Sugar... How do you do it?



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member


    & to the person saying if you "must" eat fruit, are you serious? Now fruit is evil, too? Good lord. :noway:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    holy ****
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    If you MUST eat fruit, eat grapefruit or berries. They're lower in sugar.

    Of course you should eat fruit - any fruit....Not sure what you mean by "must " eat fruit....If you are not diabetic, don't worry about natural sugar - minimize the use of refinde sugars - cereal, cookies etc...
    Sugar/simple carbs just cause more sugar/simple carb cravings. Cutting them out eliminates cravings. I still eat things like oatmeal (plain oats, not the packets with sugar) but cutting out sugar/fructose has stopped all of my cravings.
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member

    lol To cool!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Eat your fruit and don't worry about it.

    THIS ^^

    If you're working out don't worry about it

    Ditto... one piece of fruit can blow this... I personally, look at carbs as a whole and just watch the added sugars not the natural ones.
  • Lilith5
    Lilith5 Posts: 99 Member
    I have sweetener in my tea/coffee and only have a teaspoon of sugar on my cereal then maybe half a teaspoon on my porridge cos I usually had cinnamon for taste. So I don't worry about my sugar intake too much.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Hit (or exceed) your protein, hit (or exceed) your fat. Hit (as closely as possible) your calories. Don't sweat the sugar and carbs. They will fall into place as a side effect of the other variables being controlled.

  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

  • flicka11
    flicka11 Posts: 18 Member
    Splenda!!!! All the way! I know, the health mongers might get after me for this, but it is my savior. What Im really into right now is flavored teas, from Harney and Sons. They have amazing flavors, fruity, cinnamon, mint, chocolate, etc, and I find I have to have some splenda, or honey in them, and I am really excited to say they are filling that void for me. I used to drink 10 cups of coffee throughout the day, loaded with creamer and sugar, or Splenda, but now that Im on the tea, I have one cup of coffee in the morning with the 1/2 and 1/2 in it, and splenda, then the rest of the day, I might have 2 or 3 cups of tea, no 1/2 and 1/2. I allow myself the calories from the honey, and log it, but it fixes my sugar fix!
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    at fear of sounding stupid why would i want to exceed fat?
  • Craigamears
    Craigamears Posts: 65 Member
    Fat helps transport fat soluble vitamins, increases satiety, fish oils help reduce arterial inflammation, and keep insulin levels down. At 18 most of this won't impact you but for a life long change it is good to take in a decent amount of quality fats.
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    I was the same way. I changed out some foods for better versions. Also I only drink water. Add me if you'd like to :-) I'm happy to help if I can.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    I'm only on day 2 of a high-fat, high protein diet, and already I can tell I feel significantly different. Of course, because I'm lifting now, I'm hungry as a horse, but seriously, it just feels DAMN good. Also, I don't get sleepy after a healthy fat/protein heavy meal like I would after a carb one. I do my lifting/cardio(ugh... cardio...) fasted, and then eat a fat/protein-heavy breakfast with veggies. I was doing high-carb, high-protein, but high-fat, high-protein feels a LOT better and more satisfying. It's hard to get truly "low carb" when I factor in veggies, though. I eat potatoes because 1) they're filling, 2) they're extremely high in potassium and other excellent nutrients, and 3) I just love them, and I don't plan on stopping, so that's a hit to my carb numbers. They would be lower, but... then I wouldn't be eating potatoes. And I f***ing love potatoes. So... yeah. I know lots of people don't believe in eating white stuff, but I make the exception.

    Anyway. You get the point. Fats help with vitamin absorption, as Craigamears said, but also they help with brain function. It's a massive part of why humans have the large brains that we do: We started eating animal protein and fat and eating a LOT of it. And it sped evolution along quite nicely.
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm not a fan of sugar replacements like Splenda. Without seeing your diary its hard to say. I've just recently got mine under finally.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    at fear of sounding stupid why would i want to exceed fat?

    Because dietary fat =\= body fat. Fat is really healthy for you. It provides satiety, improves skin, hair and brain function and a wealth of other benefits as already discussed.

    Btw, sugar doesnt make you fat.. calories do. If you arent eating a surplus you aren't gaining fat. It truly is that simple.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    at fear of sounding stupid why would i want to exceed fat?

    Yes...why...indeed? If anything fat should always be for weight loss at least...i understand us 20-some year old guys can talk about exceeding fats..but what about the 40 year old mother of two who is trying to get her weight under control?

    I get are the paleo scavange the grocery for the gluten free unfarmed almond milk, you lather in the sweet fatty juices of your hunt. your xfit box would probably stone me for saying this...but all great physiques were built on carbs!
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    at fear of sounding stupid why would i want to exceed fat?

    Because dietary fat =\= body fat. Fat is really healthy for you. It provides satiety, improves skin, hair and brain function and a wealth of other benefits as already discussed.

    Btw, sugar doesnt make you fat.. calories do. If you arent eating a surplus you aren't gaining fat. It truly is that simple.

    Half agree! Fats are essential, after all.. you'll literally die if you don't have them, protein too! But not all dietary fats are good for you in excess! Especially if you're already having problems with weight control. Just like sugar, when abused, fats can lead to weight gain. the problem with fats of course they are more than twice as calorie dense as sugar, 9cal per gram...

    let's not have all the wonderful benefits of only needs about 30 grams a day...not to mention your body can literally use its own fat to do all those wonderful things.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    at fear of sounding stupid why would i want to exceed fat?

    Because dietary fat =\= body fat. Fat is really healthy for you. It provides satiety, improves skin, hair and brain function and a wealth of other benefits as already discussed.

    Btw, sugar doesnt make you fat.. calories do. If you arent eating a surplus you aren't gaining fat. It truly is that simple.

    Half agree! Fats are essential, after all.. you'll literally die if you don't have them, protein too! But not all dietary fats are good for you in excess! Especially if you're already having problems with weight control. Just like sugar, when abused, fats can lead to weight gain. the problem with fats of course they are more than twice as calorie dense as sugar, 9cal per gram...

    The only fat to avoid is transfats since a body can not process them. You can limit saturated fats but i havent seen conclusive evidence on that one.

    But no matter how much fat you eat, regardless of age, if calories in < calories out, weight loss will occur. Its not to say the other macro nutrients arent important because they are.. but its all about calories for weight loss.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    at fear of sounding stupid why would i want to exceed fat?

    Because dietary fat =\= body fat. Fat is really healthy for you. It provides satiety, improves skin, hair and brain function and a wealth of other benefits as already discussed.

    Btw, sugar doesnt make you fat.. calories do. If you arent eating a surplus you aren't gaining fat. It truly is that simple.

    Half agree! Fats are essential, after all.. you'll literally die if you don't have them, protein too! But not all dietary fats are good for you in excess! Especially if you're already having problems with weight control. Just like sugar, when abused, fats can lead to weight gain. the problem with fats of course they are more than twice as calorie dense as sugar, 9cal per gram...

    The only fat to avoid is transfats since a body can not process them. You can limit saturated fats but i havent seen conclusive evidence on that one.

    But no matter how much fat you eat, regardless of age, if calories in < calories out, weight loss will occur. Its not to say the other macro nutrients arent important because they are.. but its all about calories for weight loss.

    Full Agree =) I am a great supporter of cal IN cal OUT...I have been for 11 years! We don't have to get into the science. I really hate debating about ghrelin, leptin, GH, and gluconeogenesis to a 17 year old girl trying to lose 5 to get into a bikini. Trans fats arent necessarily bad if you have it in slight moderation. Just like alcohol...just because the body doesnt know what to do with it exactly, doesn't mean it's messing your body up (unless of course you are abusing it).

    Good! so it's settled, let's not exceed anything, but eat everything, but just a little bit, or else you may get fat.
  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    Eat your fruit and don't worry about it.

    THIS ^^

    If you're working out don't worry about it

    Eat fruit. Stay away from processed carbs: baked goods, candy, granola bars (read the ingredients), cereal, pasta. I think Jack LaLanne said something like, "if man made it, spit it out." The key thing is that processed carbs make your blood sugar spike and crash leaving you hungry whereas fruit sustains you longer. Plus it has fiber, vitamins, minerals and enzymes! Processed carbs are empty calories.