women 5ft 6/7in!!!



  • TwinMom0804
    TwinMom0804 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello there! I am also 5'6" and started out at 230 about 2 weeks ago. I am 42yrs old. My goal weight is 160. About 4 yrs ago I lost 40lbs and got down to 170. It felt great! But then put it all back on plus some. :( I am finally back on the wagon. Great big congrats on all the weight loss with everyone. Would be very happy to become friends with anyone and help to keep each other motivated. I live in Waynesville, OH. Thanks, Debbie
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    Hi All... I'm 5'7 and started out at 210 with a goal weight of 160, although I may adjust it to 150 when I get there.... I have mainly fluctuated between 180 and 200, so being 160 would be a great accomplishment.

    I started in August 2012 and hope to be at my goal weight by July 2013 for a friend's wedding. Also, feel free to add me.

  • hydi75
    hydi75 Posts: 3
    Looking for friends...more friends=more suppot
  • Hi! I'm 5' 6.5", but I told the DMV I was 5' 7". ;)
    I started off at 148...maybe 149 a month and a half ago. I'm down to 141 right now. My 1st goal is the weight on my license, 135. Second goal is 130. My ultimate is 124 lbs. I don't know what that is in stones though.. LoL. I can't remember when I was last in the 120s...probably in middle school. We'll see how this goes! I would love some friends around my height! Add me! :))
  • I am 5ft 6in and weigh 225 my goal is to weigh 140-150. Add me!
  • Hi - I started on Monday... I'm 154lbs and wanting to get down to 121lbs :)

    Anyone feel free to add me
  • I started this a while a go did quite well...then I went on holiday and COMPLETLY fell off the wagon!

    I'm 5'6/7" (never 100% sure!) and currently 158lbs. Not sure what I want to be...Happy with how I look I suppose! My dad recently had a heart attack in Oct so this kick started me and my Mum being healthier I just need the motiviation with my parents being rather far away. I do want to get fit thats my main goal as I'm looking to join the police and so I need to be at a certain level of fitness!

    Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated :) xx
  • Hello

    I am 5'7

    Start weight: 150

    Current weight: 127

    Goal weight: Doesnt matter. I just want to look like Jamie Eason :p

    I started her 12 week program today.

    looking for people looking to get toned up and lose the last couple of pounds of fat
  • 5'7" here. Started 6 months ago at 184 pounds and am currently fluctuating between 139-142. I am a 40 year old mother of two and am happy with that number. I started at a very snug size 12 and currently wear a very comfortable 4. I am doing a high protein low carb diet with a 1000 calorie per day diet not to exceed more than 100g carbs and try to reach 80g protein per day. Walk/Jogging 6 miles per day 7 days per week. I generally will split this up to 3 miles in the morning and 3 miles in the evening. MFP has made a HUGE difference in the way I eat!!!
  • I am 5'6" and currently weight 180. I started at 230 and made it to 170 when I went on a maintenance routine for the past year. I am now back on the wagon with a current goal of 165. I am going to be 42 shortly and would love to reach my goal by June. Like others, I carry my weight well - pear shaped (size 10 slacks/small tops).
  • TMR001
    TMR001 Posts: 37
    I'm 5' 6" and looking to be 150 pounds. It seems a little high compared to everyones goals but I was happy with my body when I was close to that before. I have a large bone structure with broad shoulders and so 150 fits me well. I'm about a size 10 at that weight.
  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I replied earlier in this thread but if there are any 5'7" girls out there starting around 160lbs, would LOVE to be friends....that's where I'm at...at least about two weeks ago when I first weighed myself....it would be neat to have a mfp buddy starting out at the same or nearly the someplace I am!