far. I think that I'm on the back half of the medicine? Well, that excites me... I just want this done! Oh - and according to the guy? I sound "much, much better" so maybe the medicine is helping. I was doubting it, but he hadn't seen me for several days and said that all the way around I seemed better... so, I'll trust it because I want to.

    My endurance and strength are definitely down... I'm anxious to work out and the Doc had said that I could - but I just haven't really had the abililty to. I do some but my HR is pretty immediately high and I am pretty immediately exhausted. So, this week my goal is to get to the gym at least a couple of times. I also have a fun event coming up... My birthday is early next month - and my best friend's birthday is Jan 30... actually my other best friend's birthday is the same day as mine Feb 8... so, anyway - the friend with the Jan 30 birthday - she and I have been wanting to get a group together to do a Murder Mystery Dinner at a Mansion in town... and that's her gift from her mom. So there are 8 of us that are doing that... being picked up by a limo and driving around some, then going for dinner and a murder... then she and her husband are staying and me and the guy are also staying. We are in the Rose Suite - which is completely romantic... He and I are using that to celebrate my birthday as well... and I'm excited about it. It's also the first time that my best friend will meet him -- so a bit nerve wracking too! Ha! BUT -- the theme is "The Good, The Bad, The Guilty" and it's a western themed affair... we all get our characters this week and we dress the part. LOL. It's gonna be so fun!

    So, I'm trying... trying to make the best of the situation and not focus so much on what's outside of my control. We'll see, I just took the steroid, so who knows what that will do with my mood. ha, ha, ha!


    Steph: Hey, it was just one night... even if nothing was left? The good news to that is - you can't keep eating it for days! Remember, Kenzie is still young and you are just learning the balance points... it's hard, difficult and you are doing a spectacularly fantastic job in managing that! You are! Don't beat yourself up... Also, with the new house - do you have a bit more room for food storage? I know that in the UK people do things with food differently... and don't have soooo much on hand like we do in America... but - would there be more room to have other food on hand? And, you are doing all the right things the following day. It could have been worse - so just chalk it up to a learning experience... and I promise - if you start telling me you are doing it every day or a couple times a week? I'll kick your butt personally! ;)

    StephanieStC: Welcome, good plan... hope it's working for you!

    Julie: Wow - Eve IS growing! Sh doesn't look that big in any of the photos... but I love that you are buying ahead of time, I always think that's smart. :) Glad you found some super cute stuff for that super cute kiddo of yours! She's so beautiful... just like her mama is.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Quick update,

    Uk snow royally sucks...personally it doesn't bother me, I'm happy to scape my car, shovel my drive, drive carefully etc etc...but that doesn't mean the trains run and the roads function *grrrr*

    But my bf did get to me, we got in several snowy walks with the dogs, we managed to get out to a big shopping centre about an hours drive awa on sat as planned (pre-snow) and it and the roads were so quiet because everyone was staying inside! Today however even more came down ontop of the 3inches that fell on fri, and after it snowing literally all day today I'd imagine it's now about 7-8 inches. Luckily the bf did manage to get a train home this evening, but there's no way I'll be able to cycle tomorrow, so instead I'm going to get up early, put on my Welles, and do the hour+ walk I the station to be there for my normal train. A least 2hrs snow walking will be more cals than 30mins cycling!

    This weekend I've been really down and grouchy, and today quite teary. Living with my mum (who is constantly up down, her mood is on a hair-trigger, she's always screaming and snapping at me and my dad) is so hard. It's hard enough being back at home as it is, but her mood gets worse and worse. I love both my parents to bits, and I really do try hard to pull my weight, help out, do stuff, but I seem to be told off whether I help out or not. I literally can't win, whatever option I pick is always wrong. I really thought once I got into working every day it'd get easier as I'd be out frm under her feet, but it genuinely seems to be getting worse. It sounds terrible but I just don't want to be here anymore, and if I had any other option I'd be out of here like a shot. But my bf was great and let me have a big cry. I wish it wasn't so hard living here right now.

    Becky, however much you're eating you're NOT gaining that much weight, I promise you, pure just retaining an awful lot of fluids...which is also why you look so puffy! That sounds particularly crazy and uncomfortable though, I really hope you get through the last few days feeling marginally better, I'm glad you had your guy looking after you!

    Steph, poor you, I'd second the possibilities for having on hand grab freezer meals...but I am totally in awe of you managing to do it most of the time. You do so well, don't worry about a couple of slip ups now and then!

    Julie, that's so cool about Eve growing up, it must be so lovely to see her getting bigger and learning and stuff, though also exhausting trying to keep up! Well done for keeping on top of stuff on the whole, the apple sauce sounds lovely, I've never thought about cooking it in my slow cooker (croc pot) though, that's a great idea!

  • peachy1717
    peachy1717 Posts: 44 Member
    I'd love to join your group if I can? I am 26 and I need to lose 50-60 pounds! I am married with no kids (yet!), and I work as a substitute teacher. I love teaching and I hope to one day have my own classroom. I joined a gym last July and enjoy taking Zumba and yoga classes. Hope to talk soon! :)
  • I'd like to join. 37 years old and been trying to lose weight (and thinking about trying to lose weight) for at least 6 years. Been hating the stuff I eat for well over 15 years. I work full time and my husband has lost 130 pounds....so it's time to get serious. I have an 8 year old daughter who is awesome and if nothing else I'd like to see where I can be by summer. Surely there's plenty of time to impress myself by then, huh? b 200lbs is my minigoal - once I hit the one hundreds....I'll reasses - I think I'd like to be around 165....but I can't conceive of that because it's been so long that I've been in the 2 hundreds.
  • daniellebfit
    daniellebfit Posts: 91 Member
    Hello all --- I agree with the term "releasing" because I sure don't want these pounds to find me again! Just about a month into MFP and really enjoying all the wonderful support. I started off at 348# and just working day by day to make progress.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I made it into work! Cycled via all the main roads, so was 25mins rather than my usual 15min. But I did it, in wellies and all. And the office is blummin' freezing! Shivering is going to burn some cals today despite having tons of layers on!

    Hope everyone has a good day! x
  • StephanieStC
    StephanieStC Posts: 59 Member
    Lombrica- My birthday is Feb 8, too! :)
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Monday....Hope everyone had a great weekend...... And I hope everyone has a good week :) My week is going to be much better then last week ;) YAY!
    Some get stressed and eat...I'm the opposite, I get stressed, and I don't eat.. And my week last week, was really crazy busy, and
    very stressful (worked related) ... This week, its all good...So I'm back on my shakes and back at the gym at 5am....Its all good!
    Stay Strong... And as always, I'm looking for new friends :) Happy Monday
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Holy balls is it cold outside. Took care of the dog and my fingers are tingling.
    Chad (my husband) watched Eve this morning so I could go to the gym. Had a great burn today. And was very dead until 8, then the machines were filling up. Then we took a drive to see a possible cabin that is very near a lake. It was ok but lots of remodeling needs to be done.
    A small NSV. For the first time in a long time, I didn't gain over a weekend, in fact I went down. Yeah for me.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • iamsuthern2
    iamsuthern2 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Marie. I am determined to maked 2013 my year to get fit. I need to loose 150 pounds. I am so out of shape I cannot walk for more than 5 minutes without gasping for breath. I plan on working out 25 minutes to start. My family is harrassing me so bad it is very hard for me to talk to them. My knees hurt so bad I have a very difficult time working out. They are harrassing me to go to the gym but the pain is too great. I plan to walk at home using the videos online. I also have the biggest loser also to use. I tried the P90 but it was way too intense for me. I just need to get moving slowly to get used to it. My family cannot seem to understand just how much it hurts to walk on a treadmill. They accuse me of using excuses to not work out. I am going to show them I can do it. I would love to get in an encouraging support group if there is still room available for one more. I signed up today for a weight loss challenge with our state for 10 weeks. I am determined to stick it out.
  • StephanieStC
    StephanieStC Posts: 59 Member
    My name is Marie. I am determined to maked 2013 my year to get fit. I need to loose 150 pounds. I am so out of shape I cannot walk for more than 5 minutes without gasping for breath. I plan on working out 25 minutes to start. My family is harrassing me so bad it is very hard for me to talk to them. My knees hurt so bad I have a very difficult time working out. They are harrassing me to go to the gym but the pain is too great. I plan to walk at home using the videos online. I also have the biggest loser also to use. I tried the P90 but it was way too intense for me. I just need to get moving slowly to get used to it. My family cannot seem to understand just how much it hurts to walk on a treadmill. They accuse me of using excuses to not work out. I am going to show them I can do it. I would love to get in an encouraging support group if there is still room available for one more. I signed up today for a weight loss challenge with our state for 10 weeks. I am determined to stick it out.

    Hi Marie! Welcome! This is the place to be. As much as you can, try to put your family's words out of your mind and keep telling yourself that you are doing this for you. (Easier said than done). Also, remind yourself that it's okay to take the slow road - you have the rest of your life to be the New You. So do it right. Take your time. If you need to start with 5 min of walking, then only do 5 min. Also, consider something like the stationary bike - if you have access to a gym. This may help alleviate knee/joint pain. A book I really like and am using for inspiration/motivation is Never Say Diet, by Chantel Hobbs. Good luck to you!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well since my slip up, I've been feeling better. I was super strict the next day and drank what felt like my body weight in tea and water. Yesterday proved fairly easy and today is so far so good! I weigh in tomorrow and I am very hopefully for a good number on the scale despite no real exercise since Thursday. Kenzie is still suffering a pretty disgusting cold that has really taken a toll on her. Lots of cuddle time.

    Thanks for all the support and encouragement. I would love to have back up meals in the freezer but as Becky pointed out storage here is smaller and what is normally an empty drawer in the freezer is being used by my SIL who is staying with us (but only for another couple of months!). Going to make pasta sauce this week and hope to freeze one portion in case that situation arises again.

    Marie: Welcome! Hopefully you find lots of support on this board. Come back, post often and get involved in the conversation. Lots of here have loads to lose so you are amongst comrades. There is nothing wrong with taking it slow. In fact lots of us have taken slow...and it makes the changes more manageable. It doesn't feel like you are starving yourself or killing yourself with workouts that are just going to turn you off or burn you out. You can do this!!

    StephanieSt: can I just say you fit in so well to this group. Supportive and chatty!

    Julie: wow, I'm impressed at you buying for next year. I wish I could but couldn't even hazard a guess at what size Kenzie will be. She will be 6 months old (where on earth has the time gone!) next week and is wearing mainly 6- 9 months but some 9-12 month stuff. She is a big girl! I've got my fingers crossed for you and hoping that your family grows again soon.xx

    Becky: your comments on your love life make me smile. I love Ash to death but I must admit I miss those times of snuggles and talking till whenever...strangely doesn't happen with a baby in the room and nightly wake up calls! I will say though (and kick my *kitten* if you must), that the guy sounds a bit like a real and proper boyfriend. Is something holding you back from making that step? Past stuff? Remember you gotta kiss a lot of frogs but sooner or later you do reach a frog worth keeping around for a while and eventurally forever (even when they have toady moments!)

    clcole: hope you have a great week, you've got the right attitude!
  • Hi I am Corrinn aged 23 and currently weigh 212lb. I am looking to lose 50lb and be back to a healthier and happier size! I currently work as a Debt Advice Worker for the Citizens Advice Bureau.

    I used to teach Zumba Fitness until around 9 months ago when i packed it in and to be honest its the worst decision i have ever made because since that i have put on 3 stone and i now am miserable and have no clothes that fit!!

    I hope i can join this group and can give and get the support we all sometimes need to keep going!

    Feel free to add me too :)

    Corrinn xx
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    Hello! I'm Sarah. I've already lost 60, and hoping to lose at least another 45 pounds. I'm a nurse with a full time stressful busy job along with being a mom to a 6 year old daughter! Please feel free to add me so we can chat more! I'm on multiple times a day and always near by on the forums.
  • Hi Marie, I found your post inspirational that you are determined to prove to everyone that you indeed have the strength to get to where you need to be regardless of what they say! I believe that you have what it takes and taking it slow is the best place to start. You will be suprised how quickly your fitness will pick up even from doing light exercise! Good luck with your goal and this sort of group is a great place to come for support! :-) Corrinn x