which foods are lo cal and still filling?

I'm just starting, and my daily allowance is 1440cals, more if I exercise. Lucky I'm on the crosstrainer/elliptical a lot which seems to burn a lot of calories according to the machine, but I've eaten 2000 calories and i still feel hungry...

what foods are really filling and yet still low calories?



  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm just starting, and my daily allowance is 1440cals, more if I exercise. Lucky I'm on the crosstrainer/elliptical a lot which seems to burn a lot of calories according to the machine, but I've eaten 2000 calories and i still feel hungry...

    what foods are really filling and yet still low calories?

  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I find oatmeal, air popcorn, Fiber One bars and eggs to be really filling. I'm sure others will have lots of other suggestions too. Good luck!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Make sure to eat fiber rich foods. That will help a lot in keeping you satisfied for longer periods. Protein is important as well!!

    Oatmeal, Strawberries, Broccoli, Peas, Kidney Beans are all some great forms of fiber.

    Fiber One cereal is great. The Honey Oat Clusters or the Raisin Bran one are tasty and high in fiber. Also, the Fiber One Bars are great!! You get 35% of your daily requirements with one. The oats n chocolate is my addiction!

    The Thomas light whole grain english muffins are a good soure as well. Sometimes I will have one of these and a cup of sliced strawberries and that keeps me full for a long time.

    Eggo Light Nutri-Grain Waffles

    Soups are a great idea if you are wanting to feel full! I try and buy the low-sodium versions because otherwise you get WAY too much. Amy's has some nice soups out. My latest addiction is her low-fat chunky tomato bisque! Wow, so much flavor.

    Also, it takes about a week or two for you to get used to the smaller amount of calories. So, if you can chug through despite feeling hungry sometimes, it SHOULD get better. Drink water. I find that if I am feeling hungry and drink some water, it helps A LOT.

    Here are a couple of articles to help you get started:



    Take care!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I am currently eating a lot (well, not too much) of "Laughing Cow" cheese. It's very low calorie, and a handy snack for when you "don't have time to eat".

    I eat a lot more fruit and vegetables now. You can eat a LOT of vegetables for very few calories. I also use popcorn as a snack, again high volume with low calories.:flowerforyou:
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    when I was in the "losing" mode and wanted a crunchy snack at my desk, I ate cut up raw veggies (specifically celery, green peppers, and a few carrots and/or cherry tomatoes). You can have 1-2 cups of pepper and celery chunks for under 100 cals.....it's not necessarily filling, but it keeps the hands and mouth busy for a while which is a lot of what the mindless "desk snacking" is all about! Keep the carrots and tomatoes to a minimum, though, since they have more calories. Add a tbsp of fat-free or low-fat ranch dressing, or a wedge of Laughing Cow flavored cheese for variety.

    A packet of flavored instant oatmeal is great for breakfast. Add a few unsalted walnuts for more "bite".

    If you NEED chocolate every day....Dove miniatures are perfect! 37 cals each for the dark chocolate....let one melt in your mouth (no chewing allowed!), and you will have the taste and creaminess of the chocolate with very few calories. Again, not "filling", but a great mind trick.
  • frankp
    frankp Posts: 83
    Before I saw your post, I just posted this, very filling and low calorie

  • rp73910
    rp73910 Posts: 11
    I like to eat GO Lean bars and a banana for breakfast, it seems to keep me full longer......salads with grilled chicken and lots of veggies.......... and good balance of carbs and protein works for me. Good luck!
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    light sargento string cheese 50 calories a piece, and breakstone's cottage cheese packs 90 calories very filling
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    light sargento string cheese 50 calories a piece, and breakstone's cottage cheese packs 90 calories very filling
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Yeah, I agree with Tami... higher fiber and higher protein foods are the most filling.
    Also, food high in water content like fruit... make sure you are drinking lots of water too.

    Some things I like are:
    -Apples with PB
    -String Cheese
    -Cottage Cheese
    -English muffins

    It sounds crazy but sometimes if I can't kick the "munchies" then I drink a crytal light pack in my water and eat light popcorn. It's low cal and always seems to do the trick! Also, I like to season my popcorn with olive oil (in a pump/spray thingy), oregano, and little bit of grated parmesan cheese. It's delicious!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I had the same problem when I started, my calorie allowance is 1200 and I was also hungry for the first week, until I got used to spending my calories wisely. I do still need to exercise every day, but I also found the following helped:

    I cut right down on using fat in cooking - even though I love olive oil (and it's good for you) you can save loads of calories this way
    I use low fat dairy instead of full fat
    I use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar (though some people don't agree with this)
    I find pasta and rice quite filling, especially the wholewheat varieties
    I eat LOADS of vegetables
    Beans and pulses are really filling
    Fruit is a good snack and helps fill you up for not many calories
    I also find nuts and eggs quite filling, but don't eat too many as they are calorie dense. I like to have a tbsp of peanut butter with my morning oatmeal

    You will get used to it after a week or so!
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    I just had lunch and I had the Minute RIce Brown Rice cups and a cups of mixed veggies, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots with a little (tsp or so) butter with salt, pepper and a little garlic powder in one of those steam bags and I am stuffed!! Everyone had some great ideas that I will be putting to use myself! Thanks for asking the question!
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks so much guys you've given me some great tips :) glad it's not just me who's hungry! Good luck to all of you too!!
  • BreaNix
    BreaNix Posts: 205 Member
    In addition to the other great ideas......

    I like to munch on sugar snap peas, baby carrots and frosted shredded wheat.

    For lunch I like to have a salad, with some chicken tons of vegies and tons of mixed beans. I use a light sesame dressing. It is very yummy and keeps me full for a long time.

    Good luck, trust me it gets easier. :smile:
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    Ready Pacs at safeway have apples & cheese & grapes...

    Cubed cheese does wonders and goes very far. ( i just toss the caramel.)

    Better yet, make your own. Tastes better and saves chemicals.

    Popcorn, defintely.

    If you have a sweet tooth, fruits work. I mean, bing cherries have carbs and sugar but it only takes a few to add to your meal or grain cereal for a bang.

    (lord helped me i made a fruit pie this weekend!)

    Speaking of cherries...I'm off to do a 1,000 calorie workout to get in a post-period workout plus "I ate pie" workout. =)

    Metamucil makes fiber wafers that give you fiber (ahem) and are surprisingly...filling for such small things.