Hey there! 28 y/o, looking to get in shape

I joined this site mainly because I had a session with a personal trainer recently who told me to keep a food journal. I'm loving this one because of how many items they have in the database for food logging...makes it easy! :)

I'm 5'5" and 146 lbs - I have a muscular body type, but have been trying to get that weight down to about 125 for the longest time, but I am at a terrible plateau and need help getting past it. I don't drink soda, I eat pretty well, and right around 1200 calories a day, and try to hit the gym at least 3x per week (though not quite that much recently).... So I've been getting more serious and am ready to really do what I need to do to get the weight down and be in great shape.

I'm also passionate about nutrition and study it in my spare time -- with my blog at balancingmyhealth.com.

Anyway, happy that there's a myfitnesspal community, that will make it all easier!


  • Bnowold
    Good Luck! I just started MyFitnessPal yesterday. So far, it is really easy to navigate. I really like it!
  • metaliz
    metaliz Posts: 10
    Thanks! Good luck to you as well! I started mine yesterday too :)
  • jaybilbo777
    Thanks for adding me. I wish you the best on here, and I will send you encouragement often. :)
  • metaliz
    metaliz Posts: 10
    Thank you! :) I will do the same!
  • sfernan1
    Hi! I'm 29, looking to go from 116 to 110. I have a very small frame and all my weight sits on my hips. Want to break through the plateau once and for all! I eat really healthy, I mostly have to do more cardio. Good luck to all!