diet coke

megan826 Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
How much is too much diet coke?? It pretty much has 0 in every category and 40mg of sodium. I have about a can a day.


  • bxdarby
    bxdarby Posts: 17
    I think you're fine with one can a day. I used to drink like 5 or 6 every day. Now I have one every few days or so. My best suggestion is just remember to drink at least an equal amount of water as you do soda, that way you stay hydrated.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    How much is too much diet coke?? It pretty much has 0 in every category and 40mg of sodium. I have about a can a day.

    I don't think a can a day will hurt anything but the sodium will suck you dry. I used to be a Diet Coke joke. I had one for breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, dinner, after dinner. Really, it was bad. I started buying water instead of soda and honestly...I don't miss them...I haven't had a diet coke in almost 2 months. I feel better, my body feels looser (not the swelling that all that sodium will give you) and I feel good that I am not taking in all that aspartame.

    Again, I think 1 a day is ok...I just wouldn't go beyond that...but then I would be aiming toward eliminating them from my diet altogether.

    Good luck! :)
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    Put a golf club iron in a glass of coke for two days and see how it reacts. Then ask yourself if the glass was your stomach, how much coke should I put in it?
  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    I drink 4 glasses of water per diet coke I have. I have a 2 can per day max though.
    I figure one for lunch and one for dinner. As long as I have at least eight glasses of water.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    You're most likely going to get all kinds of different answers to this question - most of them will be from people trying to convince you that Diet Coke is responsible for every bad thing that has happened in modern history.

    Personal opinion, too much Diet Coke is the amount that interferes with your ability to eat properly, stay hydrated, and lose weight effectively. This is a different number for everyone. If one a day satisfies you and you still eat good, nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, and are successful in your journey to be fit, then you're doing just fine.
  • gpmeakin
    gpmeakin Posts: 1
    It has just about zero everythig... EXCEPT ASPARTAME.
    I would check into this artificial sweetener before I ingested it on a regular basis.
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I was drinking one can at lunch a day, thought I cant live without that can. I did notice being tired around 3pm everyday. I cut out the diet coke (which I was cranky the first couple of days) - I noticed I didn't get tired around 3pm anymore and I also didn't crave something sweet during the day. I now drink Hansen diet soda, all natural uses sugar cane instead of Aspartame in it. Zero calories and is fun to drink.

    If I am out to lunch or want the taste I will drink a diet coke maybe once or twice a week, instead of everyday.

    I would say if you dont crave sweets or dont get a dip in your energy level, then diet coke is fine for you. If you want to be a bit healthier try other options.
  • the only thing about diet coke is it uses either aspartame or splenda. other than that i drink the fire out of it!
  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    I agree that one a day will not hurt. I read recently that the Aspartamine will cause food cravings... I don't need any help in that department!
  • I might have a diet pepsi every other day or so. I mostly stick to the water. Have you tried putting the crystal light into your water? It is great to get away from the plain water but still have your water intake.
  • It has just about zero everythig... EXCEPT ASPARTAME.
    I would check into this artificial sweetener before I ingested it on a regular basis.

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I now drink Hansen diet soda, all natural uses sugar cane instead of Aspartame in it. Zero calories and is fun to drink.
    OMG I practically forgot these exist!!! I used to ocassionally drink the regular Hansen sodas in HS. Now I'm going to find them again to have a "healthier" soda! :love:
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I don't know if things are different in the UK, but diet coke DOES have calories, a can has 4. Not many i admnit, but I suppose I would rather the people that enter the figures do it honestly. Unless we have a different recipe here :wink:
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I don't know if things are different in the UK, but diet coke DOES have calories, a can has 4. Not many i admnit, but I suppose I would rather the people that enter the figures do it honestly. Unless we have a different recipe here :wink:

    Diet Coke here has 0 in all nutritional categories, except for 40mg of sodium, in the US.
  • Don't drink more than 1 can a day, if any at all. The aspartame in soda is controversial because if the soda gets heated up (sitting in a warehouse, or in route), it can turn to Formaldehyde inside your body!
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    The data is coming out that diet soda intake correlates with kidney trouble. Kidneys are extremelly important. Not only do kidneys filter the blood for poisons, they also produce a chemical reaction that signals our stem red cells to make new red blood cells. Bad kidneys can cause anemia, which in turn can cause you not to perform well. Also, I read somewhere that when kidneys don't function properly, the liver takes up some of the slack. This diverts the liver from processing fats, which may keep us fatter.

    So, based on this, I gave up all diet sodas last November when the below study came out. I drink water with a splash of juice (cranberry, lemon, or orange). I don't miss the diet sodas, and I was one addicted chick.

    Diet Soda, Sodium Tied to Kidney Trouble: Studies

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    MONDAY, Nov. 2 (HealthDay News) -- A diet high in salt or artificially sweetened drinks increases the risk of kidney function decline, two studies show.

    "There are currently limited data on the role of diet in kidney disease," researcher Dr. Julie Lin, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, said in a news release. "While more study is needed, our research suggests that higher sodium and artificially sweetened soda intake are associated with greater rate of decline in kidney function."

    The first study looked at diet and kidney function decline in more than 3,000 women enrolled in the national Nurses' Health Study. The researchers found that "in women with well-preserved kidney function, higher dietary sodium intake was associated with greater kidney function decline, which is consistent with experimental animal data that high sodium intake promotes progressive kidney disease."

    The second study looked at the association between sugar- and artificially-sweetened beverages and kidney function decline in the same group of women. The researchers found an association between two or more servings per day of artificially sweetened soda and a two-fold increased risk of faster kidney function decline. There was no connection between sugar-sweetened beverages and kidney function decline.

    The association between artificially sweetened beverages and kidney function decline persisted after Lin and colleague Dr. Gary Curhan accounted for other factors, such as age, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, physical activity, caloric intake and cardiovascular disease.

    Further study is needed to better understand how artificial sweeteners influence kidney function decline, the researchers said.

    The studies were to be presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, in San Diego.

    -- Robert Preidt
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    How much is too much diet coke?? It pretty much has 0 in every category and 40mg of sodium. I have about a can a day.

    Yeah, 0 in everything except for chemicals!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I don't know if things are different in the UK, but diet coke DOES have calories, a can has 4. Not many i admnit, but I suppose I would rather the people that enter the figures do it honestly. Unless we have a different recipe here :wink:

    I believe here in the US, manufacturers aren't required to list calories if they're under 5 per serving. :wink: That's probably one of the reasons why the 20oz bottle contains 2.5 servings.

    As far as the aspartame/splenda issue goes, sure it's probably not very good for you. It's been linked to not great things (though correlation doesn't mean causation and lab studies aren't always applicable to real life & all that good stuff). The counterargument here is that you can't live forever. We do and eat and drink and breathe all kinds of things that aren't the best healthiest for us. Why add to that, you ask? For quality of life, of course!

    If you really enjoy diet coke, keep drinking your darn diet coke! If you want to try to do without it, try substituting plain carbonated water. I've had a lot of success with this. Now sodas are hardly appealing to me at all. I drink very little now. Especially relatively to what I was drinking before. I suck down carbonated water like a fish -- I love it! And it's just plain water.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The data is coming out that diet soda intake correlates with kidney trouble.

    Oh, it's not just diet soda, it's ALL soda. Phospohoric acid has been linked to kidney trouble as well.

    It's pretty much all a crap shoot. :laugh: For example, how many things have been linked with preventing cancer as well as contributing to it? :laugh:
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I don't know if things are different in the UK, but diet coke DOES have calories, a can has 4. Not many i admnit, but I suppose I would rather the people that enter the figures do it honestly. Unless we have a different recipe here :wink:

    I believe here in the US, manufacturers aren't required to list calories if they're under 5 per serving. :wink: That's probably one of the reasons why the 20oz bottle contains 2.5 servings.

    As far as the aspartame/splenda issue goes, sure it's probably not very good for you. It's been linked to not great things (though correlation doesn't mean causation and lab studies aren't always applicable to real life & all that good stuff). The counterargument here is that you can't live forever. We do and eat and drink and breathe all kinds of things that aren't the best healthiest for us. Why add to that, you ask? For quality of life, of course!

    If you really enjoy diet coke, keep drinking your darn diet coke! If you want to try to do without it, try substituting plain carbonated water. I've had a lot of success with this. Now sodas are hardly appealing to me at all. I drink very little now. Especially relatively to what I was drinking before. I suck down carbonated water like a fish -- I love it! And it's just plain water.

    To further the argument, Diet Coke is not the only thing people consume that contains aspartame... Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt (a favorite of many of the members) - contains aspartame, Fiber One cereal (frequently suggested by many people on the boards) - contains aspartame, Crystal Light (many board members will tell you to drink this instead of Diet Coke) - contains aspartame, Sugar free Jell-O (many posters snack on this with Cool Whip) - contains aspartame... I think you get the picture.

    There has been some very negative press regarding the evils of Diet Coke. Have you ever noticed it's always Diet Coke and not Diet Pepsi or Diet Sprite or Diet Dr. Pepper? The truth is, that unless you're consuming massive quantities of it you are very unlikely to develop side effects from it, unless you have PKU - a disease that makes you unable to process phenylalanine... but you most likely would have been diagnosed with this at birth.

    Take all of the internet rumors about formaldehyde, and aspartame causing weight gain with a grain of salt.
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