Anyone else doing this with a lap band?

Hi, I'm looking for more friends here, especially anyone else who has a lap band.


  • I have had a Lap Band since 3/31/2010, I lost 60 pounds and gained back 40. I just stared here on 1/2/13, I lost 13 lbs so for.
  • 13 lbs is great! We have to start somewhere don't we? At least you didn't gain all of your weight back. I don't know about you but my stomach feels a LOT better now that I'm putting less into it :-)
  • Hi there,I'm looking for friends too! I just got banded last month (Dec 17th). I haven't had my 1st fill yet it is scheduled for the 26th.
  • I had lap-band surgery in November 2009. I lost 70 pounds and have been able to maintain that loss until right now. I have gained 14 pounds since November 2012. Stress can make you let go of all those hard earned habits overnight. This is my first real set back, the band has been a great tool for me.. Now I have to get back into the habit of listening to my body, when I am full, walk away, and follow the proper diet. Protein first, not drinking any fluids with my meal, and staying away from Chocolate :-)
  • SallyAnnNorton
    SallyAnnNorton Posts: 30 Member
    Banded in the U.K may 2011, very little weight loss, but having said that no gains. Altogether i have lost about 20 kilos, but to be honest the band has not given me a great weight loss, if anything it has prevented me from getting bigger and bigger. The majority of my weight loss was prior to the band, as i was told i would not be banded unless i lost weight. I did lose weight and that was the majority of the 20 kilos already mentioned. I thought the band was going to be a magic wand to take away my weight problem, it was not, i now realise as with many things in life you have to work for what you want, the band is mearly a tool to help, you have to work with it. okay so it has taken me nearly two years to realise this, but now i am ready willing and able to work with the band.I have a 15 ml band, and have had 4 fills, i currently have 10ml (cc) in my 15 ml band, here in the U.K that is about maximum for n.h.s treatment, i have the option of going private, and paying out of my own pocket for more fills, but at the moment i do feel i have a good amount of restriction, basically it is up to me and that is why i am finding this site at the right time, and mentally i am ready to have another go! Having a band is not necessarily the key to success, we all have to work hard for weight loss, i am ready are you?
    Add me. And good luck to you.
  • I have my last dietician appointment Feb. 5th... then my band journey begins. I am anxious and nervous.
  • I got the lapband in Sept. 2011. I would love to have some diet buddies trying to lose weight with the lapband.
  • w99e04
    w99e04 Posts: 5 Member
    hello banders!
    i had my band in feb 2010. my starting weight was 250. last summer i was down to 170 my lowest in 11yrs. Unfortunately I started gaining the weight back at this point due to several stresses in my life. No I wasnt over eating just eating the wrong foods. So i attempted this journey last summer but quickly fell off after a couple days. Now i am trying again! 40 days in and I have lost 16 pounds. I have horrible trouble over the weekends! But hopefully with a few friends and lots of encouragement I will overcome this too! I must say I have learned so much about my eating habits since I started 40 days ago. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I believe we could all use more encouragement accomplishing our goals. I have another 52 lbs I would like to loose and maintain. So I am here for the long hall, to healthier eating and a healthier me!
  • I lost 70 pounds too, I was 240 when I was banded, was 250 6 months prior. I have gained 14 pounds, but am getting back on track. This site helps a great deal. 16 pounds is a great start. I have to lose the 14 pounds plus I still want to lose another 15 or 20 after that.
  • Joni_Pass
    Joni_Pass Posts: 20 Member
    I was banded 11/29/12. I am down 30 since surgery. I have had 2 fills so far.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    No band, but when I saw the title, I thought you were talking about losing weight with a lap dance! :noway:
  • Hi there! I lost 60 pounds as well two years ago and now I'm up 5 pounds. I'm really struggling with so much! The cost the of the lap band! The embarrassment of not having turned into a thin person yet.... oh I could go on! I sure could use some positive support.
  • elfram2
    elfram2 Posts: 26 Member
    5 pounds could very easily be due to water gain or even NOT eating enough calories. Tell people you had a lap band NOT lipo! llo