Cardio vs. Weights: Which comes first?

jhoyett Posts: 92 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Is there a scientific answer to this or does it even matter? I remember hearing someone say you should lift first and do cardio last but I can't seem to find anything to support this. I've always done cardio first. Which is better and what's the benefit--if any--of doing one before the other. Any advice would be much appreciated!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, strength first, then cardio. Strength burns carbs & sugar and cardio burns fat. I don't know exactly how it works but I've read both in Self, Shape, and heard from my personal trainer to do strength first and I have been the last 3 months and it seems to be working!! I've lost almost 5% body fat since then. :happy:

    The only time I do cardio first... I've been doing strength training lately and I warm up with 5 minutes of cardio, then do strength, and then my "long bit" of cardio.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    When it's ugly out and I have to hit the treadmill - I like to cardio and weights at "the same time". Almost like a circuit. I do a 10 minute warm up, then hit a few reps, then hit the cardio again, etc . . . Keeps my heart rate up and me from getting bored on the treadmill.

    On the nice spring days I go outside and run with my mom, it's always cardio first.

    I like cardio first no matter what because it gets my heart rate up and my muscles warmed up.
  • Yes....what arielle said. You want to do resistance first to get your heart going for about 30 minutes, then go right to your cardio and you'll be in prime fat-burning mode.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Yes, strength first, then cardio. Strength burns carbs & sugar and cardio burns fat. I don't know exactly how it works but I've read both in Self, Shape, and heard from my personal trainer to do strength first and I have been the last 3 months and it seems to be working!! I've lost almost 5% body fat since then. :happy:

    The only time I do cardio first... I've been doing strength training lately and I warm up with 5 minutes of cardio, then do strength, and then my "long bit" of cardio.

    Hmmmm . . . . maybe this might help me??
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I myself prefer to do weights first as I would not have energy left to push myself if I did it after cardio. From what I have found via research and it makes sense intuitively, you will be burning carbs while doing weights and will burn more fat stores during cardio if your carbs are used up or depleted during strength training.
  • It doesn't matter what you do first or last. The best thing to do (if you have the time) is to break up your workouts into two seperate workouts. This way you can replenish your body with the much needed nutrients it needs after a workout. I prefer to do my cardio first thing in the morning before I eat so my body can tap into the fat stores instead of carbohydrates. I do weights in the afternoon or evening between meals so I can focus for the 40-60 minutes needed for weights. I'm a fitness competitor and this methond works! Always remember to replenish the body with a high quality protein/carb mix right after your workouts.
  • jcrider
    jcrider Posts: 6 Member
    My trainer told me strenght training first, cardo second. He said it takes about 20 minutes for you to actually start burning fat, so when you do weights first, you get your heart rate going and then by the time your done and start your cardio, you body is already in fat burning mode.
  • capril
    capril Posts: 2
    In my expereince and during physiotherapy, I was told to warm up for 10 mins on the treadmill, than strength training for 40 mins or so and finish with cardio. :smile:
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    weights first. Because after an intense workout, you will have used up all of that glycogen that was stored in your muscles (you know? carbs turn to glucose)

    So when you do cardio after, your body has nothing to burn but stored body fat.

    but in the mornings, cardio. assuming you dont eat anything right before, your body is more likely to go straight to burning fat.

    I dont have the article I read to back this up. But if you scrounge around, you will eventually find it
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    Definitely weights then cardio. That is what has worked for me and my wife. I usually do three workouts like that per week and then I take a day to do just cardio.
  • What About 30 mins of Cardio, 20-25 mins of Weights, then 30 more mins of cardio? Thats what Ive been doing. I like to ride the bike at the gym this week I also got the little 3 lb dumbbells and do curls with those during my first 30 mins really gets my heart rate going.:bigsmile:
  • It takes 20 minutes of cardio to start burning fats and carbs. If you do strength first, then it won't take as long to burn fat and carbs. I learned that through training with the cooper institute in Dallas. Plus other certifications I have
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    oh yea.. and if you're circuit training at an intense level, There is nothing to even be concerned about
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    This has been an on going argument for years. I still dont know the answer and I have been working out for four years. So what I have been doing is 15 mins stairs or elliptical, 30-45 mins weight training, and then end with 15-30 mins hard cardio.
  • ''This has been an on going argument for years. I still dont know the answer and I have been working out for four years. So what I have been doing is 15 mins stairs or elliptical, 30-45 mins weight training, and then end with 15-30 mins hard cardio.''

    I follow pretty much the same setup.
    I go first thing in the morning so I really need the light cardio to start with to wake me up physically and mentally. I then work every muscle group in the resistance room and head back to the cardio for 15-30 and really push myself.
    Its giving me the results I want, but we're all after different results I suppose. - Pretty good article I found, hope this helps!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • ljackson1228
    ljackson1228 Posts: 3 Member
    Hmmm maybe I should try this method. I am going to try switching it up this week.

    15-20 minutes elliptical....weights...then treadmill for 40 minutes.
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