Bought a bikini last year.........

ANDDDD, I was well on my way to wearing it! But then, as summer came along and I was invited to barbeques, parties and to have drinks with friends while the weather was nice, my perfect, blue bikini got shoved into the back of my closet and the beer and late night fast food runs became a weekly occurance. I was down to 160 on my 5'4" frame. I'm now at 180. My last year of graduate school and my amazing new boyfriend (who can eat like a horse and literally not gain a pound) have not exactly been conducive to my health. But, I'm taking a stand. This is it. I graduate in May, turn 25 and start a new career. This is MY time. Good luck to all of you as well... We can do this!


  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    Same here! I have three that I can't wait to wear. We bought a boat last summer and I spent the entire time in shorts and tanks because I hated how I looked. Let's do this!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    You are welcome to add me. :D
  • sassy_sadie
    sassy_sadie Posts: 36 Member
    While I doubt I'll ever wear a bikini, I fully support your efforts! I would like to feel better about my body by this summer. I'm in a wedding in June and refuse to be the "fat bridesmaid."