Unlimited Fruits/Veggies??!



  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    For the most part, I log everything I eat. Fruits and veggies are not calorie free. Those calories are healthier than the calories in processed foods, but they're still calories.

    I love to cook though. Love it. It's a true passion of mine and so far the best part of this weight loss journey has een experimenting with things to cook.

    I've never been the measuring or recipe kind of cook though. I may look at a recipe to get a general idea, but that's it.

    The first few weeks of counting calories, measuring things while I cook was making me miserable. Measuring everything else was fine.

    So I decided to give myself some leniency. I don't measure herbs and spices. I also give myself unlimited black coffee and plain tea.

    Doing this made me much happier in the kitchen and has helped me to stick to my goals.
  • Okay, just to clarify the WW points, fruits and veggies are only "0 points plus" for one portion. The portion size is 1/2 cup of fruits or 1/2 cup of veggies, except green veggies which are 1 cup. If you eat more than these portion sizes at a meal then you count the points. It's not a free-for-all on points or calories.


    This info is correct and is to be limited to five servings of fruit and vegetables. Like most diets/ lifestyles changes say everything is good in moderation. If you eat more then you count it. Also if you put the ingredients into the recipe thru the recipe builder you may get more than a 0 for points.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I make alot of homemade soups and find that they are very low cal until I add in the meats and fats. Just curious what you made this soup out of to come out with 550 calories per serving of nothing but vegetables?

    The whole batch was about 550, not per serving. I believe stated per serving was around 200-250.
  • The reason Weight Watchers implemented the 0 points for fruits and veg was because people were missing out on this important food group by choosing to save the points to eat something else i.e. a mars bar or a larger serving of dinner. So therefore not really having a balanced diet and missing out of heaps of vitamins, minerals and fibre! That is not healthy weight loss at all. Basically, the preferred option is for you to have an excess of fruit and veg than anything else...definitely better to have slightly too much fruit than to have a non-core energy dense nutrient poor alternative :)

    But yes don't go nuts on fruit as everything counts towards daily calorie intake in the end. With veg, a lot can be considered almost free foods as the calories in them are 'negative', meaning it takes more energy for the body to process/burn them than the actual energy in the veg i.e. celery, lettuce, all those water based veg. Great way to bulk up meal size without substantially increasing calories!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I make alot of homemade soups and find that they are very low cal until I add in the meats and fats. Just curious what you made this soup out of to come out with 550 calories per serving of nothing but vegetables?

    The whole batch was about 550, not per serving. I believe stated per serving was around 200-250.

    That still sounds like a lot of calories for a soup made of nothing but vegetables. I suspect a calculation error. (but of course I don't know)
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    Been there, done that, weight watchers 0 point foods, red days, green days, cabbage soup etc etc.

    The ONLY success I have had is very simple, everything that isn't water gets logged and counted. Yes I even log a teaspoon of herbs or spices!

    Keep it simple. One rule. EVERYTHING COUNTS

    Simple. :wink:
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I make alot of homemade soups and find that they are very low cal until I add in the meats and fats. Just curious what you made this soup out of to come out with 550 calories per serving of nothing but vegetables?

    The whole batch was about 550, not per serving. I believe stated per serving was around 200-250.

    That still sounds like a lot of calories for a soup made of nothing but vegetables. I suspect a calculation error. (but of course I don't know)

    Could be, I didnt measure as I did it, it was an estimate. I may be making more tonight, i'll to proper measurments tonight. But honestly, I don't find 200 calories to be a lot for a veggie soup.
  • kellystr8
    kellystr8 Posts: 22 Member
    Fruit usually has a lot of sugar , especially the tropical ones like bananas and mangoes. I limit my fruit intake to either a whole one or half a day because of the sugar.
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    I make alot of homemade soups and find that they are very low cal until I add in the meats and fats. Just curious what you made this soup out of to come out with 550 calories per serving of nothing but vegetables?

    The whole batch was about 550, not per serving. I believe stated per serving was around 200-250.

    That still sounds like a lot of calories for a soup made of nothing but vegetables. I suspect a calculation error. (but of course I don't know)

    I have had similar results with vegetable soups. Simply adding potato, cauliflower, many of the winter roots etc will bump up the calories very quickly. The only answer to understanding why the soup looks like "a lot of calories for a soup made of nothing but vegetables" is to see the ingredients and their weights.

    I keep pen and paper at my side when cooking each ingredient is listed and weighed then added to an MFP recipe at the end, portionef up and calculated. That way I control my freezer and my portions.
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    The reason Weight Watchers implemented the 0 points for fruits and veg was because people were missing out on this important food group by choosing to save the points to eat something else i.e. a mars bar or a larger serving of dinner. So therefore not really having a balanced diet and missing out of heaps of vitamins, minerals and fibre! That is not healthy weight loss at all. Basically, the preferred option is for you to have an excess of fruit and veg than anything else...definitely better to have slightly too much fruit than to have a non-core energy dense nutrient poor alternative :)

    But yes don't go nuts on fruit as everything counts towards daily calorie intake in the end. With veg, a lot can be considered almost free foods as the calories in them are 'negative', meaning it takes more energy for the body to process/burn them than the actual energy in the veg i.e. celery, lettuce, all those water based veg. Great way to bulk up meal size without substantially increasing calories!

    This is exactly what I wanted to say! I am not really familiar with the WW system, I prefer to learn about healthy eating myself and then try to make smart choices without someone making points up for me but I can see how it can help people to get started with weight loss and used to a better way of eating. Anywho, I think that yes, it is wrong to assume you can just go ahead and head 20 apples a day and still lose weight but who is really going to eat that much fruit without being completely full? The great thing about many fruits and veggies are that there's so much water in them which makes you feel more full. And after all. 20 apples are most probably still better than 20 snicker bars, right?

    (sorry if there are grammar errors in here, I'm not a native speaker :) )