Morning exercise and breakfast

Should I exercise before or after I eat breakfast. This morning I had my coffee and then went for a walk. When I got back I ate breakfast. Which way would be more beneficial or does it matter?


  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    Do whatever works best for you!
    Some people can't eat anything before they work out in the morning because it will upset their stomach and make them sick.
    Some have a little snack before working out, others will eat a big breakfast.
    I will have to eat a little something before I work out in the morning, otherwise I feel dizzy. But I eat dinner quite early so I'm hungry when I get up.

    Beneficial is what will help you get the most out of your workout!
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    I usually eat breakfast and wait an hr or so and then exercise. Your body needs fuel but if you try on a full belly your more likely to have discomfort and cramps. At least I do. But everyone is different.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    What ever works. I skip breakfast everyday and don't eat till after 12:00 pm each day. I eat up to 11:00pm every night.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks I wasn't sure if there would be a difference like burning more fat because my body has nothing to burn while exercising on an empty stomach.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    On the mornings I workout (jog and weights), I'll have some toast with pb. But, I'll wait about 45 minutes before I go out so that I'm not uncomfortable (if I don't eat, I don't have the energy to do the workout). Whatever works for you!
  • midgetracer
    midgetracer Posts: 4 Member
    Some research shows that your metabolism is actually going pretty strong when you first wake up, since you've been fasting for the past 6-10 hours, so if you just drink a cup of coffee to help your stomach "feel" a little more full and get some energy you can keep that metabolism going strong. However, if you are doing some form of strength training, it is probably better to have a good meal with some fats and protein in them to get you through the workout without burning through muscle tissue. Personally, I have been working with the fasting method and just drinking coffee for the first 2-3 hours of being awake and I have lost 16 pounds in the past 3 weeks. I have been doing this paired with a low-carb diet and high intensity weight training, and I haven't had any hunger pains, my energy levels are through the roof, and I'm just plain better at about everything in day-to-day life.

    Ultimately, as Dee stated, you should do what feels best for you and is easiest to stick with! But if you are afraid that not eating prior to working out will cause your body to go into "fat storage" mode or something of that nature, don't be... here is one of many scientifically based sources that should put this fear to rest for you,
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    The only reason I had my coffee beforehand was while I was waiting on my boyfriend to get ready. After we got back from our walk/jog, I did some strength training stuff and then made breakfast. We had scrambled eggs with low fat sausage and bell pepper with whole grain toast. I am debating on going out tomorrow without eating at all and trying it out.
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    I don't eat. Get up at 5, boot camp by 5:30. I tried having a snack first but found I didn't need it. Try it both ways!
  • I don't think it really long as you get your workout done. :) If I workout in the morning, it's usually before breakfast. But I do drink water and sometimes a few crackers to take the "hunger" feeling away.