Kicking the Coca Cola habit - HELP



  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm not much of a soda drinker anymore either. I had one can of Coke a day religiously and would have soda when we went out. I gave it up and went strictly to water. I missed the fizzy beverage. I drink La Croix seltzer water when I'm jonesing for the fizz.

    I sometimes buy the mini cans of soda to have on hand. One little 6-pack can last months in my house. If I'm feeling kind of icky/puny/pukey a little Coke helps. Tastes ungodly sweet, but I'll deal if it helps the ickies.

    If you are having one a day and want to wean, go to one every other day, then every second day, third day, etc., until you are soda free.
  • racataca
    racataca Posts: 28 Member
    Start drinking La Croix water. My biggest thing was giving up the carbonation of diet coke (because no one drinks diet coke for the taste), and La Croix has helped out tremendously with that.
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    im a big soda addict to. When I'm reallllyl craving soda, I will get a Perrier sparkling water. I think the biggest addiction is the carbonation. BUT, I mostly drink plain ol' water. After the first 3 days of no soda, it really doesnt bother me anymore. Get through the first 3-4 days and you're good. Try the sparkling water, just dont drink a lot of it because the carbonation isnt really good for you.
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    im a big soda addict to. When I'm reallllyl craving soda, I will get a Perrier sparkling water. I think the biggest addiction is the carbonation. BUT, I mostly drink plain ol' water. After the first 3 days of no soda, it really doesnt bother me anymore. Get through the first 3-4 days and you're good. Try the sparkling water, just dont drink a lot of it because the carbonation isnt really good for you.

    too** really* sorry for any funky typos lol
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Coke wasn't my thing but heavily sweetened coffees and coffee drinks were (15+ cups a day). I reduced the amount gradually at first, then sped it up because I really wanted to eat those calories. So on about week 2 or 3 of joining MFP, I had dropped it by about half. Not gonna lie, I had caffeine withdrawal - headaches, felt fluish and grumpy and blah - but that only last for about a week - 10 days. I've since reduced it further though I am less strict on workout days since I'm going to eat more anyway.
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    Hello My name is MILF_Wannab & I am a Diet Mountain DEW ADDICT! It's funny to say but so true. I'm on day 10 with no pop! Yay!! So my secret is to drink so much water that I couldn't possibly be thirsty. It's working for me. I still get my caffeine fix with my one cup of Joe in morning. Love him so much I want make out with that cup!!!!! Any way...the headaches subside about day 3. YOU CAN DOOOOOO IT!!

    Yeah, I was drinking around 80 ounces of this green devil juice a day when I gave it up last year! My concern wasn't the caffeine, but the amount of acid and what it was doing to my teeth. I started drinking home brewed peach iced tea.

    it not only hurts your teeth, but your bones as well.
  • SuppaModel
    SuppaModel Posts: 6 Member
    I love Coke zero how often do you drink them? I was thinking of having them on my lax day -Saturdays!
    I know they say diet drinks are not good for you, but in order to kick my Coca Cola habit, I am having one Coke zero a day...You'd be surprised how good they taste when you haven't had a real one in days ;)) I do plan on eventually getting off those too and only have a real coke every once in a while =))
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I went cold turkey also. I had been at an all-weekend event where the water fountain was broken and all that was available most of the day was sodas. This was back before bottled water was offered by city events. By the time the weekend was over, I was sick of sodas and felt like I was on a sugar high. I decided to give my body a "rest" from the sugared drinks. I just continued the habit of not drinking soda and I'm very thankful for that.
  • SuppaModel
    SuppaModel Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a Coffee head too and I don't know what I'm going to do. Right now I consider it my lil treat every few days but does anyone have a replacement! I was thinking of meal replacement shake in Mocha but I don't want to drink cold shakes in the winter.
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    I just decided that soda wasn't helping me reach my goal. I'll pick up a Diet Pepsi, or Diet Dew every now and then, but mainly I stick to water. Did it cold turkey, but since I drink a cup of coffee every morning I didn't have the awful caffeine headaches that usually accompany quitting soda.
  • SipsMom
    SipsMom Posts: 4 Member
    I love Coca~Cola! However, the only time I allow myself to drink it now is at restaurants. Sometimes even at restaurants I don't crave it any more, I will order iced tea or lemonade.

    This is what I did:
    I started out slow by going from two cans or 20oz. bottles a day to one a day. I then went from 1 a day to 1 every other day. Then I went to 1 on weekends only. I had to do it slow because I went cold turkey before and ended up miserable, grouchy and with a NASTY caffeine withdrawal headache! Plus I obviously started drinking it again shortly there after.

    At home I replaced it with either vitamin water (carefully 100+ calories) or water with MIO flavored water enhancer (Calorie Free and no HFCS!)!

    Good Luck!

    PS: Stay away from the diet soda please as they are really bad for you!
    If you need the bubbles switch to tonic water and add in fruit juices.
  • seriously? just don't drink it, coke is so disgusting anyway.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Coke Zero and Pepsi Max are my current solutions to the same problem. Eventually I hope to get rid of them as well; but for now, can't live without them...not sure how addicted you are, but I usually don't have more than 1 can per day on average, never more than 3 cans in a day. It's a lot, I know, but I am slowly getting better and better at reducing and am down to some days where I have none at all.
  • jamacattack
    jamacattack Posts: 94 Member
    What cured my addiction to it was logging the calories and sugar content. I quit cold turkey. Every now and again, I'll drink half a 12oz bottle, but not two 20ozs a day like I used to.
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    try cutting back little by little that is what i have done since the headaches are bad sometimes or switch to diet and go down from there

    try mio its good or crystal light or flavored water or carbonated water
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    soda drinkers we must all united and get our self off of this bad product

    if any fellow drinkers want to add me feel free
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I drank coke for a long time. here is what I did.

    i would buy a smaller size can drink so instead of drinking a 24 ounce I would drop down to a smaller size can like a 12 ounce. It was easier for me to go gradual with it. after a few weeks keep dropping to the smaller can unitl there is no more than start drinking water. diet sodas are bad for you. Nutra sweet for me causes migraines and they actually say its worse for you than sugar because it doesn't digest. it stays there and triggers migraine headaches.
  • draeyven
    draeyven Posts: 1 Member
    Coke is my greatest addiction. Candy, cookies, etc I could care less about but I LOVE Coca cola. I just had to stop buying it. My husband drinks diet, I think diet tastes so nasty. Whenever I think I want a coke I have some diet and it's like making a negative connection so I have been wanting it less. I drink crystal light (the fruit punch one tastes very sweet) and plain water. I went from drinking multiple cans a day (like 4-6!) to letting myself have one a day, and now for the last three days I have had none. You can do it!
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    I HAD the same problem. I say HAD because I have not drank one single soda since the 1st. I stopped buying them, I stopped my Finacee from buying them and I stopped ordering it at restaurants. Gather up some willpower and tell yourself NO. I know a lot of people on here love to say it's ok to have a little. It's not. When you have an addiction, a little will turn into the whole thing quick.
    Cold turkey my dear is the only way to kick that coke problem. Once you go awhile without you will stop wanting it. Take it from a 15 year coke a cola addict.
  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member

    I did cold turkey on ALL caffeine and artificial sweeteners, dyes, sugar, white bread on the day I started Insanity 54 days ago. I looooooooved my coffee, Starbucks, espresso, diet and regular pop and would have multiple per day. That first week was ROUGH, TOUGH and I was a mean lady. Headaches the size of mountains and I couldn't keep my eyes open after 8:30pm for 2 weeks.

    I didn't want to drag out my "addiction" to that cold turkey worked for me.

    Now I have crazy energy and strangely, I'm sharper and much more awake in the morning with a better "wake up" mood :)

    Good luck in whatever you choose and know you're not alone!!! It's hard but you can do it!