Why haven't I lost?

Killeen_bride2be Posts: 90
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have never been the type of person to just eat everything in sight and am not really a sweets person or that much of a breads person ether. I have read on here and other places that if you keep to your goal calories and excercise that you should loose at least 1lbs a week. I have been working out 4-5 days a week for 30min to an hour and a half for the last 2 weeks and have been eating better but haven't lost anything. I am normally between 162-166 depending and stayed at 163-164 for all of last week but this week I have been working out more for at least an hour and a half each day but ended up gaining 1lbs. What gives? Is it just too soon to worry? My FI told me that since I moved in with him in February that I look like I have lost weight but the scale hasn't budged.


  • migallen
    migallen Posts: 13
    I understand your pain. I wish I knew the answer. I'm going through the same thing myself and ended up gaining 3 pounds. I wonder if it might have to do with "that" time of the month? Maybe it's only water retention.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Well hard to say without seeing your food diary. You need to be tracking and measuring everything you eat. And drink a ton of water. But share your diary so we can see how you are eating.
  • I didn't see much change my first few weeks of working out...I didn't watch what I ate then though. Could be your body is gaining muscle right now, hence causing you to gain some. Are you eating your exercise calories? If you are, that's great. If you aren't, maybe try to since anything under 1200 isn't really enoug to sustain you, especially since you're working out so much.
    I also started with 30 lbs to lose...and I'm realizing its going to take longer than a few months to get rid of it. So don't give up and stick w/it!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'm not sure what your net calories are but often times you aren't eating enough... especially if you're working out. I monitored my calories closely and never lost - in fact last week I had gained a pound!! I started adding healthy fats to my diet this week and a few days it set me over my calories. I got on the scale today just to see and I had lost 4 lbs!! You do fluctuate water weight daily but keeping the nuts and oils will be a permanent change in my diet for sure!
  • Here is my food log from yesturday, (just started the site recently so it was my first day to log everything
    Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein
    H-E-B - Instant Oatmeal Strawberries and Cream, 1 pkg 130 27 2 3
    Add Food | Remember Meal 130 27 2 3
    Hidden Valley - Ranch - Light Salad Dressing, 2 tbsp 80 3 7 1
    Homemade - Garden Salad, 1 salad 70 5 0 1
    Add Food | Remember Meal 150 8 7 2
    Pizza Hut - Large Super Supreme Pan Pizza, 2 slice 800 76 40 34
    Add Food | Remember Meal 800 76 40 34
    Mountain Dew - 12 oz Can, 2 can 340 92 0 0
    Add Food | Remember Meal 340 92 0 0

    Totals 1,420 203 49 39
    Your Daily Goal 2,189 300 72 82
    Remaining 769 97 23 43
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein
    *You've earned 989 extra calories from exercise today
  • And here is from today, I haven't had dinner yet so here is it so far. I drink Ice tea all day and probably need to switch to water

    Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein
    Hill Country Fare (Heb Brand) - Large Egg, 1 egg 70 1 5 6
    Bread - White, toasted, 1 slice thin, crust not eaten 23 4 0 1
    Add Food | Remember Meal 93 5 5 7
    Dannon Light & Fit - Yougurt - Blueberry, Straberry or Rasberry, 1 container 60 10 0 3
    Add Food | Remember Meal 60 10 0 3
    Add Food
    Add Food

    Totals 153 15 5 10
    Your Daily Goal 2,190 301 73 82
    Remaining 2,037 286 68 72
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein
    *You've earned 990 extra calories from exercise today
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Looks like you might be high in sodium that could make you retain water. Drinking plenty of water will help.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I would say the same to watch the sodium levels you can add them so you can track that information along with your daily calories..and to make sure and drink water
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    I would start by decreasing the sodium and sugar in your diet. Both tend to retain fluids, that means cutting down on pizza and soda. I know i love them too. but now only have pizza 1-2 times a month and rarely have a 'real' soda. I drink mostly water and have a diet soda 2-3 times a week. I have also tried to not have too heavy of a meal in the evening. Try having a larger lunch and a smaller supper, that way your body can use the energy you give it, and it doesnt just sit there all evening. Good luck.
  • izybalizy
    izybalizy Posts: 19
    unfortunately it usually takes 4-6 weeks to actually see the results your hoping for. Also if your not taking in the calories that are specified your body will go into starvation mode and you will not loose any weight. Try adding in small snacks in between your meals
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    I have a couple of suggestions.
    1. Drink water until your urine is clear, a sure sign you are getting enough!
    2. Take your measurements at least once every two weeks. The scale may not budge, but you are losing.
    3. Try to eat at least half of your exercise calories back. It gives your body the fuel to burn!

    I lost 5-7lbs quickly, then had a two week period with nothing...I ended up adding, (yes, adding) 200 more calories a day, and am back to losing about 1lb a week, and so many inches!!!

    Stick with it, and you can do this!!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    If you're just starting give it a few more days. Make sure you evaluate everything you put in your mouth because even though you may be under your calorie limit some of the foods you may be eating may not be very good for you - high in sodium, sat fat, or trans fat. Don't be afraid to eat either - I see that you earn a lot of exercise calories - you need to eat back some of those to keep your body fueled for your workout. Try adding nuts or peanut buter - higher in calories and contain good fat and protein to keep your body going. Hope this helps!

    And you can make your diary public for us to view if you go to settings and click on Diary settings. Mine is viewable to friends, but if you want to look at it you can just add me as a friend. I'm not the best at eating "the right things" but I think I do ok!

    Good Luck and Hang in There - you will get results soon!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    A couple of things.

    The most problematic is your net calories was just over 400 yesterday (total calories eaten minus exercise calories) ... is this typical? If it is, you're looking at a depressed metabolism. That number shouldn't be less than 1200.

    Also, most of your calories are in the evening. Spread your calorie allowance more or less evenly throughout the day. Try not to eat more than 550 calories in one sitting.
  • The pizza I will blame on FI lol. I was in the mood for bell peppers yesturday so he ended up ordering 2 large supreeme pizzas which are my favorite so I couldn't resist and tonight we are having leftover pizza because I have been dizzy and sore most of the day so I really don't feel like cooking but we are planning on going to the grocery store tommarow to get some more healthier items. I have tried to cut back on sodium alot. My morning egg should of had none because I fried it without oil or greese or salt just a pinch of pepper and some cooking spray for the pan. Does Iced tea count towards the water intake or do I actuatly have to drink all that plain tasteless water? I get headaches really bad when I try to cut all caffiene out
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    You need to try to drink more water if you are sore - I believe that helps keep the muscles hydrated and reduces inflammation and you are dizzy because you are not taking in enough calories to sustain your work outs. You can have tea, but I think I read somewhere that you shouldn't count caffinated drinks as water - have your tea when you need a caffeine boost, but drink some more h20! Try propel packs or crystal light packs to add to water if you absolutely can't handle plain water. I get bored with it on some days so I need to add a little flavor! :smile:

    If you have questions be sure to ask - everyone on here is pretty helpful and knowledgable about the whole weight loss issue. I'm really glad I found this site and I know others are too! :flowerforyou:
  • malmustafa79
    malmustafa79 Posts: 107 Member
    Try taking yoru measurments I just started doing that , cuz even though you aren't losing doesn't mean that you are't losing inches.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Make yourself a tall glass of chocolate milk after your workout. That will help with the soreness (and help you boost up your overall calories). http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/152240.php
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    I think that you really need to eat more calories. I agree you need to spread out you calories better throughout the day. Have your biggest meal at lunch. Also you need to focus more on healthful choices. Didnt see many fruit and veggie choices in your diary.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    When you start working out, you retain water. If you still haven't lost anything after the first two weeks, then I'd revisit your numbers and make sure you aren't eating more than you think or that MFP hasn't set your goal too high.
  • A couple of things.

    The most problematic is your net calories was just over 400 yesterday (total calories eaten minus exercise calories) ... is this typical? If it is, you're looking at a depressed metabolism. That number shouldn't be less than 1200.

    Also, most of your calories are in the evening. Spread your calorie allowance more or less evenly throughout the day. Try not to eat more than 550 calories in one sitting.

    What is a depressed metabolism? How do I fix it? I had no idea I only had 400 net calories yesturday I thought I had went over my 1200 by 200. I am now planning on makeing better choices and drinking alot more water but I just don't know how to eat that much and still have it be healthy calories. I only eat till I am full and feel sick if I eat past that piont. I would add more milk products like the chocolate milk Idea but I am somewhat lactose intolerant. I can eat minimal amounts of cheese and other milk products but just straight milk or ice cream makes my stomache hurt for days. I want to thank everyone for replying to my post.
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