How much do you commit to this site?

amv88 Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I hoenstly do not know how some people find the time to keep up with all the time... how do people keep up with it?


  • make it apart of my everyday routine and make it a must everytime i eat or i pre-plan my meals out everyday....:wink:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I log on every morning and add in what I plan on my days menu to look like.
    I log back on in the evening and tweak any changes and add other things.
    Overall I imagine I spend at a minimum of 45 minutes a day on here, sometimes longer if I am perusing questions and comments. Has been worth every minute for me as I am almost to my weight loss goal of 40 pounds since January 4th.
  • I set aside a time everyday to sit and fill everything out. I try to fill things out as I do them, but sometimes I am not able to. I do write down in my paper journal what I eat and what exercise I do in case I am not able to get straight to the comp. I also try planning my meals out and typing them up so then I feel like that is what I have to eat. Kinda helps me from indulging in things that I do not need
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I have the iphone app so I can update on the go. :) I log in at the pc about twice a day or so.
  • I have cut back on facebook haha! When I am tempted to log on to facebook, I come on here and update my diary and all that. It has become apart of my daily routine and I love it
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    Definitely a part of my routine!! I have a MFP window open on my computer at all times!! I log my food as I go, like someone else mentioned I cut back on FB and Twitter!!
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    i don't have a job, my husband is gone, and when i'm out of the house i can use my iphone. i've got plenty of time on my hands. when my husband come home i'm not sure if i will be on as much as i am, but i'll still be able to do the basics of my food/workout log.
  • bk325f
    bk325f Posts: 9
    I have the same breakfast each morning, so I log on at work for 5 minutes at lunch & input my lunch & breakfast. Then I can gauge how much room I have left and plan dinner portions appropriately. I log back on at night and fill out the dinner log and any snacks I've had.

    If I go over, I look back to see where I could have done better. If I'm under, I feel good about it & move on. I don't commit a lot of time. For me, it's a tool, not a social opp. I use FB for that.

    One suggestion that I would give is that the first few days, don't sweat it if you go over. Eat regular, that way you can see exactly where you need to make changes. I didn't realize until I started using this site that a glass of 1% milk has the same calories as a fully leaded Pepsi. Granted, it has more nutritional value, but still the same calories. Amazing.

    I now understand that carbs are my weakness and with a history of diabetes in my family, that's a bad thing. I've learned that if I really want crunchy chips, a bag of fritos only has 20 more calories than baked lays, but half the carbs. It really makes you more aware of your choices. Things I thought were good choices turned out to be surprisingly not so good & vice versa.
  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    :wink: Well I'm new but I log in every evening so far. I do have the iPhone app but only log my food here now. I get motivation here so I need it!!
  • TracyV
    TracyV Posts: 14 Member
    I'm online quite a bit both at home and at work so I just leave a tab open in my browser with this site and it's just a click away. I also try to plan in advance as much as possible (which it isn't always, but when I can) If I can't pre-plan my meals (like if i go to my parents' for the weekend and don't know what they're cooking, or we go out and decide last minute on the restaurant) I've got a pretty good idea after several months of tracking what my better options are and if I'm concerned that I still might be over my calories I try to get in some sort of exercise even if it's just spending an hour or two walking around a mall or 15 minutes of jumping jacks in my room before I go to bed.

    If I'm going to be offline for a day or two, or even if I have a complicated meal that's not a usual for me and can't get online right away I use the notepad feature on my blackberry to keep track of my food then log it later. Hoping there will be a Blackberry app for me soon but for now the notepad works fine.
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    if i cant get to a computer right after i eat, i make a list and enter it later......
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I log most of my food from my iphone and then go on the website once or twice a day for comments and boards. The logging of food only takes about 10 minutes and I love it. Sometimes I think I don't need to log, and wait until the end of the day and I ALWAYS go over, so apparently aI do need to log!
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    I log on every day, several times a day and have been since I first started in December. Like other people mentioned, I am on here more than facebook too! And it's totally worth it - I reached my goal a few weeks ago but I still log on to stay accountable so that I don't go back to overeating because I don't trust my "eyeballing" skills.
  • Spider7
    Spider7 Posts: 1
    Commit yourself to doing it every day. If you can't do it during the day, remember what you ate during the day and log it in at night before going to bed. I recently started doing it and I love doing now. Every day try to feel good about reaching your daily goal...well at least that's what I am doing..

    Good Luck!
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    I log in everyday (morning)even if I end up not logging all my food for the day. Sometimes I get busy with life and don't get back to it. May not always do it perfectly but if I 'm here I know I am making progress.
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I'm extremely devoted to MFP. I log in from my Droid several times a day.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I pretty much obsessed. I'm on either facebook or here.......when I'm not shopping online. :)
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    My health is a priority in my life so I make time for MFP. It makes me wonder what my priorities were before! LOL
  • Fantastic!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I sit in front of three computers all day at work. I keep this site open in a tab in at least one browser on at least one machine at all times. At home I have my company laptop, my personal laptop, and my personal desktop computer, so if my husband is using one, I can still log into another.

    That little ticker every 5 days that posts a news feed about how many days in a row I've logged in really motivates me. I even logged in when we went out of town. I've logged in for over 115 days straight now.
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