Absolutely Cannot Make Sense of This

Basically...since ive been on MFP i have never gone over my calorie limit (which is 1200 cal) ...not once...and work out pretty much most days (usually more than once a day) doing things like circuit training, eliptical trainer, and cycling to name a few

So why then MFP members have i gained weight?!?!?! I honestly cannot understand it and dont know what to do
How does the body do this when im eating healthily and exercising

All comments and suggestions welcome


  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    - water gain? (this is usually a temporary short term effect)
    - your logging is not accurate?
    - your BMR/TDEE calculations are not accurate?
    - medical condition?
  • MisConway
    MisConway Posts: 25 Member
    I'm sorry, I know exactly how frustrating that it is. Here are a couple things that have worked for me to really get the scale moving:

    Eat protein, LOTS of protein. It takes more energy (calories) for your body to break it down and repairs your muscles after a workout. I have been dropping pretty well lately and my protein column is always in the red.

    Go over 1200. This was a really hard concept for me to wrap my head around. For example, last night I was at 1229, but hungry after my 4 mile run. I ate 3 oz. of boneless skinless chicken breast out of the crockpot and 1/2. c of baby carrots. I had a very small salad w/o dressing as well. it was 8:15 pm, and I was over 1200 calories so I felt like I was doing a lot of "dont's", but this morning the scale showed me I was down from yesterday, sweet!

    Drink lots and lots of water. Yesterday, i drank 18 cups (144oz).

    It sounds like you are working out hard, and if you are not eating enought your body is using your muscle for energy and storing your fat. Again, I know it is frustrating, you are not alone! I am on a challenge this week to be in the red in protein daily and go over 1200 calories. I'll let you know next monday how it went!
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member

    It sounds like you are working out hard, and if you are not eating enought your body is using your muscle for energy and storing your fat.

    Exactly my guess. The body needs fuel to function properly...

    Edit: a look at your diary might make it possible for us to give you more solid advice. If you feel like it, open it up :-)
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    How did you come up with 1200 calories? Is that what MFP told you to use based on all of your data?
  • My suggestion to you is to calculate your bmr. You can do that here:

    I always thought oh the lower calories I eat the more weight I'll loose, but having calories set a little too low can actually make loosing weight hard because you body will be reluctant to let go of the fat. I've lost more following my bmr recomendation and making a custom plan on MFP.
  • keltee15
    keltee15 Posts: 30 Member
    I gained too and boy was i angry...
  • vnovit
    vnovit Posts: 101
    1200 is MUCH too low! How tall are you?? go to scoobyworkshop.com and calculate your calories there.. its much more accurate. MFP is great for tracking purposes.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    This is the most common issue on MFP! You are probably undereating. Here are two different perspectives on the matter:



    Please take the time to read these and I think you'll find the substantiation for the prescription and a recipe for success.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    be brutal with yourself.

    how accurately are you measuring what you eat. Do you guess portion sizes or weigh your food out?

    Do you eat back calories from exercise, if yes, are you over eatimating the calories burned?

    Do you nibble, pick off kids plates or pop a something in your mouth without logging, thinking it wouldn't makea difference?

    These are the usual habits people don't even know they do.

    Hope the scale gets moving for you soon
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Um, just gonna spout what a well-known fat loss guy has said many times before (Lyle McDonald)....either eat more (eat those exercise calories back) or do less cardio. Then come back and tell us if something shifted or changed...1200 is below most people's BMR (basal metabolic rate)... : )

  • blanhe2
    blanhe2 Posts: 88
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If your limit is only 1200 you should eat them, or at least half of them. The 1200 is already a deficit, and the absolute minimum your body needs to function, without exercise! So eat more!
  • Try taking a pregnancy test. Hope you are a woman!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    You have very little to lose, so I'm guessing your 1200 calorie goal is because you set it to 2lbs a week. With that little to lose you should be aiming for no more than 1lb a week, really 1/2lb would be better. Switch up your goals, start eating more... Give it a few weeks because you will probably gain at first while your body goes through an adjustment period, but after a few weeks you will begin to lose again.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm only 5' 2", I don't do any real regular exercise, I eat 1400 cals and I am losing. So short answer is you need to eat more.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    The 1200 calories are net calories. Meaning if you eat 1200 calories and burn 300 calories in exercise, you're only netting 900 calories. 1200 - 300 = 900.
    Try eating at least some of your exercise calories back. Never a good idea to net under 1200 calories per day.
    Weight training is the best way to lose fat. Not because you're burning a lot of calories while you're working out but because you're building muscle and the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns throughout the day. Cardio is essential too but it's more of a workout for your heart and lungs where weight training gets the rest of your muscles.
    Your muscles will retain some water when you first start working out. Stick with it. It will work out.
    Take it slow and easy and make it a lifestyle change instead of a "diet". Diets don't work long term. Change the way you think and if you lose 4 lbs in a month, you're doing great.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    This is the most common issue on MFP! You are probably undereating. Here are two different perspectives on the matter:



    Please take the time to read these and I think you'll find the substantiation for the prescription and a recipe for success.

  • tmzana
    tmzana Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for posting this website. It is very helpful!!
  • Eat more (protein and veggies!) and strength train!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Actually, you have lost 10 pounds since September. With so little to lose, that is quite an accomplishment. What is your height, what is your weight, how long since you haven't lost weight? You are only 20 so you are still developing and growing.
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    I'm not a big fan of the Eat More To Lose mantra, because for most everyone, that's why we are here in the first place. We ate too much. But in the case of women doing the MFP 1200 calorie diet, it seems like eating more is the right call. I must have read it 1000 times - weight loss plateaus and not feeling great. Our bodies are incredibly complex due to adaptions over millions of years and apparently one of those adaptations is that at a certain calorie intake over a certain length of time signals you body to start conserving as much energy as it can. Seems like the 1500 calorie a day amount should be the minimum and just add on from there if you are active.