

  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    Bump for later.
  • NBSfit
    NBSfit Posts: 44 Member
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    When I try and run too far too soon my shins bother me a lot. So I run walk until my feet and shins are stronger. Compression shocks help me a ton during and after running. KT Tape has given me relief when I've been in pain.

    My suggestion is get stronger by adding in cycling and other activities in addition to running. If you are new to running it is hard on your legs. Hal Higgdon has great run/walk programs on his website. Google Hal Higgdon beginner half marathon.

    Good luck.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    New shoes buddy! I got shin splints so bad it gave me stress fractures! I didnt believe my trainer when he said change my shoes because they were still in good shape, but lo and behold! Even if they look good and feel good when you walk, shoes older than 6 months need to be changed! Especially if you use them for running and exercise!
    But the old broken in shoes are the most comfy :sad:
    I have been thinking of investing in some good running shoes.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Make sure you run by striking the ground with the 'ball' of your foot first, instead of your heel. Also, are you new to running? I'm not sure if you should be training for a marathon after one week. I always used to get shin splints until I walked 1,000 miles last year. Now I can run without getting them or side stitches, so I'm assuming I have strengthened the muscles and that's why I don't get them anymore? Idk.
    Def. get fitted for running shoes and/or orthotics. None of us have perfect feet or running 'form'.
    Good luck and I hope you're pain free soon!
  • LydiaShackelford
    LydiaShackelford Posts: 93 Member
    shin splints are typically from two things:

    1. poor support from your running shoes - as you run more, your needs can change with a running shoe. do you have a running store near you that can properly assess the type of shoe you need based on how you run?

    2. weak or overworked calf muscles - if your calf muscles are either tired or not strong enough, you can end up with shin splints.

    the best way to get rid of shin splints, i've found, are from either icing them (i freeze water in a few small dixie cups, rip off the tops of the cups, put a towel under my legs, and rub the ice in the cups over my shins for about 20 minutes) or stretching your calves for a really long time. stretching out the back of your leg can significantly help support the front. same goes for quads/hamstrings. hope this helps!
  • Chainbreaker
    Chainbreaker Posts: 124 Member
    All the above are good suggestions. keys are:

    Take some rest days immediatley and treat the afflicted area.
    Use a sports medicine tape during recovery.
    Get 'The Stick' or other self massage apparatus and work them out (applying heat first really helps).
    Get fitted for proper running shoes at a running store if you have not already.
    Incorparate the mentioned stretches and shin exercises once it feels better.
    Start back slowly and maintain your shin health program.

    You should be back on the road in no time!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    This happened to me a couple of years ago when I got into running..................its just your feet/shins not being strong enough for the increased workload that goes into training for runs like these.
    TIME is all it will take. Time for them to heal for a rest for a few days.
    and keep training slowly, lightly..and over time your shins will be strong and NO MORE shin splints. Im slint free since 2010!
  • careycm616
    trace the alphabet in the air with your foot pointed, then switch to the other foot.

    Also, put a towel or sheet on the ground and scrunch it up with your toes 10 times, then switch feet.
  • negrita40
    negrita40 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm dealing with that right now. After running Monday night, I could hardly walk so I did a lot of calf stretches (just google because you'll want the images). I was only holding the stretches for 15 secs but Monday I did several rounds of 30 secs. While my calves were sore yesterday, my shins were not as sore today (took it easy and run less time, less intensity).
    I also started running with my new shoes, because I pronate a lot.
    Hope that helps.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Bump. This is all great advice. I am also suffering from the dreaded shin splints and am forcing myself to take a break from running for two weeks. Weirdly enough I can't wait to get back into it! I have changed!
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Thanks all for the great advice - once again the MFP family comes through

    As a past runner i knew most of these things but not all - i was 15-20 miles a week and took 6 months off due to relocation, work and family - dummy me thought i could just hop back in where i left off - at 50 years old i just don't think - in hindsight - that was a good idea
    I do have two pairs of shoes - brooks ghost and mizuno enigma's - have a roller (guess i should start using it)
    I really appreciate all the stretches and exercises that everyone mentioned - lot of those i never hear of
    Going back to the eliptical and bike for the rest of the week and start icing at night
    Think i am going to give the sleeves a try as well since i almost always have to stop for a calf stretch after the first mile

    Thanks again to everyone that posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Bump. This is all great advice. I am also suffering from the dreaded shin splints and am forcing myself to take a break from running for two weeks. Weirdly enough I can't wait to get back into it! I have changed!
    It's not weird - the thing that really upsets me is not the pain - it's the having to take time off from running
  • luv_2_lift
    luv_2_lift Posts: 38 Member
  • albatrosssherpa
    albatrosssherpa Posts: 63 Member