Still looking for Striiv friends!

Anyone out there using Striiv as their pedometer?
I am addicted to this app and the mini challenges that pop up.
It's also great how it integrates wtih MFP :)

Please add me so we can Striiv together!


  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    I have the app and have the stiiv play on the way. I don't know how to add folks yet but please feel free to add me
  • losetobemeagain
    losetobemeagain Posts: 8 Member
    I have Striiv just got it tho and don't know how to add yet
  • Hi, You need your email to add new Striiv friends. Feel Free to add me
  • imjustcarrie
    imjustcarrie Posts: 16 Member
    I just got my Striiv pedometer last night, and I love it! I am kinda competitive, but I work a desk job....but feel free to add me!
  • beccar16
    beccar16 Posts: 6 Member
    Just added the two of you with emails . . . and next I'll add you as mfp friends.

    If anyone wants to add me, I'm happy to pm my email to you, but I can't seem to change it and I'd rather not post my main mail to a public board. :)
  • witeowl
    witeowl Posts: 89
    I'd love some friends. The Striiv game is so ridiculously addicting that I was pacing back in forth in my bedroom while putting away laundry just so I could make a challenge!

    karendecker ((at)) g mail ((dot)) youknowwhatgoeshere
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I'm Add me
  • witeowl
    witeowl Posts: 89
    Yay! I have friends now! :)

    NOW... I want a picture in the fiends list! How did you guys add your pictures to the app? Is it something only people who have the pedometer can do?

    (BTW, a hint to those wanting to add friends. Pause for a moment after adding the email address. You want it to say "add", not "invite". (It also says something like "This person is already a Striiv user." If it doesn't change to add, then double-check the email address. I learned this only after sending out a few invites, so sorry for those hit up with those email invites.)
  • andi5787
    andi5787 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I just added everyone that posted their email to my Striiv! Thanks for posting them! I definitely need the competition. You should see my sister and I walking around the house. It's hilarious!
    Does anyone on here have the play or smart pedometer or are you all just using the app like me? I've been using the app, but I'm looking for something that clips on. It's driving me crazy having to shove my phone somewhere all the time. Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the help!
  • i do the same thing -- you can add me -- michelehamner (at) gmail (dot) com
  • I am having SOOO much fun with this app. I run around the house, like a fool, too. It is so motivating to have these challenges.
    I added everyone above. I hope some (if not all of you) will accept the invite to be my Striiv Friend.
    texascoffey2003 yahoo
  • joyvpd
    joyvpd Posts: 11 Member
    I have been using the Striiv app on my ipone and love it. Went and bought the Play pedometer. I have not used this site much, as I track everything on my iphone, but if anyone would want to me "friends" or tell me how to do it, I would love it.

    I LOVE the app! It is quite motiviating, especially when I get a little pop-up message that says "XXX is on the move or moved past you on the leader board". that really gets me going.

    Please message me or whatever it is you do on here.

  • I am also looking for Striiv friends. Add me!
  • SalonBoi
    SalonBoi Posts: 60
    I got my Striiv yesterday and wondered if there were any tips or tricks to using it?
  • Add Me!
  • SalonBoi
    SalonBoi Posts: 60
    So only iPhone app users can add friends? I have an android powered phone and I see they don't have an app for us yet..
  • SalonBoi
    SalonBoi Posts: 60
    I just have the little white gadget I bought yesterday, I added my partner as a friend, all I did was hold next to one another and it added him..
  • I don't understand how striiv calculates calories burned it shows up as negative or zero. Any suggestions? I've been just looking at the chart that says how many minutes approx I've walked and adding it
  • Von_Da_Vixen
    Von_Da_Vixen Posts: 15 Member
    please add me !!!
  • SalonBoi
    SalonBoi Posts: 60
    please add me !!!

    How do you add people with only the little pedometer thingy? I don't have an iPhone so no app for android phones to do that with..