Binge Eating

SO I need some help....I need to figure out how to stop binge eating at night when I am home. Any suggestions?


  • kayla554
    kayla554 Posts: 99 Member
    Easy...Take all junk food or stuff that is very tempting out of the house..don't buy it. If it's not there you can't eat it. Trust me if you have a pack of glazed doughnuts sitting on the counter they will be calling your name all night. Instead replace it with fruit and low calorie snack foods.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    SO I need some help....I need to figure out how to stop binge eating at night when I am home. Any suggestions?

    Define binge eating please.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Binge eating at night is THE WORST. I would have a nice dinner within my calorie range at around 6:00 and be STARVING at 10-11 at night. I would go through my cabinets and eat anything, even if I didn't really want it. And then I'd feel guilty about it....The trick is to go to bed early. I suggest drinking some water and then turning off computers and electronics, laying down and trying to get some shut eye. It will do the body wonders and if you're not cant binge.
  • AskingTooMuch
    AskingTooMuch Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a huge 'binger' also. Especially in the evenings when I'm at home. I found that I can't...absolutely CAN"T have anything in the house I can binge on. I have fruit and veggies always available, but if there's a box of crackers or chips or anything I'll eat it all. I will buy a bit of something, and think it'll last me for the week/month...once it's been opened though, it's going to be gone. I'd suggest having fruit and/or veggie sticks ready, and not buying stuff when you're at the store. Today I was craving stuff, and people suggested I chew gum or brush my teeth...could be worth a try! (I was a t work and couldn't do either)
  • Binge eating for me is....I ate dinner at 6 but then I get bored so I go into the kitchen and eat cookies or whatever I can find until my stomach is stuffed and I am uncomfortable. Then I feel horribly guilty and say tomorrow will be better and I do it again.
  • cole_ashleyy
    cole_ashleyy Posts: 104 Member
    The best way to avoid binge eating (esp. at night) is to make sure you're eating enough throughout the day. If you're not, you're much more likely to binge.

    Binge eating can also be associated with emotions... a lot of people are 'emotional eaters' so I always suggest keeping a journal so that when you feel the urge to binge come on you write in your journal and figure out if it's emotional or a true craving for something. If it's emotional, hopefully the journal will help you get those emotions out or at least realize it's not due to hunger.

    Also, if you're craving something in general throughout the day- eat it. If you avoid your body telling you something, it's more likely to binge on whatever that craving was. It obviously wants whatever that is, so don't deprive it. If you crave chocolate all the time, you can keep some chocolate bars in the freezer and just have a piece so you're body is less likely to binge on similar foods later in the day.

    Another way to help control binge eating is to go through foods that come in boxes and large servings and separate them into single serve ziplock bags.

    Hope this helps!
  • cole_ashleyy
    cole_ashleyy Posts: 104 Member
    Binge eating for me is....I ate dinner at 6 but then I get bored so I go into the kitchen and eat cookies or whatever I can find until my stomach is stuffed and I am uncomfortable. Then I feel horribly guilty and say tomorrow will be better and I do it again.

    There's nothing wrong with eating after dinner. I always have a snack :)
    You can plan them out too... fruit is awesome cause it's sweet but you won't be eating a bunch of cookies to get that sweetness. I love strawberries- I cut them up (sometimes mix in some truvia) and let them sit in the fridge for a bit. Then I put them in a bowl with some fat free cool whip. You can also find other things to add to make it to your own liking.
    Other fruits too... you can always find fun ways to turn fruit into a healthy, sweet dessert to keep the cravings at bay.
  • cole_ashleyy
    cole_ashleyy Posts: 104 Member
    Oh!! Also- cold, crunchy foods! Carrots are a good one... I like grapes which aren't SUPER crunchy (they can be) but something thats "pickable" so it's not gone immediately.

    Sorry for like overtaking this topic.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    I have been binging for a long time. It's just the way I prefer to eat. stuff myself silly. I am willing to stake that my binge amount is way more than yours...(around 2000 calories per meal).

    the key is to make sure you're still under your caloric goal for the day.

    the other key, of course is pretty rigorous exercise.
  • I had this problem so many times before I started my weight loss. You binge because you far too strict with yourself. Eat something you crave , which stays within your calorie goal. If you do that, you'll probably not binge. I personally have a piece of dark chocolate every day, for around 50 calories, which stays within in my daily intake. You don't have to deprive yourself to lose weight. Moderation is the key!
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    I drink tea when I want to eat at night. I'm a big boredom eater :/ But usually I drink tea or eat a pickle to kind of make the craving not as bad then I just try to go to sleep.
  • skinnyclare
    skinnyclare Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a massive binge eater, I have to make sure nothing is in the house like biscuits or crisps or I will eat them all. I've started doing my Wii Fitt in the evenings so it takes my mind off snacking also try having a drink, I'll have a low calorie hot chocolate if Im craving sweet things, that always seems to work. Or go to bed early and sleep!!
  • :smile: Drink water constantly throughout the day, and eat fruit/vegetables/turkey slices/sugar-free pudding for that sweet tooth every 2-3hours or chew sugar-free gum(gum with sugar makes me hungrier than I was before)! I am currently 4 in a half months pregnant and I struggle with this on a daily basis, even more so the further along I get bc I'm just hungry all the time so these are the things that work for me. Also I workout at night before going to bed and eat a slice of deli turkey and for me I feel less hungry after I workout, maybe make that a nightly routine for yourself!!! Good luck
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I used to do plenty of Binge eating at night. When a tv show came on I would eat chips, crackers, peanuts, etc. It was a terrible cycle for me.

    The only solution I could find was chewing gum. I'm going through packs of gum at an alarming rate, but I'm not eating anything. So far it has helped me lose weight.