20-something ladies, let's lose 20lbs by St. Patty's Day!



  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    Hey girlsss Im 23 years old 5.5 ft ...my engagement is going to be at the end of march. I lost 33 pounds in 4 months but its being one month i didnt lose anyyy and Im aiming for 20 more...We can do itttt...I don't want to be the Fat bride!! I want to look the besttttt especially that all my fiance's family are all soooo skinny.

    My starting weight was: 187 pounds :(
    My current weight is : 154.4

    Pleaseeee let us find a way to keep track of our progress
  • EmmaB332
    EmmaB332 Posts: 39 Member
    I want to play too! Anyone else here in graduate school of some sort?
    I'm 25 and need a kick in the pants to actually lose more than a couple of pounds this time.

    CW: 150.6
    GW for St. Patrick's Day: 135
    UGW: 125

    I'm also doing the "Lose 5 Pounds in January" challenge and that has helped me. I'm doing alright with eating but I am really failing with the physical activity component. There, I admitted it - now I need to do something about it.
  • 3girliemomma
    3girliemomma Posts: 35 Member
    So....we're two weeks in, how is everyone doing?
  • timerr
    timerr Posts: 23 Member
    Count me in too...I've been falling off the wagon quite a lot lately, but now that I've cornered my 'excuses', I hope to give it my all.


    Good luck to you all :)
  • I'm down so ill be 127 by st party's day......scary good
  • I want to know how you are affording such an awesome life? Living in Africa then traveling the country for a year? God must definitely be blessing you and your husband!
  • Wow there's ALOT of us in the same boat!! Im 5"3 I weigh 165 but I want to go back to weighing 130!! So count me in ladies ;)
  • DinoSaurous
    DinoSaurous Posts: 72 Member
    I have only just seen this but going to try and give it a go in the (almost) 8wks left. I am 5'4" have a total of 54lbs to lose so the more I can lose by St. Paddy's the better :happy:
  • mmccll
    mmccll Posts: 1 Member
    This sounds like a great challenge! It's wonderful to see so many ladies in the same boat as me ... well, I don't mean "wonderful" exactly, that sounds bad ... but it's nice to not be alone.

    I'm down for taking a run at this. Currently, I weigh 167 lbs at 5'7, and my ultimate goal is 135. Eeeeee, it would be delightful to be 147 lbs. I haven't weighed under 150 since high school! (I'm 29 now ... just squeaking into the "20-something" category.)

    And if anyone is looking for motivational friends, please add me!
  • Yay! I'm in, I'm 23, just married about 2 weeks ago (!!!), and my 24th birthday is March 15th, and I literally CANNOT think of a better birthday present than losing 20 pounds!!! I am in desperate need of some HAPPY, motivated MFP friends, I vent once in a while, but it seems like all I see is negative posts. I am doing great right now, and I want more friends who are doing great! LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • I'm just starting out, but I'd love to be a part of this group goal.
  • gkelly1397
    gkelly1397 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm with you! I started 180.5, down to 175 after 2 weeks. I would LOVE to be down 20 more in 10 weeks. Don't know how to add, but you can add me!
  • Brittanymak
    Brittanymak Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All This is my First Post I Am 23 And I would LOVE to lose 20 pounds by St. Patty's day. I'm 5'2 ' and currently 136 so that would put me at 116! :) and being shorter any extra weight that i have really shows fast on me I have always started a diet and work out plan but never finish it. Maybe this is the motivation that I need
  • maxiimise
    maxiimise Posts: 16 Member
    I joined this challenge and weighed in at 8 pounds lower! 8 down, 12 or more to go!!! Let's get em! :D

    This is especially exciting for me because it finally puts me below 400 :) So excited!!!
  • garfield89
    garfield89 Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to be a part of this! I've been lacking in motivation because I'm always so busy.

    Age: 23

    Height: 5'1

    CW: 138
    GW: 118

    Let's do this!

    One suggestion I have to make this group more fun is to add exercise challenges or healthy eating habit challenges for the day. Tomorrow's challenge can be to spend at least 30 minutes doing some type of cardio!
  • lizw25
    lizw25 Posts: 3
    I love this idea! I'm 22 and weigh 189. My ultimate goal weight is 135 or 140. I just want to be happy with myself when I look in the mirror. If anyone needs a friend, or someone to talk to for support when they are having a rough day, feel free to friend me! I always need people to help me out as I go through this journey!
  • tiffanyjade09
    tiffanyjade09 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm ready to try this for real this time.
    I weigh 149 and I'm 5' .5''
    feel free to add me.
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hey ladies! I am so down to join this group :) Please feel free to add me! i am so positive and love to motivate!

    I'm 23 and so far in January I have lost 7 lbs (which I am very happy with!)
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    I joined this challenge and weighed in at 8 pounds lower! 8 down, 12 or more to go!!! Let's get em! :D

    This is especially exciting for me because it finally puts me below 400 :) So excited!!!

    That's really awesome!!! Congrats.. Isn't it exciting getting into another number bracket down?? :)
  • brittmarie06
    brittmarie06 Posts: 3 Member
    Is it too late for me to join? This sounds perfect for me I need to loose 20 and was hoping to be at my goal weight half way through March:) I live in mpls, mn and when summer hits I want to be ready for shorts and swim suits;)