Big Boned??



  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    It's an excuse fat lazy people use for their being... fat and lazy.

    Having a large frame is something different.
  • swarovski75
    swarovski75 Posts: 195 Member
    Okay, I use the expression "big boned" to describe myself because I have a massive frame. I truly look like a linebacker when I stand beside my very petite-framed mother, even thought we're about the same height, and she carries a lot more excess weight than I do (% body fat). When I use it I mean that when I am at the bottom end of my BMI, my hip bones protrude, my ribs stick out, my collarbones protrude... I don't use it as an excuse, but I do take it into account, and know for a fact that I look way better and more feminine at the high end of my range. I can be toned and tight, muscular and totally sexy at 5'6.5" and 158 lbs. So when you talk about having a bigger frame, yeah, i think it can correspond to being more suited to the top end of your healthy range...
  • translation: big boned = im really jealous of your accomplishments, please stop so i stop feeling bad bout myself. Amen.[/quote]

    I had a girl (husbands cousins gf) tell me that I was too big boned for my goal weight, and then actually told me that I needed to stop losing weight, because I was, "making her look like a fat pig"!!!!! It's jealousy at it's finest. Don't sweat it hunny. Some people are just rude like that. Next time when someone asks what your goal weight is, just tell them you aren't sure, you just want to be healthier. Works for me!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Your doctor can give you a pretty good idea of your frame size and a weight to aim for. Mine measured my bones in various areas using caliper-type instruments and said that even though 140 is the minimum for my height/frame, 150-ish is a better weight for me. Since I was 165 in high school and looked pretty good, just a little pudgy, I have to agree with him.

    At 5'6", 154 pounds puts me into the "normal" BMI range, so that's my goal.
  • LLaceFace
    LLaceFace Posts: 101 Member
    I always love to hear this! I completely understand where you are coming from. I started MFP at 227 (my biggest was 250) I am down to 147 and I can tell that I only have another 10-15 that I can lose and the smallest pant size I will ever be able to wear is a size 7-8. This doesnt mean my "bones" are bigger, but rather my "bone structure" is different than others. I have wide hips which even if I starved myself sick I would never get in a size 0. I think people mistaken the size of their bones for the stucture of their bodies.
    If you are anything like me I think 130 will look amazing on you! I know that is right where I will be comfortable. Keep at it :) your doing wonderful!
  • macaya5
    macaya5 Posts: 75
    I am not big boned. I am big assed. I have a lot of weight to lose, more than 100lbs. I could give a rat's furry behind what someone else thinks I should weigh. Lots of people have opinions and want to tell me how to eat and blah blah took me a lifetime to get this way, it's gonna take a minute to get it off. I'm at least headed in the right direction.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I used to think I was big and tall...and full of muscles...but I realized I was just a tall fat guy. I'm 5' 11"...but depending on the maker of the clothes I can wear medium or Large...I realize that my shirts were "too short" because so much material got used up covering my big *kitten* belly.
    People will make whatever excuse they can pull out of their *kitten* to avoid hard work and moving out of their comfort zone.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    See this post..

    Having a large frame does matter. Not everyone fits into the regular BMI categories. You can measure your wrists to find out if you are small, medium, or large framed. If you have a large frame, your bones are bigger.

    When I was 250 pounds my WRIST watches fit me fine. I lost 88 pounds and had to get multiple links removed from my WRIST watches. I guess I went from being BIG boned to SMALL boned.

    Measuring your wrist or anything else when you are 88 pounds over weight is HORSESH#T in trying to determine if you are big boned.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Okay, I use the expression "big boned" to describe myself because I have a massive frame. I truly look like a linebacker when I stand beside my very petite-framed mother, even thought we're about the same height, and she carries a lot more excess weight than I do (% body fat). When I use it I mean that when I am at the bottom end of my BMI, my hip bones protrude, my ribs stick out, my collarbones protrude... I don't use it as an excuse, but I do take it into account, and know for a fact that I look way better and more feminine at the high end of my range. I can be toned and tight, muscular and totally sexy at 5'6.5" and 158 lbs. So when you talk about having a bigger frame, yeah, i think it can correspond to being more suited to the top end of your healthy range...

    fully agree! at 150 pounds, i look sick, or like a drug addict. my sister, who is also 5 foot 10, weighs 130 and looks so cute and dainty. right now, i am 193 pounds, and only plan on going down to 160, any lighter, and i dont look good! my frame is much larger than my sisters, even though we are the same general height. im sure when people say big boned, they are referring to thier frames, which would include bone structure.
  • dlmcgo
    dlmcgo Posts: 41 Member
    Big boned is an old expression for someone with a big frame. I am 6 ft tall with broad shoulders and wide hips and was always classified as "big boned". When I ws in my twenties I weighed 130 lbs which was too small for my frame - I looked bony. I used to joke that I couldn't put my hips in a vice even though I really wanted to... with the broadness of my hips I;ve never been in a single digit pair of pants. I know now that I need to stay on the upper side of my weight range.
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    I think sometimes when people say 'big boned', they mean that you have kind of a stocky frame. For example, I think some people (particularly some women) have wider hips which causes them to carry their weight differently-- same thing goes for women who have shoulders broader than most.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    OMG! Bahahahaha! :laugh:
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    I have a larger frame and I am also tall. In a sense I guess I carry my weight well. People are amazed when I tell them how much I weigh. It's a lot more than anyone would suspect.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    lol i'm 14 and 5'9 when i wrap my hand around my ankle it goes only half way while in allot of my friends it goes all the way around and i touch my other finger, most of my fat is in my lower region since I can easily touch and see my ribs, I am big boned and so are allot of people it's not a myth it's stupid to think that

    You are 14, naive, and uneducated. And violating the TOS for MFP by being under age.

    So... Please.... Don't spread misinformation here.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    See this post..

    Having a large frame does matter. Not everyone fits into the regular BMI categories. You can measure your wrists to find out if you are small, medium, or large framed. If you have a large frame, your bones are bigger.

    When I was 250 pounds my WRIST watches fit me fine. I lost 88 pounds and had to get multiple links removed from my WRIST watches. I guess I went from being BIG boned to SMALL boned.

    Measuring your wrist or anything else when you are 88 pounds over weight is HORSESH#T in trying to determine if you are big boned.

    ^^^ This. My bone structure shrank when I lost weight too!

    As said before you can have a larger frame . . . broader shoulders, thicker through chest, etc and you can even have slightly denser bones (which is actually pretty common if you've carried a lot of weight for a while)
  • trickycoolj
    trickycoolj Posts: 37 Member
    I always love to hear this! I completely understand where you are coming from. I started MFP at 227 (my biggest was 250) I am down to 147 and I can tell that I only have another 10-15 that I can lose and the smallest pant size I will ever be able to wear is a size 7-8. This doesnt mean my "bones" are bigger, but rather my "bone structure" is different than others. I have wide hips which even if I starved myself sick I would never get in a size 0. I think people mistaken the size of their bones for the stucture of their bodies.
    If you are anything like me I think 130 will look amazing on you! I know that is right where I will be comfortable. Keep at it :) your doing wonderful!

    ^^^ this!
    I'm 5'5.5" and at my lightest at 18 I was maybe 130 and still wore a size 8. At 165ish I still wear an 8-10. I'll never wear a 0-4 unless someone broke my pelvis and took a chunk out! Looking at pictures of my great grandmother I can see the frame of women in my family is fairly broad.

    I really dislike the term "big boned" because it only makes me think of Cartman on South Park. "I'm not fat I'm big bone-ded!"
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    ^^^ this!
    Looking at pictures of my great grandmother I can see the frame of women in my family is fairly broad.


    I do a ton (excuse the pun) of genealogy... and I can definitely see the decendency of the frame I got... my paternal Grandmother and my paternal, maternal Great-Grandmother both have/had very similar frame to mine.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Generally I assume that when people say big-boned, they are referring to a large frame. Sure that meme is funny and all, but it's completely useless to the OP and irrelevant to the question. Just because you have an x-ray of two people with the same sized frame and different body fat does not mean that there are no people with different sized frames... ummmm a meme is not evidence.

    Of course there is a variation in frame size between people... you only have to exist in the world and have some common sense to see that. We all accept that people can be different heights and that people of those different heights are going to have different sized bones, additional musculature to support that skeleton and all of that is going to weigh more. Why then is it so hard to believe that genetic differences in skeletal size could also extend to variations not related to height? Do people honestly believe that the only genetic differences in peoples skeletons are in those that make us taller? Sorry but that is just stupid...

    Do people honestly believe that the only difference between a 5'6" professional shot-putter and a 5'6" professional ballerina is diet and exercise?? Cmon people... don't be afraid to think critically, even when people accuse you of being a fat-denialist!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yes, sometimes when people are over weight they say it is big bones (if you see fat, that is fat, not bones). But, as others have said there are different frame sizes and it does matter. People need to understand this so that larger framed people will not starve and struggle to try and get to a lower weight and so that people will be able to understand why some people are just smaller and at a low weight. The healthy weight range is something like a 35 pound range because it takes 3 frame sizes into account: Small, Medium, Large. But, go for your goal weight and re-evaluate along the way.