Stopped smoking, gained weight and ready to start again!!



  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Oh yes, I am there too :). I quit smoking (after smoking for 20 years) eight months ago, and I gained about the same as you...6-8 lbs. I've always been a good exerciser, but an overeater. I cannot tell you how much this site has helped me. Just writing down what I eat really helped me to look at what I was eating, and the mindless snacking has come to a halt. I can't say that I'm doing great, but I'm doing MUCH better, and the weight is slowly coming off. I really have no desire to ever smoke again since both my parents died of lung cancer, but I do want to drop some of this weight. I'm in no hurry, and I'm hoping slow and steady wins this race.

    Hang in there, and do your best, and you will get there. I know it's tempting to start smoking again, but trust me, lung cancer is an awful death :(...I watched it twice and it broke my heart :(.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    The idea that smoking will help you in any way is only an illusion and will only hinder your progress in the long run.

    In 2006, I had lost some weight and gained a little back. After 6 months of dieting, I was feeling a little burned out and had the brilliant idea to start smoking again, even though I hadn't smoked in about 5 years. And yes, I lost weight. Fast-forward to 2011. I had regained the weight and was smoking about a pack a day. So I quit smoking last July, gained 10 pounds and joined MFP in December. I have since lost 22 pounds through diet and exercise. I still crave cigarettes from time to time (don't know if that ever goes away completely), but it will be a cold day in hell before I start smoking again.
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    I could sure use some motivation, suggestions or maybe a 'kick in the pants'. I quit smoking in August 2012. I smoked a pack a day for 30 years. I am still not smoking...but I REALLY WANT TO....

    I have gone from size 6 to size 16, I have gone from 120 to 154 pounds. I am binge eating and I am so disgusted at myself--especially since I joined MFP on Jan 2011 at 154 and went to 120 - by August 2011.

    Why am I having such a diffiicult time, this time, starting my diet, exercise and healthy eating.
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    I could sure use some motivation, suggestions or maybe a 'kick in the pants'. I quit smoking in August 2012. I smoked a pack a day for 30 years. I am still not smoking...but I REALLY WANT TO....

    I have gone from size 6 to size 16, I have gone from 120 to 154 pounds. I am binge eating and I am so disgusted at myself--especially since I joined MFP on Jan 2011 at 154 and went to 120 - by August 2011.

    Why am I having such a diffiicult time, this time, starting my diet, exercise and healthy eating.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    The first time I quit smoking, I lost weight. I replaced smoking with daily morning walks and healthier foods. It was great.

    However, after a year, I started smoking again. Ugh.

    So, three years later, I have quit again. I already log my calories and exercise and all that good stuff.

    Nothing could have prepared me for the uncontrollable sugar cravings.

    I think I have it under control now, but I've gained a few pounds. I'm trying not to stress too much, because I know I'll lose it again and I'm better off in the long run, but it still sucks!
  • blondeegal11
    i quit smoking on dec 15th.. its been 6 weeks.. i have gained 10 lbs... i know how you feel.. i have battled eating disorders most of my life.. i started doing weight watchers today and excercising... a client of mine told me about this site so i am trying it... dont start smoking... it is too hard to quit.. hang in there u can do it..!!!
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member

    I buy a kilo or two at a time, peel and cut them up into batons which I keep in the fridge. I didn't really like them to start with, either!

    They are my go to when I want to smoke/eat something - satisfyingly crunchy, take a while to get through, low calorie and also quite sweet which helps with sugar cravings.

    Also drinking a lot of water and herbal tea.
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hi there! I feel your pain!!! Almost a month and going strong.... But you can do this!! Just think about how amazing eating clean is and how much better a lovely fruit salad tastes then a mouth full of tobacco :)
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their support and words of encouragement. I am not smoking, and I have curbed my bing eating a bit.
    Now, just trying to get motivated to a healthier lifestyle of exercise and eating right. Late night snacking is a problem.

    Thanks, everyone.:drinker:
  • tjfrisque
    tjfrisque Posts: 267 Member
    I just want to say thanks for the post. I do smoke and have for over twenty years. I have tried to quit and have failed over and over. I wish I was in your spot, I would take the 8 pounds (not happily) and try to constantly remind myself how I don't have to avoid the movies because I can't smoke there. How I wouldn't avoid places that my children want to go because I can't smoke there. How I wouldn't avoid going to certain friends houses because they look down on smoking and I'm the only one who does it. Remind yourself of all the positives. You smell good, your smile looks better, you have the freedom to go wherever without the stigma of being a smoker, if your in the car you get to feel the warm heat (if you live in a cold climate) instead of freezing with the window down. Good luck
  • Barbsmb
    Barbsmb Posts: 4
    On Feb. 5th I started the fasting diet, lost a steady 1 lb per week for the first 3 weeks then I quit smoking since then I have gone back to my original start weight plus about another 3lbs despite still fasting 2 days per week. When I quit I consciously chose not to eat any differently. I stopped fasting a week ago as I was getting disheartened.

    Last Monday I decided to go low carb instead as I am so fed up with myself. I am on day 5 and despite keeping the carbs around 20 to 30 per day I have lost no weight on the scales and the dress I have on today feels tighter than it has ever felt.
  • Barbsmb
    Barbsmb Posts: 4
    On Feb. 5th I started the fasting diet, lost a steady 1 lb per week for the first 3 weeks then I quit smoking since then I have gone back to my original start weight plus about another 3lbs despite still fasting 2 days per week. When I quit I consciously chose not to eat any differently. I stopped fasting a week ago as I was getting disheartened.

    Last Monday I decided to go low carb instead as I am so fed up with myself. I am on day 5 and despite keeping the carbs around 20 to 30 per day I have lost no weight on the scales and the dress I have on today feels tighter than it has ever felt.

    How long do people think it will be before things start to kick in again? This is soooo frustrating and disheartening, makes you ALMOST feel like lighting up again. :(
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It should start evening out soon I would imagine, I can't talk though because I still smoke. But I have friends who have quit and they gained but then lost it all again within a year of quitting.
    Weird fact but allegedly smoking burns up to 200 calories, so you should bare in my your body is making an adjustment for that too.
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    Legitimate question.
    How does stopping smoking make you gain weight ?
    Is if because food becomes the new comfort / coping method instead of a cigarette ?
    Or is it chemical imbalances ?
  • Barbsmb
    Barbsmb Posts: 4
    Like khall86790 says it is to do with metabolism. As I was already fasting I consciously made the decision NOT to eat any differently. I have read that giving up smoking can kick hypothyroidism into touch but this is only what I have read on the internet.
  • Marilynj28
    Marilynj28 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I stumbled upon this thread by googling "I quit smoking and can't stop gaining weight" lol I'm a member of MFP but hvnt been on in a while. Basically I feel like crap right now. Was down to 148 and feeling really good ....them quit smoking 6 and a half weeks ago and and back up to 160 :( my eating isn't any worse than it was before but here I am. Need to start working out harder or more I guess. Like someone else mentioned, I too have gone from an active job to a desk job. So I guess I'm going to have to re lose all the weight I just lost last year! Thinking I should have waited til after summer to have quit smoking LOL
  • tenintwenty
    tenintwenty Posts: 92
    Be strong. You will get through this. Have faith that you are doing what is right for your body even if you hate the weight gain. I've have a similar experience whenever I start eating properly for my IBS. I eat LESS calories, but I put on about 5 lbs because my body just sucks up the nutrients it couldn't absorb before. Just tell yourself you'll give it another month. I bet any gain will taper off as your body adjusts, then you can work at getting your weight back down. It can be very difficult to feel like your body is betraying you, but don't panic. If you have a lot of anxiety about your body, you might consider going to an OA meeting to get some positive support.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    IF I had the choice, and there was no alternative, I'd much rather be overweight than have decaying lungs, yellow teeth, bad breath, stinking hair and clothes, and a shortened life span. Of the two, smoking is by far the more self-destructive.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Don't even worry about it Marilyn, you are doing a wonderful thing for yourself and I think it is much easier to lose 15 lbs than to quit smoking! Your metabolism can slow down a little after you quit, food tastes better as your senses return and some do eat more to satisfy the hand-to-mouth thing. I am sure you will be back in balance soon and you will probably be able to burn a lot more calories in your workouts than you could before as your lungs and organs heal. You are doing great, don't be hard on yourself for a bit of gain, you can do this!!
  • TiaSmall
    I stopped smoking six weeks ago and have gained 10lbs. This sucks. I am very happy I had the will power to quit smoking but living in a society where "thin is in" my weight gain is constantly on my mind. Over a year ago I was over weight and lost 40 lbs. So this weight gain is not good. I exercise regular, eat healthy but no matter Im still gaining. Is my body just trying to regulate itself now? Please help.