Unlimited Fruits/Veggies??!



  • azanne07
    Ok, So I have seen and read that some people believe eating fruits and veggies ( unlimited amounts) is ok in addition to a regularly balanced diet. This confuses me!

    Yesterday, I made a soup/bisque made of ONLY veggies. No oils, no salts, not even any seasoning. ( came out delish..btw) After calculating all of the ingredients, the soup came out to be over 550 calories ( 2-3 servings) So, give or take, 200 calories a serving). No, its not high calorie.. but it's still, 200 calories. All clean healthy calories.

    My thing is, if I ate that whole batch of soup, according to Weight Watchers..or even just other day-to-day dieters, these were free calories. 500 free calories?! I think not..

    I feel like, a calorie is a calorie no matter if its a fruit, veggie, twinkie, or pretzel...

    I think I need this whole thing explained to me.. I feel like I am not understanding something! Is it different by some ridiculous reason that I mixed, and heated all the veggies? So.. if I just ate raw carrots instead of carrots in a soup.. suddenly the calories don't matter? I don't get it.

    thats why i count calories instead of doing a point system
  • luv_2_lift
    luv_2_lift Posts: 38 Member
    Okay, just to clarify the WW points, fruits and veggies are only "0 points plus" for one portion. The portion size is 1/2 cup of fruits or 1/2 cup of veggies, except green veggies which are 1 cup. If you eat more than these portion sizes at a meal then you count the points. It's not a free-for-all on points or calories.
  • brenda9090
    brenda9090 Posts: 2 Member
    I would log everything because I like to see how healthy I've been eating. But, I don't limit my dark green vegetable intake. It's so good for you - it makes your skin glow! If you ate tons of fruits and vegetables but no processed junk food you are bound to lose/maintain your weight because of all the fiber. But don't forget not all vegetables are equal, fruit too. Potato is a vegetable but you can definitely gain weight ! Bananas can't compare to whole berries! IF you eat the really dark plants I'd say eat it unlimited! All that phytonutrients does wonders for you inside and out!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Ok, So I have seen and read that some people believe eating fruits and veggies ( unlimited amounts) is ok in addition to a regularly balanced diet. This confuses me!

    Yesterday, I made a soup/bisque made of ONLY veggies. No oils, no salts, not even any seasoning. ( came out delish..btw) After calculating all of the ingredients, the soup came out to be over 550 calories ( 2-3 servings) So, give or take, 200 calories a serving). No, its not high calorie.. but it's still, 200 calories. All clean healthy calories.

    My thing is, if I ate that whole batch of soup, according to Weight Watchers..or even just other day-to-day dieters, these were free calories. 500 free calories?! I think not..

    I feel like, a calorie is a calorie no matter if its a fruit, veggie, twinkie, or pretzel...

    I think I need this whole thing explained to me.. I feel like I am not understanding something! Is it different by some ridiculous reason that I mixed, and heated all the veggies? So.. if I just ate raw carrots instead of carrots in a soup.. suddenly the calories don't matter? I don't get it.

    WeightWatchers may be calorie controlled but it's not calorie counting, it's Points counting. The systems are obviously related but they are not one and the same and WW have never claimed there are no calories in produce. People rarely get fat eating unlimited amounts of produce, research suggests if you ate the whole pot of soup you would be less likely to overeat later on because you've had two of the nutrients that are proven to confer satiety - fibre and water.
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    Weight watchers has their point system set up so that your base calories, without fruits and vegetables, are incredibly low and you would be starving all the time, then they give you "free fruits and vegetables". Really, they're accounted for with the low base calories- it's a trick to force you in to eating more fruits and veg. The people who designed the system understand that they have calories. It's just a hook to keep people tethered to WW when there's free options (like MFP) that do the exact same thing.

    This, exactly. I was starving on WW, because my calories were so low. It's been a while since I did WW, but my points were the equivalent of about 1200 calories, and I was well over 200 lbs. And, I would bust my backside for one or two exercise points to eat back ... So in order to go over your TDEE or BMR on WW, you would have to eat tons of fruits & veggies ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I log everything..and count fruits and veggies as cals...

    Only problem with unlimited Fruits is that htey do have a lot of sugar in them...so I would be careful on that one...but I will take fruits over processed sugar any day...
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Okay, just to clarify the WW points, fruits and veggies are only "0 points plus" for one portion. The portion size is 1/2 cup of fruits or 1/2 cup of veggies, except green veggies which are 1 cup. If you eat more than these portion sizes at a meal then you count the points. It's not a free-for-all on points or calories.

    I'm not familiar with the new WW, and I'm sure what you say about the serving size is legit, but I know many people who have been on it that don't see it that way. they hear veggies and fruit are 0 points. Or they eat that 1/2 cup serving at different times of the day, so then it doesn't count (to them). It's another way people "trick" themselves, I guess. I don't understand the whole point system of WW. Give me serving sizes and how much of each to eat and a calorie limit to stop at.

    Fruit has a lot of sugar too - yes, it's better to eat fruit than a sugary snack, but too many just isn't good. You'd be surprised what has sodium in it too - I watch mine because of high BP. I've been surprised by the amount in some veggies. Sure, it's not the same as eating a bag of chips, but if you want to watch your sodium, you have to know how much is in all of your food. Sadly, I think the 0 points thing is just a way for people to fool themselves.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I figure the plans that say unlimited fruits/veggies have absolutely no clue how many carrots or grapes I can consume in one sitting.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    No oils, no salts, not even any seasoning. ( came out delish..btw)

    sounds legit

    It is legit ;) Totally possible for soemthing to taste wonderful without adding a bunch of crap.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I also log everything I eat. I figure it makes no sense to be able to consume so many veggies/fruits and it not count. I make a lot of juices, and smoothies, and soups..and its usually JUST fruit/veggie based. Sometimes I may add a little coconut almond milk to a morning shake. But, I have a friend that is doing Weight Watchers, and she asked me " how I lost so much weight" and I told her I count EVERY calorie.. but I just felt so confused when she stated she is allowed to eat fruits and veggies, pretty much guilt free. Thanks for the responses and opinions! Makes me feel a lot better about actually counting my veggies and fruits.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    No oils, no salts, not even any seasoning. ( came out delish..btw)

    sounds legit

    It is legit ;) Totally possible for soemthing to taste wonderful without adding a bunch of crap.

    oil, salt, and seasoning is not "crap." these things have been around for centuries before the current obesity p[roblem.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    No oils, no salts, not even any seasoning. ( came out delish..btw)

    sounds legit

    It is legit ;) Totally possible for soemthing to taste wonderful without adding a bunch of crap.

    oil, salt, and seasoning is not "crap." these things have been around for centuries before the current obesity p[roblem.

    Ok, well its opinion based. You're not wrong, it's really just based on your portions. But In my past I would abuse salts and seasonings. SO, for me now.. I choose not to use much for salt, or oils. Just me :)
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Okay, just to clarify the WW points, fruits and veggies are only "0 points plus" for one portion. The portion size is 1/2 cup of fruits or 1/2 cup of veggies, except green veggies which are 1 cup. If you eat more than these portion sizes at a meal then you count the points. It's not a free-for-all on points or calories.

  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Okay, just to clarify the WW points, fruits and veggies are only "0 points plus" for one portion. The portion size is 1/2 cup of fruits or 1/2 cup of veggies, except green veggies which are 1 cup. If you eat more than these portion sizes at a meal then you count the points. It's not a free-for-all on points or calories.


    Well, that's not the impression I was under when I was told about how the WW points work by a friend.. so, she must have the wrong idea. She is doing it online, not sure if maybe that is any different?
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'm not sure if this is exactly accurate, but I think it's close. The points that WW gives to women equal about 1100 calories, so even with the fruits and vegetables counting 0, people should still end up with a calorie deficit.

    Besides, nobody ever got fat on too many fruits and vegetables.
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    But as I pointed out to my WW friend... there's still calories in them. So people will get frustrated and fail at WW too because they weren't counting those fruits and veggies every day that STILL have calories in them. That 500 calorie deficit? Gone. But they don't think it is.

    But WW isn't counting calories -- it's counting WW points based on a WW formula. The 0 points assigned to fruits and veggies is rather counter-balanced by the disproportionately high number of points assigned to other things. I believe alcohol, for instance, has a higher number of WW points than would be warranted by a straight calorie count. The point system has its benefits because it is a simplified way of trying to track and balance what you eat. If I say "oh, today's lunch was 6 points" that has a more immediate meaning to me that "oh, today's lunch has 432 calories".

    It works for many people, and doesn't work for many others. But I think the reason that most people don't succeed on WW is because they are not tracking. It's so easy to find the slightest excuse to not track what we eat, whether counting points or calories.....
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    everything has calories. calories need to be accounted for no matter what because if you eat too many, you store fat. period.

    Technically speaking, not "everything has calories".

    The key to any diet is MODERATION
    Just because something says vegan does not mean it’s healthy. Lot of processed vegan food is high in sodium and it does not mean you can eat as much carbs as you want.

    I always could my fruit and veggies. Try to limit one fruit a day and eat it worth a meal not on its own that way it will not spike your sugar levels.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    too much thinking happening
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I make alot of homemade soups and find that they are very low cal until I add in the meats and fats. Just curious what you made this soup out of to come out with 550 calories per serving of nothing but vegetables?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The point system has its benefits because it is a simplified way of trying to track and balance what you eat. If I say "oh, today's lunch was 6 points" that has a more immediate meaning to me that "oh, today's lunch has 432 calories".

    I find this so foreign. Points have ZERO meaning to me, it would be like someone explaining their fluid intake in Gills or Barrels. I don't understand why calories need to be simplified, and I don't really think it's more simple to have to consult with a point reference when nutritional information is widely available for almost everything. But, whatever. If it works for people, good for them. My mom does WW and exploits the loopholes like crazy and loves every second of it. There are no loopholes with calories, so I can see where it's less fun in that aspect.