30 day shred - anyone starting today?



  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    I"m on day 3 and I'm a hurtin' unit. My whole body is aching like crazy! How are we going to get through it????
    We are going to get through this one day at a time. If I can do so can you!!! No need for goals, just think of today, once today is over, it's over. Tomorrow you will think of only tomorrow. That is how we will get through this!!

    We can do it yes we can!!! Let's keep shredding!!!!

    KS1980, you can absolutely to this. It's not gender specific and it is a great total body workout in only 20 mins. But don't kid yourself, it's tough, very tough and you will hurt but it's all worth it!!!

    Elokyn, how awesome is that!!! I'm super happy that you feel that way because I do too today!! I am acutally looking forward to doing the workout tonight. I know i'm only allowed to do it every other day for now but it won't be long before I am with you everyday. Keep it up!!

    BTW :heart: I just weighed in today and I have lost 5 lbs. I am so pumped right now!!! Go shredders Go!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • KS1980
    KS1980 Posts: 40
    Thanks Ladee. I am expecting a tough work out , my wife said Jillain doesn't play around. Thanks for the info and looking forward to kicking it off Monday. I'll keep you posted on results...
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Got my dvd today so thought there was no time like the present and did it as soon as I got in from work! So.....

    Level 1 Day 1 - I can report that it passed really quickly! I am used to exercise dvds and love to swap and change them around, I like how quick moving it was and that I wasn't stood around trying to "get the hang" of a move as they were all so simple to understand! :) And although it was only 20 mins my thighs are already feeling it! So it must be doing some good!

    Oh - and I am absolutely PANTS at push ups haha!!

    So lets bring on tomorrow! Going to the gym tomorrow too so will probably do the shread when I wake up! :) - If I can move! HA!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did day 4 last night, it does go fast. I read this: http://health.msn.com/fitness/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100138677
    I think it is a good explanation of many questions I have had, I hope others find it helpful. It is a little discouraging, or daunting, to realize how really difficult it is to lost weight! you have to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat! so I hope I get stronger, and I hope the belly fat goes away, but it is not going to happen in one week, burning 200 calories per day.
  • marwi
    marwi Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, just found this thread. It is my third day and I am feeling muscles I haven't felt in a long time. I am excited about doing this!!!! Hope everyone is doing great!!!
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    Just finished day 3!! Feeling pretty good but boy oh boy can she get under my skin with her "i don't give a s**t" attitude!!! Well i'm still alive and kicking. It is getting easier i find so maybe I will be able to do it every day sometime soon!!

    Hope you are all doing great!!

    |'ll report again tomorrow!!
  • l3uttel2flie
    I just started it yesterday! MAN did it kick my butt I just ran so far today... I need to do it this evening. I am glad I found this thread to motivate me. I am currently unable to do correct push ups and my knees are KILLING me from doing the sissy push up on the wood floor yesterday with NO mat....I really want to loose another 20lbs by bathing suit season..... I'm in.... :)
  • l3uttel2flie
    How are you guys logging this in your exercise log?
  • l3uttel2flie
    Due to a technical difficulty I'm going to have to postpone my workout for the evening which makes me a wee bit nervous because I'm normally pretty beat at the end of the work day. BUT if I can run after work I can do this! Right?

    Haha. I hope so!

    Good work everyone! Day two is upon us and soon to be behind us!

    I did my in the evening today (LEVEL 1 DAY 2) it was easier than doing it immediately following 30 minutes of running. I think I may stick to this on week days and then do back to back on weekends. I don't run on Wednesday mornings because I work downtown on Wednesday instead of 2 miles from home, I will do this video Wednesday nights for sure instead of taking the whole day off. Man my legs hurt today at work!!!!!! my arms and abs are burning now. Hoping after 2 more days my body won't be so whiny!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I log it as 20 mins of circuit training.
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 done!!!! I had to do it later in the day, but I was determined to do it!!! And I just finished 30 minutes on the elliptical too. Muscles are feeling much better - still tender, but it is a very delicious tender, if you know what I mean!

    Speaking of delicious, how is everyone doing with their eating?

    I am quite pleased that I have stuck very close to my calorie allowance this week (I do eat all of my exercise calories). I find that it is easier to eat well when I am sticking to a regular exercise routine, and it is easier to stick to a regular exercise routine when I am eating well. But let me slip up on one or the other......................
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    How are you guys logging this in your exercise log?
    I wear a HR monitor and enter my calories burned as cardio.
    Day 1 237
    Day 2 213
    Day 3 210
    Day 4 189
    Day 5 didn't wear the monitor today
  • jessierichardson
    Day 5 complete! I also didn't do it in the morning as I usually do because I had weigh in this morning. After weigh in my mom and I decided to go to White Spot where I had the mediteranian chicken burger and sweet potato fries, I had no choice but to do the shred and go for a walk haha but I did it!! and I feel awesome! I normally do the shred about 30 min after waking and then shower and go on with my day but tonight I went for a walk after dinner then shredded when I got back from my walk and I felt it way more and sweat way more because I was already warmed up and had my heart rate going!
    Tomorrow I have a "house warming/bbq" party with bellinis and pizza....I'm kind of scared! but I will do extra workouts in the morning and try to limit my calories throughout the day so I can afford the pizza!
    Feelin' good! HAve a great weekend everyone :smile:
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Well it was day 2 of level 1 today and I made the mistake of underestimating the workout - I planned to go to the gym afterwards! Then halfway through the workout I decided I would just go for a run afterwards! Well I couldn't finish my run and my thighs are sooooo tender!

    I think I'll split up my workouts in the future or atleast wait until my body is used to the shread before adding more exercise to it!

    Well done everyone keeping up! :)
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    Day 6 done! Still on Level 1. I don't think I should be moving up until I can keep up with Natalie. I'm getting there though! (although I don't thi'nk I'll ever be able to do real push ups).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I finished Day 5 last night. I think I will stick to the 10 days at level 1 and move to level 2 even if I can't do a real pushup! Are you supposed to wait and move to level 2 when level 1 gets easy?
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Good news... I got my wireless internet working which means I can log on during the weekend more easily. :)

    Finished Day 5's workout. I feel kind of tired BUT I am getting stronger. That's pretty encouraging.

    :) Anyone else feeling stronger already? I was actually surprised that after just five days I'm improving!
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    Day 7 Level 1 DONE!! Who's still with me? :)
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    Boy oh boy can she really make you want to scream!!! Just finished Day 4 Level 1!! Still feeling it but it is getting easier. I started using the hand weights today and I'm not looking forward to what I will feel like tomorrow!! Ouch!! It's all good though!! Hate doing it every other day because I feel like just giving up after having a break from it. Does anyone feel like that even though you are doing everyday??? Will the desire to continue get stronger or will I just give up???? :huh:

    Must do more of a workout though, maybe I will add some biking or walking/jogging later in the day!!

    Glad to see everyone is still keeping on!

    We can do this right?? Someone tell me I'm right,.....pleeaassssssse!!!!

    I need motivation........

    Chat soon!!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I keep telling myself that 20 minutes everyday is very doable. And I put it on my calendar and do it after work. It is hard to work out AND eat right, though, I get hungrier and want to reward my hard work with french fries and beer:) After Day 6 I am not sore today so I better step it up today!