at the gym has this every happened to you

When i first get to the gym the first thing that i do is go to the restroom to change into my workout clothes. Today i walked back to the restrooms, changed, walked back out and put stuff on a shelf and started walking to the treadmil and another gym user started complaining that i tracked salt all the way and that if i need to change i first need to take my shoes off as soon as i walk through the door. There is a rug that runs maybe 3/4 of the way to the bathroom and stops. I was not going onto any of the equipment with my regular shoes but just walking so i could change. Is it just me or does it seem like this guy was being anal? There is a sign that says no street shoes beyond this point, but i am not going to walk across the gym floor in my socks or put my workout shoes on just to take then back off and then have to put them back on. Any suggestions?


  • debdelilah
    When i first get to the gym the first thing that i do is go to the restroom to change into my workout clothes. Today i walked back to the restrooms, changed, walked back out and put stuff on a shelf and started walking to the treadmil and another gym user started complaining that i tracked salt all the way and that if i need to change i first need to take my shoes off as soon as i walk through the door. There is a rug that runs maybe 3/4 of the way to the bathroom and stops. I was not going onto any of the equipment with my regular shoes but just walking so i could change. Is it just me or does it seem like this guy was being anal? There is a sign that says no street shoes beyond this point, but i am not going to walk across the gym floor in my socks or put my workout shoes on just to take then back off and then have to put them back on. Any suggestions?

    Sounds like an unusual policy for a gym to have, but if that's the policy I'd say go ahead and walk in your socks - "when in Rome" and all that. Try to think of it from a cleanliness/healthiness perspective, that the locker room is a place people may shower after their workouts and walk barefoot - no one wants to come in contact with ice-melting corrosive with their bare feet, and hundreds of people tracking in just normal amounts of street dirt could quickly make the locker room an unpleasant place to shower and change and be barefoot in.