Starting P90X tomorrow!

So, I've tried to start P90X three times in the past 2 years I've had it. The first time, I finished phase one but got sick and never picked back up. The last 2 times I've gotten really motivated for about 5 days, then I just want to wake up later and later during the day.
I try not to judge myself off of how skinny I am. I want to get stronger and be able to do things I've never done before (I.E. Parkour, anyone? haha). The first time, I saw results after phase one. Not huge ones, but things like the muscles on my triceps were starting to be more defined, and I had more energy. I want to feel like this all the time.
I really need someone to encourage me to do this every day. I'm not telling my friends, family, or even my boyfriend (whom i live with). Since I've tried to do this several times, I don't want to tell them" HECK YEAH P90X...AGAIN!" so I'm keeping it a secret. Are there any fellow P90X'ers out there, or anyone who is willing to help me stay motivated for the 3 months this will take? :flowerforyou:


  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    I am older than you but we do have a few things in common. I grew up skinny and started lifting to gain some definition. A few years back I did P90X and truly believe in the program. At your age your friends will know you are doing something in as little as 3 weeks ... because it will show. It is up to you if you want to friend me. I know which DVDs are the toughest so my motivation will come from direct experience with the program. Just keep pressing play!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I'm also older. I'm midway through recovery week Phase 1. Phase 2 starts up next Monday for me. You can friend me, too. I'll help another X'er all I can.

    one thing I found that helped me was to have it scheduled somewhere. I have it on my wall calendar, but as you want to keep it on the down low from family and friends for a while, you could keep it scheduled on your phone. I award myself a sticker every time I get my workout in. ARX is its own sticker. I know it sounds silly, but it keeps me motivated. I want a whole month of stickers on my wall. It's my own little push. if a rest day is scheduled=sticker, too! set some small goals, like a week of workouts and find something not food related as a reward that you wouldn't normally get yourself...then wait until you reach a goal then get it!

    when is the best time of day for you to do P90X? sounds like it might be mornings?
  • I'm also older. I'm midway through recovery week Phase 1. Phase 2 starts up next Monday for me.

    Looking at P90X as a change from traditional Army Daily Dozen running and calisthenics that I'm currently doing. Did you get the base package? Any thoughts around the different packages?
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I'm also older. I'm midway through recovery week Phase 1. Phase 2 starts up next Monday for me.

    Looking at P90X as a change from traditional Army Daily Dozen running and calisthenics that I'm currently doing. Did you get the base package? Any thoughts around the different packages?

    I did get the base package. I am not sure about the other packages, but I like P90X.

    I've done it several times, but didn't follow the meal planning, just did my own thing for eating. I like that they give you more than one way of scheduling the workouts based on if you want to get lean, get serious muscle (and have serious time to dedicate to it), or the classic version: a little of both
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm on week 3 of P90X and I LOVE IT! WOW!

    I'm a 350lb guy doing it for the first time. It's great to hear that you're going to pick it up!

    I'm tracking my progress in another thread. You might find that motivating. And feel free to add me. I'll cheer you on.

    Congrats on getting started!
  • All of you rock :) I know i'll be proud of myself if I do it, and everyone in my life will be, too. Thank you for your support, I'll definitely add you guys!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    how did today go? cardioX or plyo?
  • I'm on day 54 of p90x!! Love it!! I highly recommend it!! I've lost 25 lbs since nov.

    Good luck to anyone who's starting.
  • Something that I just thought about when I went back and re read the op is it's really helpful to have a good support group. Lean on your friends in here!! Use them. Add me!! I've walked in your shoes. Those of us who've been there can help you on those tough days. Don't be afraid to reach out and let someone know you are struggling. That's what will get you through!
  • Eric,

    Go with p90x classic. It is a very good mix of cardio and resistance training. If you're currently doing military style workouts you should be able to jump right into the program. I really love it...on day 16 right now. It took me the first two weeks just to be able to finish every workout all the way through. Very challenging but also lots of fun. You'll need: A pull up bar, a variety of dumbells (I find I'm needing everything from 15-45 lbs but making due with what I already have), a 10X10 area to workout, and you may want resistance bands if you are unable to do any pull ups. Be prepared to commit to an hour to hour and a half workout 6 days a week plus follow the nutrition plan...its a serious commitment but I find it very addictive. If you have any more questions let me know.
  • Hello.

    I'm waiting on P90x to arrive next week. YIKES!!! I'll be starting the diet plan today.
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member

    I'm finishing up week 7 of my first round - feel free to add me if you'd like.

    You can definitely do this :) Schedule your workouts - make them non-negotiable. Even when you don't want to, give it a few minutes.

    I'm a little older than you, but kind of in the same boat. I've always been skinny, and I'm a cardio queen, but needed some muscle development for injury prevention, and just because I wanted to be stronger. I've never completed a program like this (I did P90, but this was around the time that I stopped and moved on to something else...) but i'm seeing some great results, and am noticing improvements in how I feel. It's a great program - challenging but in a good way.
  • I need to find a cheaper Shakeology replacement...
  • I just started p90x myself. I am one week in and have lost 3 lbs. I tried to start over the summer but didn't have the motivation to continue after a week or so. This time around I am much more driven. I would love to be a support system. Good luck!
  • Eric,

    Go with p90x classic. It is a very good mix of cardio and resistance training. If you're currently doing military style workouts you should be able to jump right into the program. I really love it...on day 16 right now. It took me the first two weeks just to be able to finish every workout all the way through. Very challenging but also lots of fun. You'll need: A pull up bar, a variety of dumbells (I find I'm needing everything from 15-45 lbs but making due with what I already have), a 10X10 area to workout, and you may want resistance bands if you are unable to do any pull ups. Be prepared to commit to an hour to hour and a half workout 6 days a week plus follow the nutrition plan...its a serious commitment but I find it very addictive. If you have any more questions let me know.
    My package should be here tomorrow. I already have a dumbbell set and pull up bar, so all set on that. I've a nice space to work out in my bonus/game room. Looking forward to something new and different.
  • robert_gonzalez
    robert_gonzalez Posts: 11 Member
    I hope you are crushing it on your P90X journey. Kudos to you for picking it up again and having a desire to get through it all. That, in itself, is a big thing.

    Hearing you mention a particular point at which you noticed yourself beginning to slip away, I have to say, I can relate. I did Insanity for three rounds and did P90X twice. In each program, Day 3 was my killer. I recognized this the first time I did Insanity, when I literally thought my body was going into shock and was about to revolt against me completely. But in each of the other program cycles I went through, I realized that Day 3, for some reason, presented me with some psychological barrier. What I ended up doing was making the night before as accommodating for the next morning as possible to allow me every possible chance of getting to it the next day. Even with that, I still battled myself in the morning and would literally have a back and forth argument with myself in my head with all the reasons I should get up and exercise and all the reasons why I shouldn't. At the end of the day, your desire for health has to win out. And it kinda already has, if you think about, just by making the decision to hit it again.

    You got this. There is nothing at all that can stand in your way. You were built for success and you will succeed. Push play every day, do your best and forget the rest. :)
  • How's p90x going for everyone??
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'm loving it! I'm currently 2 weeks into my 2ND round of P90X. I've also ordered Insanity so I'll try to incorporate it into the cardio days.
  • So, I started P90x but I moved out of state and haven't picked it back up. Also, I will have to use it in my kitchen by moving the dining table because my studio is so small.

    But! I have lost 15 pounds just by changing how I eat. That,on top of the workouts would've incredible if I can findthemotivation.