So who's switched from Weight Watchers to MFP?

I have hit a little stall in my weight loss, but had nice success with WW. I decided to give MFP a try and I really like the layout and plan so far. Anyone else switch from WW? How has it gone for you?


  • Icedcoffee29
    bump :)
  • theodosiou23
    theodosiou23 Posts: 21 Member
    I did weight watchers for 8 months last year, I lost 19lbs, carried on for another 3 months losing nothing. I lowered my daily points and exercised more and still didn't lose any, I was disheartened and ended up putting on 10lbs. I started MFP about 20 days ago and I've already lost 14lbs. It's so much better and easier to track!
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I did a year ago or so after my second go with ww. I'm now at the same weight that I had gotten down to with ww a couple years ago. I prefer seeing calories versus points and I also prefer free over not free :)
  • Icedcoffee29
    That's so encouraging to hear!!!
  • AmesMc1972
    AmesMc1972 Posts: 194 Member
    I have always had success with weight watchers. I am not a fan of meetings, and I like counting calories much better than points. I was very successful with MFP after the birth of my second son.
  • Icedcoffee29
    I do like this calorie counting thing! :)
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    I did WW online after kids and lost 20 lbs. I've gained back about 8 so am doing MFP. Thus far, it seems pretty much the same, except that I'm counting calories instead of points. And it's free, even better!
  • salmonmama
    salmonmama Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a veteran WW member. Losing usually 10-15 pounds each time; also spending around $350-500 each time.

    I like MFP. It's free, calories are easier than points, the system is less buggy (the app and online software is SO much easier to use than WW; the WW website and app were always sluggish and buggy).

    The money I saved goes towards my exercise and my grocery bill (I can do drop-in classes for my favorite activities and even use a trainer for that extra boost).

    Money and time saved.
  • Icedcoffee29
    I am trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating to start losing again. I'm hoping I'm correct with what I'm doing. lol
  • Anitamarhea
    I switched and I really like it!! I was rather shocked when I saw that my "free" apple from before (on WW) turned out to be 100 calories!! :noway: I DO like being able to add any friends for free, though and, to be honest, with the new standards on nutritional info required to be on all packages, it makes tracking a lot easier than with the points system. Even my kids understand the calories so they understand my lingo! I also like the exercise choices on here. I have always been disappointed in WW exercise info. The forums are wonderful too!!!
  • jules1202
    There are some stickies (threads at the top of the list of topics ) at the top of this board that give some good info on determining how many calories you need to eat to create a deficit.

    I found the WW app to be very buggy too and free is a good thing!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    In my opinion, Weight Watchers is such a scam. Weight Watchers = Common Sense.
    Instead of counting calories you count points. Essentially, it's exactly the same thing. Don't waste your money. Use it to buy healthy food instead. ;)
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I found with points plus that I was eating way too many "free" fruits and not nearly enough protein, all in an effort to hoard points. As a result I was hungry and cranky and didn't lose any weight. I`m much happier with MFP than I was with WW.
  • Nyx192
    Nyx192 Posts: 4 Member
    I've done WW on and off for the last few years now. Each time I plateau at about a 7lb loss. In the summer I managed 6lb with WW then plateaued and 8lb with slimming world then plateaued. Eventually I got fed up as nothing would shift it and I gave up. I'm loving MFP though! I lost 9 lbs my first week then had a bad week and didn't track properly for half the second week and lost 0.2 lb but back on track this week and hopefully have a decent loss :) I do hate adding fruit and veg calories though since I'm so used to them being 'free' :p but this is definitely the best way to do it in my opinion.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    not only do I like MFP better, its FREE!
    I love being able to track everything and meet new people for support. Plus posted recipes etc....

    cant beat it!
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I've known people who have lost weight with WW, but nobody who was able to keep the weight off. They all gained it back and then some, that alone convinces me I would never lose weight with WW. I think if you have the money to spend then just spend it on a good gym with an on-staff trainer.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I started Weight Watchers in 2010 and in that year, lost 72 pounds. I did take a break and put some weight back on, but without returning to WW, I am only 6 pounds from that (total loss is 66 pounds). I did, for the most part, keep the weight off. WW was great, but I do not believe it is the best program for me. I think I'd like to eat the way our digestive systems were set up, so I'm eating high percentage raw food, very low carb and low glycemic index foods, eat very little dairy, and eat meat but only maybe once or twice a week. I'm a green smoothie lover.

    I love the food journal here, and that, to me, is what keeps my rear in gear. Seeing it all laid out in print is a good motivator. I'm now going to try to avow myself of the messageboards for any additional motivation and support. Also, I've recently gotten a personal trainer and he uses MFP to see my food journal and develop plans based on that.
  • micervera
    micervera Posts: 114 Member
    I am actually doing both. I track here and I track on WW finding that they are about the same. However when I stayed away from WW I found that I wasn't accountable and MFP is good for trecking and much easier to use. Also this website is so user friendly.
  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    I tried WW for 3 months and lost a total of 5 pounds. I came here a little over 3 months ago and have lost 6 pounds. But to be fair, I lost 5 of those pounds in the first 7 weeks. (I have hit a serious plateau). Anyway, I prefer MFP because:

    1) calorie counting VS points is easier to wrap my mind around
    2) the database has WAY more products listed
    3) the community here seems to be far more knowledgable
    4) although I have the money to afford it, why pay for something I can get for free?
  • CKJ118
    CKJ118 Posts: 54
    I did WW back in 2009 and lost 67lbs and then gained it back in 2011. I started off not "dieting" this time, but changing my whole lifestyle to be centered around healthy choices rather than how many points of food I could eat in a day. I found it difficult to transition into maintaining after WW because I did not change most of my eating habits, but slimmed down my portions to fit within the points for the day. This go around it has been 11 months and I am down 94lbs and I exercise almost every day and keep strict count on my calories instead and it has worked out great since I am beginning my maintaining. Good luck!