Depression is getting me down.

My body is starting to hurt again, my sleep is getting less and less every night and I'm just going through the motions, not motivated anymore. I was raring when I decided to get healthy and now I can barely find the drive to go for my walk. I wanted to get healthy, not lose weight, so 'looking' at progress isn't good motivation. I just don't know how to turn my mood around.
On top of that my boyfriend is being the opposite of supportive, and it's so cold and dark outside all the time.
I'm just tired.


  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Have you seen a doctor or therapist? My wife suffers from depression and I understand what you're going through. Winter is hard on my wife as well, but she's much better on medication.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Are you taking any vitamins? Vitamin D-3 is the sunshine vitamin. Are you eating enough to maintain your exercise every day? Too much of a calorie deficit will leave you run down.
  • rougecrayon
    I have crohn's disease, so nutrient deficiency is something I have struggled with in the past, so I know it's not that at this time. I am not on medication (on enough of that for my disease) but I do see a councellor.

    I was just feeling so much better, and I thought that my healthy lifestyle was the reason... sigh. I wish I could take the advice to "Just get over it"

    I just can't get my mood to change tback to where it was. Normally when I get going, it helps me keep going, but that's just not doing it this time, and I need to kick myself out of this funk somehow...
  • rougecrayon
    Also, I'm eating enough calorie to maintain, not lose weight, so the amount of calories definately shouldn't be the problem...
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I know that another medication is not what you're looking for, but sometimes necessary. An antidepressant might help you get through this. I never thought I needed them or that they were necessary until I went to one of my doctor appointments, and he suggested them.

    Depression is nothing to fool with. It can be very destructive. Please talk to your counselor about the possibility of taking an antidepressent (I call them "happy pills").
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Honestly, getting on an antidepressant is the absolute best thing I've ever done for myself. I could barely function until I was placed on one about 10 years ago. I can't imagine going through Crohn's disease - I have a friend who was recently diagnosed and I see what she's going through - so I can imagine that takes its toll on you as well.

    I also agree that vitamins are a good thing. I'm on a Vitamin D supplement daily and now that I'm making myself take it more regularly (I'm SO bad about it) I'm seeing a positive change in my moods as well!

    Good luck. You can do this!
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    i would definitely adovcate for exploring the possibility of taking an anti-depressant. since you mentioned that the dark and cold weather is getting you down, perhaps you could try tanning. make sure you wear a good sunscreen and only do it for like 10 minutes (can't ignore that cancer risk) but my husband swears that it did wonders for his mood when he used to do it regularly. maybe going to that once a week could help you pep up.
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    Hey, I now take St John's Wort & Vitamin D Tablets - I really does help & is non additive
    I also find the more exercise I do the better my 'mood' is

    Depression is a medical condition, not something you can 'just get over' .... oh how I wish you could!!!! so don't blame yourself for feeling they way you do - it is out of your control. But you can get help and you can help treat the 'symptoms'

    Give it a go, you never know it might help :smile:

  • ktdidit78
    ktdidit78 Posts: 29 Member
    There's a huge difference between depression and the mid-winter blues. Vitamin D is usually a big help with the later. If it's depression, talk to your doctor.

    I find when I'm down and don't want to exercise, that's when I NEED to exercise. I always feel better after even a short workout. Maybe you can find an activity that you and your boyfriend can participate in together. And if he continues to be unsupportive, maybe he doesn't deserve to be your boyfriend. ;)
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    I'm a great advocate of taking vitamon D. Very important for mental well being. I started my change with walking in place while listening to music. Why go out in the cold and dark when you can get moving right in the comfort of your own home. I ended up dancing more than walking some days and then I had days where I would say I'll finish up after this song....oh on I love this next song so just one more song. I went from 20 mins to over 2 ours one day because of one more song. And the mental satisfaction I get from doing just 20 mins of weights is awesome. I feel so much more accomplished and my mind is a lot more restful because of it. But that's me. Like you I am here because I need and want to be healthy. Shedding weight is a big bonus that helps lift my mood.

    I wish you well on your journey. Just know that you are not alone. There are many wonderful people here who will support you, kick your butt when you need it, and celebrate your future successes. Know that you are very worthy of it all.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Have been in the same situation, my advice would be try just having a few days of from monitoring. Relax (as difficult as it is), don't try to do any exercise and don't record what you eat. After a couple of days of doing this I felt ready to kick on again.

    And as for your boyfriend, as someone else has said, if he doesn't support you he doesn't deserve you.
  • Qlow
    Qlow Posts: 92
    Do you have a dog? I know I'm going a bit far with this, but I have my reasons. I struggled with the same problems for years, I was a student and there were times I didn't get out of the house for 2 weeks, not even for shopping, till I got my dog. I wasn't a dog person till than. In the beginning, the presence of a puppy will cheer you up. And after a while you will get to love him more and more and you will have the motivation to go out: walking your dog, playing with him. I cannot imagine my life now without my dog, she makes me happy every time I get a bit blue. If you can afford a pet you could really consider getting a dog, it was and it is the best treatment for me.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member

    Depression is a medical condition, not something you can 'just get over' .... oh how I wish you could!!!! so don't blame yourself for feeling they way you do - it is out of your control. But you can get help and you can help treat the 'symptoms'

    This. Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance and you can't just get over it or not let it bother you. As others have said, it is a serious medical condition and should be treated as such. Even though my wife is on medication, she still gets a little worse in the middle of winter and tanning does help her a little.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    1) Take Vitamin-D. Your levels may be low, esp since it's winter time.

    2) Have a heart-to-heart with your boyfriend. Tell him how much it hurts that he isn't supporting you. See what happens after that. If he continues, ditch him.

    3) Take a few days off of logging/tracking/exercises. It could mean you need a 'vacation' mentally.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I was severely depressed. I tried meds and counseling and it didn't work for me. Long story short, it made things worse.

    What does help immensely is staying busy and having goals. We all know by now that exercise and eating healthy helps, so treat it like your job. Like if you don't go for a run today, you are going to get fired, just like if you don't go to work. It needs to have that kind of priority.

    I know if you're like me and you get depressed it's very easy to get into a cycle where you sit around the house and eat crappy food, but that is the very worst thing you can do and will only make it worse. Sign up for classes in zumba, photography, whatever. Keep your schedule full. Get a planner and write in at least three things to do each day, which should also include things like hanging out with friends. You may think you don't feel like doing it but you'll feel better after you do.

    I do agree getting a dog may be a good idea. Then you HAVE to get out of the house a couple times a day at least, unless you like cleaning up poop.

    It takes practice. I may get flamed but when relating to my own depression, I prefer to think of it as a manageable disease that's more like obesity than cancer. Yes, I am more prone to depression like some people are prone to obesity. But ultimately, some of my choices (eating badly, not exercising, not keeping up relationships, not getting anything done) keep me depressed, much like the person that eats fast food everyday will stay obese. And the more you make either set of choices, the harder it is to stop making them. Make the best of the cards you have.
  • kelfer80
    kelfer80 Posts: 78 Member
    Antidepressants are WONDERFUL!!! Also as difficult as it is maybe try getting involved in something you enjoy (ex: taking a dance/art class, reading club) . Volunteering also helps. It's amazing how giving to others can in return make us feel so full of joy! And I also agree that talking with your boyfriend would be a good start. If he isn't on board then he could just bring you down even more. Best of luck to you and please know that you are NOT alone!!!!
  • xklofx
    xklofx Posts: 8
    I have crohn's disease, so nutrient deficiency is something I have struggled with in the past, so I know it's not that at this time. I am not on medication (on enough of that for my disease) but I do see a councellor.

    I was just feeling so much better, and I thought that my healthy lifestyle was the reason... sigh. I wish I could take the advice to "Just get over it"

    I just can't get my mood to change tback to where it was. Normally when I get going, it helps me keep going, but that's just not doing it this time, and I need to kick myself out of this funk somehow...

    Who tells you to just get over it?? That is totally can't just snap your fingers and not be depressed anymore. **** if that was the case, i wouldn't be depressed either! i know how tough it is to motivate yourself to do anything when you are stuck in your depression. and i'm sure having crohn's does not make it any easier. have you ever been on it is full of support groups for a wide variety of medical and mental health conditions, you could check that out. and you wouldn't even have to get out of bed :)