
I was prescribed phentermine by my doctor yesterday and started taking it today. I am just curious about any advice or success stories from people who have taken it. I was told to give up caffeine, which I've been wanting to for a while. Any thoughts?


  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    I took it for a couple months a couple years ago. It never helped me and the side effects were terrible. I couldn't sleep, I felt jittery, I had difficulty concentrating, and my heart raced. It was supposed to jump start my weight loss and I was supposed to just be on it for a little while, but I ended up throwing the rest of the pills away sometime during the second month (after trying a few different versions with the doctor--slow release, smaller dose, etc) and refused to try it again. It was a very frustrating experience and made me feel like a failure because I couldn't even lose weight with medical supervision and a risky pill.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Phentermine is a CNS stimulant and one of the side effects is anorexia. This is why it works. It doesn't teach you anything about proper nutrition, it just kills your appetite. If you go back to your old eating habits when you stop taking it, the weight comes right back.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    It doesn't teach you how to eat properly at all. You can be on it for a few months, and not eat as much because it makes you not as hungry, but once you come off of it and start eating like you used too, you will gain all the weight back. The side effects are terrible,. For a short term fix it might be worth it, but it will do nothing to help you sustain a healthy lifestyle. I wouldn't take those if someone paid me.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Phentermine is a CNS stimulant and one of the side effects is anorexia. This is why it works. It doesn't teach you anything about proper nutrition, it just kills your appetite. If you go back to your old eating habits when you stop taking it, the weight comes right back.

    Yes it kills your appetite, but I wouldn't go so far as to say "anorexia" is a side effect. That seems a bit extreme to me.

    The doctor did give me a dietary plan and an exercise plan to go with the pills while I was on them. And I did follow the diet plan. Work got in the way of my work outs though and then the lack of sleep and jitters took away my willpower to try to keep it up. The pill didn't teach me proper nutrition, but the doctor's plan was at least an attempt at it.

    I didn't lose ANY weight on that pill. Anorexia was not a side effect for me. I think this is because overeating wasn't my biggest problem in the first place, so an appetite suppressant wasn't the right solution. Eating the wrong things was a contributing factor to my weight gain, but I'm convinced that lack of exercise and stress (LOTS of stress) were the primary contributors. the Pill's side effects made my stress worse, so it didn't help me. I didn't loose any weight with any plan until AFTER I managed to reduce my stress levels. Lower stress opened the doors to better eating AND increased physical activity.
  • AmesMc1972
    AmesMc1972 Posts: 194 Member
    I took it several years ago and lost weight. I stopped taking it because I couldn't sleep, I was having heart palpatations, and I was on edge ALL the time. While I was taking it, I just didn't eat. When I stopped taking it, all the weight came back on, plus some. I didn't learn what proper nutrition and exercise were. I didn't learn how many calories to eat because I was eating NOTHING.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Honest opinion:

    I had to force myself to eat 1200 calories per day. I had absolutely zero desire to eat. I'm supposed to eat 1800 calories per day, but it was a miracle if I got to 1200-1400. I just could not bear the thought of food. I forgot to eat so often I had to set a timer to remind myself.

    I was constipated. Constantly. I can't tell you how much MoM I had to take.

    I couldn't sleep at all, even though I took it early in the morning. I had to take melatonin just to get a few hours of sleep. My boyfriend said it was like taking crack and then taking downers and begged me to stop.

    My temper was crazy. I would scream and throw things. I'm never like that. Ever.

    I had anxiety attacks almost every night.

    Losing 3-4 pounds per week wasn't worth it, and the results taper off after a couple months anyway. I'd rather keep losing 1-2 pounds per week and be happy and healthy than lose a bit more and go through that again.
  • Katie22222
    Katie22222 Posts: 31 Member

    Yes it kills your appetite, but I wouldn't go so far as to say "anorexia" is a side effect. That seems a bit extreme to me.

    'Anorexia' just means lack of appetite.
  • I have been on and off phentermine for 7 years. Recently tried it again and it made me super tired. And hungry. I did at one point loose 60 lbs in nine months using it. But, here I am 75 lbs overweight again. It's very hard to force yourself to eat when the pill suppresses your appetite so much. Also, the clinic I got mine from never came with any pill/medication warning info.... I found out the pill can cause pulmonary disorders and I have an appointment with a pulmonologist in feb to check out some dispnea and excessive yawning I've experienced lately.

    Over all, it's a great quick fix... But results aren't permanent and it suppresses your metabolism- your body adjusts to not eating properly and the artificial energy. Don't do it....
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    I took it several years ago and lost weight. I stopped taking it because I couldn't sleep, I was having heart palpatations, and I was on edge ALL the time. While I was taking it, I just didn't eat. When I stopped taking it, all the weight came back on, plus some. I didn't learn what proper nutrition and exercise were. I didn't learn how many calories to eat because I was eating NOTHING.

    yes this seems to be everyones story on it.......yes u will have success but short term..

    i suggest ditching it, and read the success stories on the message boards...not one got to their goal weight and maintained
    using a pill..that says alot to me..
  • And yes, I forgot to mention the phen rage symptom. If you work in an office or with the public on a regular basis. Prob not the best option. You really don't realize how mean you are until after the fact...
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    'Anorexia' just means lack of appetite.

    Eh... Anorexia is generally considered more than that. It's not just "I'm not hungry." It's a mental and emotional illness characterized by an obsessive fixation on weight loss and a delusional self image.
  • PharmerRx
    PharmerRx Posts: 3 Member
    I imagine the doctor and pharmacist went over the laundry list of side effects that are potential with phentermine (and any medication for that matter).

    Phentermine isn't the cornerstone of your weight loss program by no means (you will have to be ), phentermine is nothing more than a tool to assist you (I am not implying this is your thought pattern, just a FYI ;) ). The most effective tool is this website IMHO, when you break weight loss down it's a simple equation [calories in] + [ calories burned] = weight loss or weight gained and maintain that trend over time and you will lose weight. I believe the biggest hurdle in weight loss is making those difficult diet choices a habit until they became part of your daily lifestyle. This where I believe phentermine can have a role, in providing help during the start of your lifestyle change to help curb some of those cravings.

    Quick side note abou the med: If you have any heart, blood pressure, anxiety issues or disorders you shouldn't take the medication.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    If you get any of the horrid side effects mentioned in these posts then stop taking them, if not then the most important thing you can do is remember that the pills aren't:

    A diet, A replacement for a good diet, A miracle cure or something that will 'fix' your weight issue all by themselves. They are simply a product that helps you not be so hungry and SUPPORTS your willpower. At the end of the day you have to do it yourself.

    I'm sure you know all of this already but it has got to sink all the way in for you to have any hope of keeping the weight off long term.

    If you are going to take these pills then your very first goal should be to get yourself in a place mentally and physically where you don't need them anymore. If you can do that then go girl, you'll be unstoppable!!!

    Good Luck
  • ElloSweetie
    ElloSweetie Posts: 56 Member
    I wouldn't touch it
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    I took it for a while. Yes, you lose weight, but, when you stop taking it (which you have to after 3 months or so), you gain it back. When I was on it, there were more days than not that I ate 300 -500 calories a day. I didn't have the jitters, I could sleep just fine, but, I was grumpy and tired all the time from malnourishment.
  • I took it for a few months, made me super jittery. I lost a little bit, then developed a tolerance to the phentermine and it stopped working, then the weight came rushing back. Not worth it, IMO.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    Phentermine works. Like stated over and over in this thread, it won't train you on how to eat right. It'll help you lose appetite. This will make you starve off some weight. It works really well at what it does, but it is not a permanent solution. My wife starts her diets with phentermine then weans off and continues to eat right. In the first month she sometimes forgets to eat. Thats not good. Avoid not eating, cause the pill will make you not eat. Also if you take the pill then sit around instead of move around, you'll be really really tired. this is just an honest review from someone who knows people who have done it.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I took it for 3 months, lost 12 pounds...but then my doctor took me off of it, as it is not recommended for long term use and I gained 17 pounds back, so as it may kill your appetite and help you drop a few pounds its not worth it unless you can learn how to eat the right way on your own. I found that high fiber foods and protein filled me up the healthy way and the overall outcome is a lot more maintainable without the medication. Best of luck
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Also, the clinic I got mine from never came with any pill/medication warning info....

    Wow... I didn't think that was even legal.

    Both my doc and my pharmacist went over the dos, don'ts and possible side effects with me before I took it. That's why I went back and tried a lighter dose and a slower release formula before giving up on it.

    I get a booklet about each med any time I pick up a medication from the pharmacy... even ones that I've been taking for years (like birth control). I have to sign a thing on the kiosk that confirms I was informed about the drug and accepted/declined counseling anytime I pick something up.
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    'Anorexia' just means lack of appetite.

    Eh... Anorexia is generally considered more than that. It's not just "I'm not hungry." It's a mental and emotional illness characterized by an obsessive fixation on weight loss and a delusional self image.

    According to the Collins Concise English Dictionary, "anorexia" does indeed mean JUST "loss of appetite."

    "Anorexia NERVOSA," on the other hand is " a disorder characterized by fear of becoming fat and refusal of food, leading to debility and even death."
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    'Anorexia' just means lack of appetite.

    Eh... Anorexia is generally considered more than that. It's not just "I'm not hungry." It's a mental and emotional illness characterized by an obsessive fixation on weight loss and a delusional self image.

    I believe the eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa.

    Just plain old anorexia is a medical term for "not having an appetite."
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Oops. I forgot one of my other symptoms.

    I had constant dry mouth. It didn't matter how much I drank, my mouth always felt dry and tasted like it does in the morning before I brush my teeth. I had a mint in my mouth almost every second of the day. In a way, it helped make sure I drank a lot of water, but it was really frustrating. I'd cough a lot because of it too.

    My doctor said I could take half a dose, which made the symptoms a little better, but then I was right back to losing what I lost before I started taking the pills, so I figured the pills weren't worth all of the side effects if my weight loss didn't change. Plus, I was able to get used to eating 1800 calories on my own and didn't need the appetite suppressant part of it anymore.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    I was on Phentermine 2 times. The first time I lost 50 lbs. I was on it for 6 months. I hardly ate because I was never hungry. FDA regulations at that time only allowed 6 months, once my BMI was under 30, I couldn't have it anymore. I gained all the weight back and then some. I was then prescribed it again, against my doctors wishes, only because I begged him. AGAIN, I lost some weight, about 30 lbs... then I started to have emotional issues because of it, it really messed with my hormones, I had horrible mood swings. Also at this point the FDA changed the regulations to only 3 months of taking the pill instead of 6. It can cause lung issues, and high blood pressure. I stopped taking them, it took me awhile to come down from them. I gained all the weight back again. I messed up my metabolism, my hormones, and I had destroyed my body even farther. Not worth it.
  • Kendra0024
    Kendra0024 Posts: 56 Member
    I took it several years ago. I lost about 60 pounds in just under a year, and followed a nutrition plan provided by my doctor. At the beginning I had issues sleeping, so I started taking it earlier, and at the doctor's suggestion, took a benedryl at night to help me sleep. I didn't gain the weight back until a few years later, when I developed PCOS. The only reason I won't go back on it now is because I struggle with anxiety now (which was not the case before), so my treatment for that takes precedence for the time being.
  • Phentermine is a CNS stimulant and one of the side effects is anorexia. This is why it works. It doesn't teach you anything about proper nutrition, it just kills your appetite. If you go back to your old eating habits when you stop taking it, the weight comes right back.

    This...I tried it for a month many many years ago and I literally lost half my hair from it. It's great at curbing your appetite. But when you stop, if you haven't learnt how to properly eat as exercise, it will all come back on.
  • LynnieG85
    LynnieG85 Posts: 157 Member
    'Anorexia' just means lack of appetite.

    Eh... Anorexia is generally considered more than that. It's not just "I'm not hungry." It's a mental and emotional illness characterized by an obsessive fixation on weight loss and a delusional self image.

    No. Anorexia is a loss of appetite. You're confusing this with the condition "Anorexia Nervosa" which is the eating disorder. Look at any drug leaflet that causes a loss of appetite, and more than likely, one of the side effects will be listed as "anorexia".
  • Where can I get some to use as an aid? I don't think my doctor would prescribe it for me.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Getting off topic but...
    'Anorexia' just means lack of appetite.

    Eh... Anorexia is generally considered more than that. It's not just "I'm not hungry." It's a mental and emotional illness characterized by an obsessive fixation on weight loss and a delusional self image.

    I believe the eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa.

    Just plain old anorexia is a medical term for "not having an appetite."

    On this forum, what do you think the general members think of when they hear the word "anorexia"? I'm willing to bet it's the disorder and not just the lack of appetite. That word on a weight loss forum has the stronger meaning. Context and audience matters. Do a forum search for the word. Former ED sufferers on the boards often leave off the "nervosa." It's pretty much understood what most people mean when they say "anorexia." It's one of those words with a powerful connotation that shouldn't be lightly used. When ill people say they are "Pro Ana" they don't have to add the "Nervosa" to be understood.

    This isn't a medical forum. It's a forum for the general public.
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    It sounds like most people are taking a very high dose. I have taken it before with success and without these extreme side effects people are mentioning. I took 15mg, which is the lowest dose possible. I would never take more than that...and I am very heavy. so I could not imagine a smaller person taking 30mg. I could see how that would be bad. I never felt like I couldnt eat. I was able to easily eat 1200-1500 calories but keep myself away from bad foods, etc.
  • The physician group that I worked for before leaving to go to nursing school refused to prescribe this. It's dangerous. It can lead to serious cardiac complications. I would rather be heavy than dead, IMO.