SAHM 4/26-5/2



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hit the p90x this am! did cardiox.
    plan is to finish my hybrid round which is 3weeks of it incl rest days.

    here i go!!

    nicole--bummer abt the ankle. will ice and LOTS of ibuprofen help??
    how's kyle today??
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- Excellent with the exercise!

    Kyle is ok...I am contacting the doctor today about running some tests on him.
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Hi all! I am STARVING right now. I am avoiding snacking cause I am already over my calories by a few. ARG! So I am writing on here to avoid the kitchen. :)

    Stacey- Glad you have found a house you like! Great job on exerising too!
    Nicole--Good luck on your race. Hope that your ankle is better by then.
    Katie- Cool on the medal. You racing guys are my heroes!

    I cannot believe how tired I still am after being in the car so long on Sunday! Tonight got a little silly around here. Is there a way to post a video? I have one that will have you rolling on the floor! Crazy kids that is for sure. On the up side resting and not walking on Sunday much at all seem to help my hip yesterday. However as I ran errands today it started complaining again. So(sigh) I didn't try to walk for exercise--just did the errands. Will try again tomorrow. But I have managed to stay really close to my calorie limit.

    Hope everyone had a good day!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Kim- I think riding in the car takes more out of me than running!!!! I can totally relate.

    My ankle is weird. but I think it will ok by sunday. I talked to the doc briefly about Kyle and she thinks it is psychological, but possibly physical stuff too, we may have him tested for food allergies. It's a start to try and figure out what is going on.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--i get psychological for stealing/lying. but what makes you eat butter?? how would that be psych rather than physical?
    also, has kyle ever had counseling? dd1 has had various kinds of therapy interventions over the years (OT, counseling, social skills camp) and is back in counseling. she is old enuf now to understand more and begin to take over the responsibility for managing her moods, or at least utilizing coping skills. less of the work is on us as she gets older and more on her.
    even the special school she will go to has "therapy" as a component--there are social skills classes avail + time spent every day on learning how to plan, organize, etc.

    my point?? that dd1 will go in and out of counseling in the years to come to expand her skill set and to have a safe place to explore difficult stuff.
    would kyle perhaps benefit from that?

    definitely a puzzle. ~~~~sending strength as you navigate these rough waters~~~~:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i know some of this is just product advertisement but good info too. ++i can totally relate to the first articles and those overeating feelings+++
    i am NOT a beachbody coach. we just have the p90x program.

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    random q

    we are trying to clear out/throw out stuff b4 this big move. i know it's just STUFF, but i'm still having trouble and would appreciate the wise mamas input. :)

    -play kitchen no one plays with + entire bucket of foodie stuff for it
    -outgrown velour outfits (hoodie+pants) of dd2--save any for fabric for quilt??? or leave in perfectly whole condition to give to another girl needing cozy clothes (there are 3 outfits--maybe keep 1?)--this is one of hardest
    --also, i have so many decorative items that i really like (from years of collecting) but won't be able to display. i used to sell southern living at home and have only my most fave pieces. how to store (clear tubs w/labels or boxed up by movers)? in garage? there really aren't any i don't love and would want to give away. i've already done that.

    and some stuff i am ready to just give--but i don't know how to prepare for or deal with after the crying that will follow. for ex, puzzles that are too easy, ds's cardboard house from costco
    the house we are moving to is a good 300 sq ft less and has only 3 beds vs the 4 we have now. plus only one main living area on main floor--which is a change for us. bonus room will have to be playrm + schoolrm + hangout
    we've just been very spoiled and i know we need to pare down. but this is harder than i anticipated.....

    your opinions are valuable to me--so chime in!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, where are you moving to? I've been itching to get Grace a play kitchen. I don't suppose you'd be willing to free-cycle? I'd come get it if we could meet in St. George or something. I don't know how far your new home is from St. George.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Stacey, is there a kids consignment store near you? A lot of the kids stuff can go there. I do a kids consignment sale here that is twice a year. I get rid of the kids stuff (to make room for more :grumble: ) to people who could use them and make a little money too. Of course, that money goes to new things the kids need. lol We just got rid of our play kitchen this way.

    As for getting rid of some of the kids items that they may think they love but have outgrown - I've had this problem too. I started telling and showing them how "babyish" those items are. Will & Samantha are wanting to be "big kids" so badly that anything that they think is "babyish", they automatically decide they don't like now. hth!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    As for the decorative items, I have several decorative items I really like but don't have room to display them all, so I keep some in boxes in the garage (plastic tubs work best for me) and display the others. Then after a while, when I decide I want a change, I change them out for the ones in the garage. I also like to decorate for the different seasons/holidays, so I change some of the decorations quite often. I think we've single-handedly kept the plastic tub companies in business! :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish, we're just moving to another part of vegas. we could perhaps plan an outing to st george. it's an oldie but goodie. used from kid to kid--no sound effects. it has a tele, sink, oven and a little prop up table. and we have lots of food/cups etc for it.

    needs a good wipe down and maybe magic eraser to erase ds's crayon additions.
    let's talk!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good suggestions, amy. i never think to consign it and make money. i know, stupid. but that may be worthwhile.

    trish, if we decide to meet, would you also want a cash register (no money in it--don't know where that went) and lots of peg/basic fit wood puzzles?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, that would be awesome! Grace likes puzzles, and needs more toys appropriate to her age. I will talk to hubby about it. Probably a good idea to check with him about going down to St. George. After I talk to him, maybe we could give you a little cash for it.

    Or you could yard sale everything!

    I should be free May 15 & 29.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    no cash. it would otherwise have been donated. i don't do yard sales.

    i'll look at my calendar. and i need to come up with a fun day trip of ideas for st g. hmmmm
    my il's still have a home there--tho it's being rented out. and so we haven't been to st g for soooo long. and i love it there--the clear clear clear blue skies ahhhh

    ooooooh--maybe a princess dress to?? i'll have dd2 try them on. i'm sure she's outgrown something--cinderella or belle or snow white
    will keep you posted!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I do a moms of multiples consignment sale, twice a year and that allows me to get rid of stuff and get "new" stuff without spending money and i make some. i do not like garage sales, you have to have a lot of stuff to sell and everything gets bargained down
  • blessdmomof4
    Hi Everone!
    I am so behind in posts, I could never catch up! Last week i worked my tail off to burn tons of cals and I didn't eat most of them back but thanks to AF's pending arrival and the sodium bandit I couldn't seem to lose an oz! I was up a pound or two most of the week. This weekend I relaxed a bit and ate all or over my calories then I went on my retreat in Maryland for a few days where I ate well and took nice walks/jogs a couple of times a day. When I got home I was shocked that I was back down to lowest weight and had lost an additional pound and 1/2!!!!!!!!!! So excited. I guess I just needed to relax a bit and change up the routine. AF will be leaving soon so I am hoping to shed another couple of pounds in the next week or so. I am starting to get used to the fact that I will not be losing 3lbs a week anymore but I get so impatient! 13.5 lbs away from my goal! My 10 year college reunion is coming up at the end of may. I think I was about 170 when I graduated so my goal is to lose 8.5 lbs so I will be graduation weight. AT our last reunion 5 years ago ds had just been born and I was huge. I hate those pictures... and we have to wear white to reunion (never an easy color for me to pull off or keep clean lol) so I'll have to get some new clothes.
    We've got some lovely weather coming in for the next week or so and I am so excited!!! Have a blessed weekend ladies.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Stacey- ((hugs)) thanks for all of your understanding! :flowerforyou: I do believe that we are not alone with this situation. I was reading a forum about ADHD and alot of the parents are saying that their kids are doing the same thing. That makes me feel better in knowing that we are not alone. Also talked to the doc, we have different routes we may take, but the first one we may try is checking out his Seratonin levels.

    So the plateau is definitely gone. Thank you iodine! I weighted in at 162.8 today. Soon I will be saying goodbye to the 160's! YAY! I have my race this weekend, so wish me luck! My friend is going with me so I am getting her to take pictures for me. I will post them ( hopefully! probably just in my profile, because I can't figure out how to do it in the thread) I am looking forward to having some ME time!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, is your race May 1? If so, there will only be 2 things on my mind: You & the Kentucky Derby! Good luck, and safe run. I am going to run a 5k on the TM tomorrow morning with one of my gf's, then we're going to have girls day and watch the Derby. It'll be fun.

    Burning fewer cals running this week even though I'm going further and faster. Baffled.

    Melissa, you're gonna look great, just keep your head down & chugging along :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks Trish! My race is actually on Sunday. I can't wait to hear about your treadmill 5k!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Thanks, Nicole. It bodes well. I had a dream last night that I ran an actual 5k race in half an hour. I doubt it will happen tomorrow, but it sure is a confidence booster :)