5:2 Diet - Anyone out there doing this? x



  • :happy: yes I did it last summer and found it easy and invigorating. Only stopped because we went on holiday to Italy with friends and didn't feel we could continue fasting in their company. So have started again post Christmas. My husband who is completely anti diets and food discipline watched the TV programme and was completely won over by it's arguments, particularly the benefits re staving off cancer and dementia.. the weight loss is just an added extra!
    Because you are only "fasting " for 2 days it's very easy to adjust your week round it. Once you start cutting down your general appetite moderates and you tend to eat more healthily on the other days as well.
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Thank you all so much for your replies - the majority of people that I've spoken to regarding this diet appear to be positive about it so it's definately something that I'm gonna do - love reading about all the different variations of the diet aswell so I'm gonna try 5:2 to start with and then maybe try Alternate Day Fasting if that doesn't work for me. - it just seems like such an intersting way to live and something that I would like to be a lifestyle change as opposed to being a diet. I'm gonna start on Sunday and go straight into a fasting day so I'll let you all know how I get on - I've already pre-planned my diet for Sunday and bought everything that I need for that day - I've even completed my diary for Sunday - how organised is that lol - so once again, thank you all so much for your positive input :-) xx
  • Triinu31
    Triinu31 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Emma, just to report that I felt really hungry in the evening of day 2 so had 1/2 cucumber and an Apple around 9 pm which brought calories just above 500, but despite wanting an early night I couldn't sleep so tossing and turning well past 1 am! Anybody experienced this with 5:2?

  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Thanks Emma, just to report that I felt really hungry in the evening of day 2 so had 1/2 cucumber and an Apple around 9 pm which brought calories just above 500, but despite wanting an early night I couldn't sleep so tossing and turning well past 1 am! Anybody experienced this with 5:2?


    I'll let you know how I get on Sunday night at the end of my first fast, although it will be difficult for me to gauge whether it's the diet causing my lack of sleep or my partner's snoring which keeps me awake most nights anyway lol - I'm guessing that as time goes on though those fast days will get easier and you did really well to only go slightly over 500 cals - well done :-) xxx
  • I really did like this but after 3 week mess up my period badly and I had to stop.
  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    I watched the horizon programme on Vimeo today
  • ktsimp
    ktsimp Posts: 1

    I read the article in the Sunday Times Magazine yesterday and started my 1st fast day today.

    It's so great to be able to read of other's experiences with the 5:2 and I am really pleased that there is so much positive feedback.

    Also think I will order the Kate Harrison book ...... anything that helps has got to be good!
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    My boyfriend and I are starting today but are doing the every other day style. I'll let you know how it goes!
  • megiotto
    megiotto Posts: 7 Member
    I was here on myfitnesspal researching for tomorrow's fast day (military planning is absolutely necessary) and decided to have a lot at the forum. I know you wanted to hear from people that were on it for long, but this is only my second week in. I have found that so far it has been ok, you do get hungry and you fantasise a lot about food, but knowing that the following day you can eat normally helps a lot!

    As far as energy levels are concerned, mine have been great. I usually go to the gym during my lunch break (I work flexible hours), and have found that I could actually do more on my fast days than on my feed days, like today, when I had a big lunch and then went to the gym at 6 after work and just couldn't complete my running. I don't know how much energy I would have at six o'clock on my fast days, though, because that is usually when I get hungry.

    Someone else here said that it made him feel more conscious about eating only when you are hungry and I completely agree! I was quite shocked on my first fast day when I got hungry, because I didn't really remember when I had that feeling in my stomach of being really hungry, as opposed to simply peckish. It's still too early days to have a complete overhaul, but the idea of eating only when I am hungry is something that I want to bring on board of my day to day life.

    Anyway, been rambling for too long now. You have asked for meal suggestions and I started a blog around the same time I started the diet, so if you want to check it out, here it is: http://5and2er.blogspot.co.uk/

    There isn't a lot in there, it is only my second week. but I intend on putting everything I eat during my fast days in there and I hope it helps!
  • Triinu31
    Triinu31 Posts: 7 Member
    Week 2 and already less hungry on both fast and normal days. Been in bed since 9:30 though and again not tired at all, so my clever plan of getting early nights on fast days to avoid hunger bangs seem to back fire as loads of energy now late in the evening.
  • LBELL1606
    LBELL1606 Posts: 1 Member
    I have done this previously and was the first diet where I was able to keep the weight off after stopping. However, when the festive period struck, I did gain some weight (but who doesn't??). I am now restarting the diet; I always lose at least 1lb a week (more if i've been good on my non fasting days and motivated to go to the gym often). It is definitely the easiest diet for the best effects I have ever done, and is easy to stick to for a long period of time. I have however tried doing two consecutive fasting days and strongly advise against this, as it brings on a bingeing urge! Good Luck!
  • Itzli
    Itzli Posts: 78 Member
    I haven't started this type of diet. Considering tho. I see a lot of posts about headaches, fatigue, ect on fast days. Wondering if taking viatmin supplements is out of the question?
  • megiotto
    megiotto Posts: 7 Member
    I haven't started this type of diet. Considering tho. I see a lot of posts about headaches, fatigue, ect on fast days. Wondering if taking viatmin supplements is out of the question?

    I have experienced the opposite! Lots of energy and no headaches at all...
  • Also just started this (again after reading in the Sunday Times last weekend) - first fast day today and definitely got a headache. Focusing on what I can eat tomorrow to get me through though...
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    I was here on myfitnesspal researching for tomorrow's fast day (military planning is absolutely necessary) and decided to have a lot at the forum. I know you wanted to hear from people that were on it for long, but this is only my second week in. I have found that so far it has been ok, you do get hungry and you fantasise a lot about food, but knowing that the following day you can eat normally helps a lot!

    As far as energy levels are concerned, mine have been great. I usually go to the gym during my lunch break (I work flexible hours), and have found that I could actually do more on my fast days than on my feed days, like today, when I had a big lunch and then went to the gym at 6 after work and just couldn't complete my running. I don't know how much energy I would have at six o'clock on my fast days, though, because that is usually when I get hungry.

    Someone else here said that it made him feel more conscious about eating only when you are hungry and I completely agree! I was quite shocked on my first fast day when I got hungry, because I didn't really remember when I had that feeling in my stomach of being really hungry, as opposed to simply peckish. It's still too early days to have a complete overhaul, but the idea of eating only when I am hungry is something that I want to bring on board of my day to day life.

    Anyway, been rambling for too long now. You have asked for meal suggestions and I started a blog around the same time I started the diet, so if you want to check it out, here it is: http://5and2er.blogspot.co.uk/

    There isn't a lot in there, it is only my second week. but I intend on putting everything I eat during my fast days in there and I hope it helps!

    Thanks so much for your reply and I'll have to check out your blog - had completely forgotten about this thread lol so please excuse me if I havn't replied to everyone but thank you all so much for your positive comments. I'm into my second week of 5:2 and although the weightloss in my 1st week was less than the first week where I was simply calorie counting, I feel absolutely fantastic!! I feel as though I have so much more energy, my skin looks so much better and I basically just feel fab. So it's definately something that I'm gonna be continuing with. I don't care if the weight comes off slowly because I'm in this for the long haul and I'm hoping that eventually, my whole attitude towards food will change. I'm already automatically making healthy, good food choices so I think it's really working for me :-) xx
  • lollyb2
    lollyb2 Posts: 9 Member
  • Just a little 'did u kno' fact...
    Ppl that follow islam r recommended to fast 2 days a wk-mondays and thurs. It is a choice tho. Wow.
  • Im going to start this soon (reading the book at mo) - any suggestions for good recipes? Ive found this so far... http://www.tinnedtomatoes.com/2012/08/52-diet-menu-options.html
  • bump- started last week, 2nd fast day yesterday, think it could really suit me, just hope it works!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i think you should do more research on how to get started with a diet like this. i feel that a lot of people do it as an excuse to binge eat a few days a week, and then they starve themselves to counter it.

    people that do it successfully ease into it. i think you should take a look at intermittent fasting first.



    intermittent fasting does not mean to not eat for 24 hours straight, or for two days straight. it is not an excuse to go over your daily calories because the next day you starve yourself.

    simply put, intermittent fasting is skipping breakfast.

    at night you eat a large dinner. the next morning you wake up and you go about your day. the first time you eat should be about sixteen hours after you ate dinner. you have your lunch to break the fast. you eat all your daily calories in the next eight hours.

    you start off slow by first just putting off breakfast once a week, then twice. little by little you get used to not eating so early. (coffee and water are allowed).

    I find that my energy level is still high, and that i can work out in the morning very comfortably. I also like intermittent fasting because i can have larger meals, which i enjoy as opposed to small single servings.