Feel like packing it in :(

Well I've done 30ds for two days today will be my 3rd day but it's affecting me badly. I can hardly walk or lift anything. I have a really dodgy stomach (if u catch my drift) I'm feeling seriously sick and just generally awful. I need to complete it but I don't think I can handle feeling this rough for 30 days :(
Is this normal and does it pass?x


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If you're new to intense exercise then of course you'll be feeling sore. And if you have virus making you sick then you're not going to be up to exercising.

    Rest and get back to it when you feel up to it. Try working out only every other day - if you're starting on a new exercise regime working out every day is going to put too much stress on your body. You need to give it time to adapt before being able to work out more frequently.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Why dont you just have a dy off and start again tomorrow. I am the same, been doing 30ds and various other dvds one a night plus swimming etc. I felt sick last night and just rested - guess what I feel better today and have even lost a pound. Dont be too hard on your self. :smile:
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    Thanks everyone
    I don't think it's a bug tbh more to do with the exercise. I think I'll push through today and see how I'm feeling cause your meant to better on day 4 hahax
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    You're supposed to split it up over the week. Jillian suggests doing the routine 3-4 days of the week :flowerforyou:
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    Are you doing the modified versions of the exercises? I would stick to doing every second day and stay with the modified exercises for a while. You can always repeat next month doing it for 10 days on each level, with a rest day in between at a more intense level. Also if certain exercises really strain you then don't be afraid to switch to something else. I had this problem with the jump rope, it was so hard on my knees that I swapped it for punches. I never finished 30DS because I was overloading myself doing it on top of c25k, but I will definitely go back to 30DS in winter, and also give Ri30 a go. Good luck :o)
  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
    if its intense and working for you - the dodgy tummy could be the fat fighting its way out - if you think its purely exercise id say push through - if you think your causing harm or in a painful type of pain then calm down with it but if its benefit pain push though :)
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    You haven't probably worked out in a long time... if ever. Your body isn't used to having to do physical activity and this is how it it coping and trying to recover. As your body gets more used to the routine it will bounce back much quicker and you will have a much easier time from day to day. Even if you push yourself harder. Hang in for a couple weeks it'll get better.

    Make sure youre stretching a couple times a day
  • iambabygoose
    iambabygoose Posts: 42 Member

    With the soreness it only lasts 3-4 days then your muscles get used to it.
    Try doing another round tonight, see how you feel in the morning, if your still feeling really ill then take a day off but make sure you go back to it! Honestly hun, the first few days are the worst, then it gets easier :) x
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Day 3 and 4 are the hardest to get through...keep at it and you'll be pleased you did!

    However, if you're feeling genuinely ill rather than just sore from working out, don't workout or you'll just put extra stress on your body when it's ill and need to take time to recover.
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    Thanks everyone
    Yeah I thought that be the reason for the dodgy tummy cause I can still eat without being sick lol
    I think I'm gonna try push past this feeling and get these 10 days done. I do stick to the modified unless I feel I can do the advanced on stuff like the lunges xx
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I have a definite dodgy tummy. I would advise you to do something else that is much more low impact like walking. Walking can work off 300 cals an hour or more if you walk fast, then work up to hill walking. Hope this helps! x
  • Mandybean88
    If it was me and I had a tummy bug, I'd probably just concentrate on getting better. If I'd only done a couple of days, I'd just start again when I was feeling better again :)
    My experience with the soreness was at day 3 I was in agony all over. I could not walk properly, could hardly walk down stairs, or sit down on anything but forced myself to keep doing the workouts. The workout helped by loosening up the stiffness again. And a couple of days later my body had adjusted really well. No more pain at all :) When I moved up to level 2, it did hurt and was hard, but nothing like the pain of those first few days in level 1, and again just a few days in and I've adjusted again.
  • foxhunter2304
    Be careful not to work out to much Doms (delayed muscle pain) the muscle pain is sign of a good work out and that you have new muscle growth as the muscles have little tears, if its not that bad then you can push through but if it is quite moderate pain you could end up doing the reverse and make your self weaker as the muscle needs to recover x
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I was sore as all get out after the first few days. I had to fall onto the toilet. Yep. I couldn't even complete all reps and had to modify the modification on a few things. Eventually I caught up!

    I didn't do it 30 days consecutively. I did it 3 days a week and alternated it with other cardio. At that time I was doing Zumba (once a week, swimming (when I had a chance) and yoga (once a week).

    (You can't grow muscle mass overnight. It takes a long time and certain conditions. You can, however, gain strength and tighten up what you have and more importantly slow down loss of muscle/retain as you lose weight).
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Jillian Michaels has said that you're not supposed to do it 30 days in a row. It's called the "30 day shred" because you're supposed to do 30 days of the programme, but with rest days in between.