Paleo/LC, nutritional knowledge andthe Dunning-Kruger effect



  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    Actually, low-carb and low-cal diets do have effects on the brain. Just one article here:

    Many more to be found. Interesting!
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I've been awake for 6 1/2 hours at the moment, here is my cal/macro count:
    cals: 1,191
    carbs: 245
    protein: 33
    fat: 70

    I'm claiming it because I was 450 from my cal goal yesterday. I swear, though, that I'm thinking a lot more clearly this morning than I was last night!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Obviously it contributes to lowered brain function. Obviously.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Obviously it contributes to lowered brain function. Obviously.

    Obviously! If you want brain food, McDonald's is the place to go! :tongue:

    I'll tell you from experience what influences brain function, although why I'm hanging around this insulting troll thread I don't know.

    Being fat lowers brain function in a major way.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The first step is understand that health food is a myth. The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense. An overall diet can be healthy or unhealthy, but that cannot be stretched to the individual components of the diet.

    The central core tenent of paleo and all other diets like it is utter nonsense. Its proof in people's minds is based on a series of strawmen arguments (the merits of paleo and other diets like it cannot be debated without use of strawmen by the paleo side). They have created an evil boogieman resposible for all the worlds ills, and that evil boogieman is that which is not paleo. No different than how political crazies strawmen explain their way to near insanity (no the president is not worse than Hitler, sorry).

    (Godwins Law FTW!)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The first step is understand that health food is a myth. The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    The central core tenent of paleo and all other diets like it is utter nonsense. Its proof in people's minds is based on a series of strawmen arguments (the merits of paleo and other diets like it cannot be debated without use of strawmen by the paleo side).

    Egad! You're right! I'm cured!

    *throws out steak and goes to live entirely on poptarts and chocolate bars*
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The first step is understand that health food is a myth. The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    The central core tenent of paleo and all other diets like it is utter nonsense. Its proof in people's minds is based on a series of strawmen arguments (the merits of paleo and other diets like it cannot be debated without use of strawmen by the paleo side).

    Egad! You're right! I'm cured!

    *throws out steak and goes to live entirely on poptarts and chocolate bars*



    Livin' in the land of strawmen.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    What I'm actually hoping is that every post in this thread is sarcasm. I did free weights at the gym today, I believe that is scientifically proven to break a person's sarcasm detector, isn't it?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The first step is understand that health food is a myth. The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    The central core tenent of paleo and all other diets like it is utter nonsense. Its proof in people's minds is based on a series of strawmen arguments (the merits of paleo and other diets like it cannot be debated without use of strawmen by the paleo side).

    Egad! You're right! I'm cured!

    *throws out steak and goes to live entirely on poptarts and chocolate bars*



    Livin' in the land of strawmen.

    Just in case you're serious, you said, and I quote: The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    Okay, so who cares where I get any of my calories from? All food is the same, poptarts are just as healthy as steak or any other food. That is what you seem to be saying.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    What I'm actually hoping is that every post in this thread is sarcasm. I did free weights at the gym today, I believe that is scientifically proven to break a person's sarcasm detector, isn't it?

    Poe's law strikes again...
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The first step is understand that health food is a myth. The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    The central core tenent of paleo and all other diets like it is utter nonsense. Its proof in people's minds is based on a series of strawmen arguments (the merits of paleo and other diets like it cannot be debated without use of strawmen by the paleo side).

    Egad! You're right! I'm cured!

    *throws out steak and goes to live entirely on poptarts and chocolate bars*



    Livin' in the land of strawmen.

    Just in case you're serious, you said, and I quote: The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    Okay, so who cares where I get any of my calories from? All food is the same, poptarts are just as healthy as steak or any other food. That is what you seem to be saying.

    The constituents cannot be separated from the whole of a diet. If a person eats a healthy diet, all constituents of that diet are healthy.

    Breaking down a diet into components and rating the healthiness of those components is a logical fallacy. Healthiness does not exist in piecemeal, it is only an attribute of the whole.

    Living on poptarts alone is MORE healthy living on broccoli alone......, If you were to subsist on one and only one food item, the healthiest diet you could possibly construct would be existing solely on milk, which is banned by paleo and dubbed unhealthy.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Okay, so who cares where I get any of my calories from? All food is the same, poptarts are just as healthy as steak or any other food. That is what you seem to be saying.

    what he's saying, i believe, is that you can have a healthy diet whether you include poptarts and steak or not.

    if paleo does it for you, great... but someone not being paleo does not imply that he/she is somehow making inferior food choices.

    you can replace "paleo" above with "primal", "low fat", "low sugar", "low carb", etc. and it's still a position i agree with when referring to all of those diets based on the idea that certain foods are inherently bad and must be avoided.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The first step is understand that health food is a myth. The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    The central core tenent of paleo and all other diets like it is utter nonsense. Its proof in people's minds is based on a series of strawmen arguments (the merits of paleo and other diets like it cannot be debated without use of strawmen by the paleo side).

    Egad! You're right! I'm cured!

    *throws out steak and goes to live entirely on poptarts and chocolate bars*



    Livin' in the land of strawmen.

    Just in case you're serious, you said, and I quote: The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    Okay, so who cares where I get any of my calories from? All food is the same, poptarts are just as healthy as steak or any other food. That is what you seem to be saying.

    The constituents cannot be separated from the whole of a diet. If a person eats a healthy diet, all constituents of that diet are healthy.

    Breaking down a diet into components and rating the healthiness of those components is a logical fallacy. Healthiness does not exist in piecemeal, it is only an attribute of the whole.

    Living on poptarts alone is MORE healthy living on broccoli alone......, If you were to subsist on one and only one food item, the healthiest diet you could possibly construct would be existing solely on milk, which is banned by paleo and dubbed unhealthy.

    That makes more sense. Like I said, I'm interested in learning about the chemistry behind why certain foods make me too hungry and make me crave other foods.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to eat the foods that cause me to be the least hungry and to crave the least because frankly it's exhausting trying to fight it. Not saying it works for everyone though and I'm certainly not claiming I understand why it works for me. I know some of the terminology, but I'm no fool claiming a biochemist level of comprehension.

    Which the thread title reference implies. That we paleo/low carb people are ignorant and too stupid to know it. That is not only insulting, it's incorrect.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    brb checking pubmed
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Nah, it's correlation, not causation.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    The first step is understand that health food is a myth. The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    The central core tenent of paleo and all other diets like it is utter nonsense. Its proof in people's minds is based on a series of strawmen arguments (the merits of paleo and other diets like it cannot be debated without use of strawmen by the paleo side).

    Egad! You're right! I'm cured!

    *throws out steak and goes to live entirely on poptarts and chocolate bars*



    Livin' in the land of strawmen.

    Just in case you're serious, you said, and I quote: The idea that one food can be healthier than another is just nonsense.

    Okay, so who cares where I get any of my calories from? All food is the same, poptarts are just as healthy as steak or any other food. That is what you seem to be saying.

    The constituents cannot be separated from the whole of a diet. If a person eats a healthy diet, all constituents of that diet are healthy.

    Breaking down a diet into components and rating the healthiness of those components is a logical fallacy. Healthiness does not exist in piecemeal, it is only an attribute of the whole.

    Living on poptarts alone is MORE healthy living on broccoli alone......, If you were to subsist on one and only one food item, the healthiest diet you could possibly construct would be existing solely on milk, which is banned by paleo and dubbed unhealthy.

    That makes more sense. Like I said, I'm interested in learning about the chemistry behind why certain foods make me too hungry and make me crave other foods.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to eat the foods that cause me to be the least hungry and to crave the least because frankly it's exhausting trying to fight it. Not saying it works for everyone though and I'm certainly not claiming I understand why it works for me. I know some of the terminology, but I'm no fool claiming a biochemist level of comprehension.

    Which the thread title reference implies. That we paleo/low carb people are ignorant and too stupid to know it. That is not only insulting, it's incorrect.

    If it works for you and you are getting sufficient protein and micronutrients, then there's no reason to stop. Vegan, vegetarian, primal, and paleo can all work but it makes it harder in the sense that they cut out foods that provide readily available nutrients. The only issue some of us have with diets like these is that some of their supporters claim that they are the "right" way for humans to eat, and thereby confuse people, with no real scientific evidence to support that claim. Again, if it works for you, go to it, just don't push it on everyone else as "right" way or the "only" way.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Check this instead, it's what I was watching last night: "An Organic Chemist's Perspective on Paleo" by Mathieu Lalonde, PhD

    Now I'm going to go check for my brain, I must have left it somewhere, clearly if it were still in my head I wouldn't be bothering with this thread anymore, and now I'm done.

    I do agree with those who are annoyed by people who think this is the one ultimate solution for everyone. It's not.
  • I eat what makes me feel good. Gluten and higher carb in general makes me feel like crap. Low carb-moderate protein-high fat makes me look and feel AMAZING.

    If donuts, pizza, brownies, and pasta made me look and feel good, you best believe I'd be eating those things instead. =)

    Eat whatever makes you feel best, focus on you, and don't worry about how others eat. Its THEIR diets, why are you even concerning yourself with their business?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I eat what makes me feel good. Gluten and higher carb in general makes me feel like crap. Low carb-moderate protein-high fat makes me look and feel AMAZING.

    If donuts, pizza, brownies, and pasta made me look and feel good, you best believe I'd be eating those things instead. =)

    Eat whatever makes you feel best, focus on you, and don't worry about how others eat. Its THEIR diets, why are you even concerning yourself with their business?

    In your view, are the only 2 choices gluten and high carb or low carb, moderate protein, high fat? Do you see any other possible choices?
  • shlevon
    shlevon Posts: 30 Member
    Is it possible that the paleo diet and low carb diets make you dumber on the subject of nutrition, yet at the same time makes you think you know a lot about the subject? Using low carb and paleo dieters favorite sort of evidence, that would be anecdotal, that seems to be the case.

    Could this also explain why you also see so many cases of special snowflake syndrome in these dieters, sheer ignorance of basic nutritional facts, despite fancying themselves as quite knowledgeable on the subject?

    Or maybe they suffer from a form of true believer syndrome

    I understand the frustration with low carb advocates and their sometimes-not-so-awesome use of science, but I don't think threads like these help anybody. To me, this just contributes to the very real problem of holier-than-thou mean-spiritedness that's so rampant in the field and on message boards.
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